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Forum Post: War Against Cancer And Aids etc. Select New parliament And Throw Out The Old Politicians

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 1:12 p.m. EST by MagPie22 (144)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This I wrote at


It is a website set up by danish national television http://dr.dk andtwo think tanks. Hmmm.... they might be false flags but what the hell have I got to loose anyway...my life... if I ever had one!!!

And I translated using Google Translate from Danish to English.

I have also written an open letter to the danish facist government today asking for replies to questions asto the fact that Systemic Lupus might indeed be induced via vaccines. I do not expect to get a reply however I try. If you are interested Ican show it here as well.

What can we and I do more? On ideernes.dk noone questions my articles and almost zero replies. Are people really dead in brain and finders. What has gone so wrong in this shitworld that people can not read and understand and stand as critics towards me and government. They simple do not get it???!!!! Help!!!!

Here is my article with my own comment added. Pardon the translation and the long content. I know many do not care reading and only want action hollywood movies but wecanmake that later, Okay.



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[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

War Against Cancer And Aids etc. Select New parliament And Throw Out The Old Politicians

Recently the news has been a story that fluocider, which is a plastic type that causes cancer. Fluocider used for example. food packing.


Fluorides are also used in fibers used for clothing.

Cancer in Denmark and the world has over the past 70 years been trying fought no major effect and several new viruses like the AIDS virus and biological weapons are developed not by nature but by governments. Viruses are a cheap weapon and various chemicals eg. fluoride in drinking water can cause cancer and other ailments which man has not known before the 20nd. century.

The invention of penicillin, or rather the discovery of, has allowed that man's average life expectancy has risen dramatically in the 20nd century and why it is important to keep it in check.

The current global depression also reduces life expectancy by 10 years or more. People can not afford health insurance and unemployment, etc. caused by global anthropogenic cause long-term crisis that people live shorter.

We know now that the current global crisis which started in 2008 has caused a few people from the boards of very few banks and insurance companies. These are, for example. Leeman Brothers, Fanny Mae, Berns, Wells Fargo, Enron mf.

There are documented examples of the various wars and diseases are caused by very few people eg. Henry Kissinger and a handful of henchmen and we know that governments are largely in the pocket of banks and companies. This means that politicians are struggling to keep up. A politician today in small governments, for example. in Denmark, has no sense or understanding of the mechanisms that cause problems and they try to keep up and follow up with information which is often misleading and misvejledende and they believe what they see has a normal causality and they have not the slightest insight that things happen because of an intelligent devising.

Therefore, some believe that cancer and other diseases are man made to maintain an ability to control population density. Therefore, natural disasters like. Horn of Africa also used to turn millions of people to death. You do not anything about it until it's too late and then earn billions of dollars to fight something that should be solved in other ways before.

The Secret History of the War on Cancer


This book and other documents showing that the war against cancer is man-made to make money and to kill people. AIDS is a good example of a virus suddenly appear on forunderligvis quite inexplicably among a specific audience, first in Africa and later spread it to other continents.

New politicians komemr to and they have no insight. They got old enough just realized that truth to be found among themselves and their colleagues for example. in U.S.. But then they go to retire or find lucrative jobs in private companies. Samtigdig receive a lovely generous pension if they have been ministers and most people think short term and the here-and-now solutions and they are mostly selfish. How is man.

[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

We should not think that because the politicians are sitting and are elected, they'll know more or better than those who chose them. If those who elect them are stupid, they can not choose someone who is smarter in a positive direction.

There are several good ideas here on's web site, but none of them come to anything. Okay, perhaps a very few who really has no significance. But it looks fine, that one has done anything!

The big picture of where the problems come from with causality very few people overlook, and therefore sees the football and crass entertainment and lull themselves to sleep in the grocery store and in front of Saturday chicken are wrapped in aluminum and polyfluorider.

The solution is education, of course. But not only in the old type where you sit on a school bench and listen to an idiot. Yes, all teachers are idiots, or rather they are a product of decades of manipulation. We are what we eat, we say. But we are also what we learn and we put dirt into your head yes, then we get bad. If you eat food that is poisoned, well, then you will be poisoned.

Therefore, the new growth can come by to follow wherever the money goes for there we see annual aver to the squalor and we must find the original problem often lies where the money's interests lie. It is not difficult and most problems generally have a simple reason. Banks m.f. make fine-sounding names and you see and listen to politicians and bankers, so they get it to sound very complicated and most mares. But the fact is that the politicians and the banks are doing is earned based on a ponzi scheme.


It goes in all its simplicity out that you invest money that pays for itself and fraudster must constantly find new investors to sustain payouts. When disbursements exceed the investment, there is that Buble pops. This happened in the banking world in 2008. And it happened all the time in which governments invest large amounts of people as collateral. Then, when people can not keep up longer then arises explosion of politicians and governments ponzi trials.

