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Forum Post: War is peace. Corporations are people. And freedom is doing what the government says.

Posted 12 years ago on June 1, 2012, 9:10 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic (5827)
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War is peace. Corporations are people. And freedom is doing what the government says.

Things are in bad shape.

Time to vote for the same people we always vote for that vote for Wall Street deregulation, wars, more debt, and tell you what you can't inhale! No! Not this time around! Vote out your congressman! Unless you're one of the lucky ones that have a good congressman (very rare, I know) you should vote out your congressman this year. They didn't work for you these past years so you shouldn't work for them. Congress has an all time low approval rating and yet incumbents keep winning. Why is this?

A simple voting guideline I've found that holds up well for deciding on a congressman: If they supported the patriot act, they're not working in your best interest.

Of course you should look into them more than this. But this is a simple guideline that gets out those that want the government to hold more power over you, invade your privacy and start wars.

If they want our vote they should be working for us and they have to earn it! We are the people not the corporations!

I have a Snapple lid fact idea: Did you know the term used in the wars and in the undeclared wars to define dead enemy militants is any male of military age that is killed? Forget facts and evidence. If they're male and 18 or older, they're probably an enemy.



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