More difficult is not it. We are only considering people and the problems must often be found in the easiest circumstances.

More really healthy growth is created by selecting some who knows the most basic historical events and then clean up. Politicians must not only be elected on what they promise but must be chosen based on that they are willing to understand that they must be taught from day one. Time is short, yes, they must both innovate and avoid disasters but to make it one: the new, they must know the causality and world history and know the very few players who are on the pitch from Bilderberger for Rothschild mf.

Many politicians want the good but they are fighting a fight that stands to be lost again and again. The IMF president Strauss-Kahn was arrested and Vietnam war was earned based on a lie and the World Trade Center crashed asmmen etc. have their very clear reason: the control of resources be they human or animal and mineral.

And Breivik was almost certainly a false flag and we should not believe that what we see and hear is actually very true. Anyone who says they know the truth is dangerous but who says they are looking for another truth we must listen to.

[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 14:44 - Niels Ulrik reinwald The Lancet showing that

The Lancet showing that vaciner might cause immune disorders, rare and more common. Cancer is a form of autoimmune disease.

To protect humans against diseases, syringes governments so vaciner into people and those vaciner may also cause udbrdelsen of cancer.


People have lives of millions of years without man-made vaccines and to cause diseases so we just heal a disease. Sounds good on paper but in reality it is to control diseases and thus ensure large investments in disease control.

Here a little quote that shows that the injection of foreign cells can induce autoimmune diseases eg. AIDS, SLE, Cancer m.f..

"Infection-induced autoimmunity Another mechanism whereby micro-organisms might induced autoimmune disease omfatter bystander activation, som an antigen non-specific mechanism. In this instance, microbial infection Causes the release of tidligere Sequester self-antigen or Stimulate the innate immune response, resulting in activation of thing selfantigen-expressing antigen pressure thing cells (Figure 2).

Evidence for this non-specific effect of infection kill Arise from studies in transgenic mice containing high numbers of autoreactive T cells, 17,20,21 simple administration of inflammatory mediators, or even physical insult til target tissue, er sufficient two induced disease. " .

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 17:29 - Niels Ulrik reinwald Did you know that the Black Death,

Did you know that the Black Death, the plague was caused by the Tartars in 1346 threw dead bodies smittebefængte over to the enemy and the enemy then fled and spread disease throughout most of Europe. 60-80% of the population of Europe died.

The black death and the plague was so ikek caused by the Christian god's curse on humans but was man-made.

Bioloisgk warfare is not new. And today we have more knowledge and governments using modern Eugenics to reduce populations of viruses from AIDS to Cancer and Diabetes.

Later, in the 14th Century, the Tartar army besieging the city of Kaffa (gift day Feodosia in the Ukraine) used a combination of psychological warfare and bio-warfare.6 The ubiquitous steering wheel and an Outbreak of the bubonic plague among egen troops arbejdet of the Tartar army besieging Kaffa in 1346th Tartare catapulted bodies' of plague ofrene over the walls of Kaffa in an Attempt two Initiate an epidemic upon the resident.

Medieval Europe responded with mange Reaction. A few people besluttet att sedan var short life, indulging in pleasures medan du kan er the order of the day. Others saw the plague as the Christian God's punishment for her. The power of the Catholic Church ökat in the face of imminent death.

We still live in the Dark Ages. People just do not know. Yes, you probably feel fat and well but millions afandre fellow men worldwide suffer and die because of biological and chemical warfare.

USA and their allies sent biological weapons in tons to Iraq and could therefore claim that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Send our friend a little bio and then we accuse him to have WMD so we can bomb the hell out of his people and so we grab the oil and build up the country afterwards of Carisle and Halliburton mf serves billiards.

Pharmaceutical companies and the Danish government is using the modern medicine, well, enough to cure the primary reasons, but the medication also has side effects. In some cases the effects are the desired effects such as the use of vaccines. . Sat, 11/19/2011 - 18:14 - Niels Ulrik reinwald Have you heard of Dr. Maurice

Have you heard of Dr. Maurice Hilleman? Probably not. He is behind the invention of many vaccines. But he was also in Africa and took the test monkeys - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_monkey - home to the United States who were infected with the AIDS virus.

This he did to help the Merck pharmaceutical company to develop vaccines in order to make money.


Albert Sabin invented the oral polio vaccine. In the same vaccinevar are approx. 40 other active and inactive viruses and one of the most active was the cancer virus.

Cancer is thus caused by a virus which is introduced viavacciner blah. by polio vaccines. Later, probably other vaccines.


The Danish government can of course explore today's vaccines for these viruses and can see about 60-100 year old has cancer virus. Can you detect cancer viruses should be paid massive compensation.

Cancer may therefore hereby health over many years by taking cancer viruses from vaccines.

This is the key to the cancer society and its cure. Strange that politicians do not know this is not true.