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Forum Post: *Wanted* leader

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 2:57 a.m. EST by NYJR8 (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm not against the movement to change our economy and the way government is run I'm against a leaderless movement that has said we don't like what's going on so we are just going to sit here till you fix it. You need a leader to come out and stand up for the rights of us just like any movement in the past where is the MLK or Susan B Anthony of this movement!! Without it the occupy movement is seen by the government and wall street as a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the street because they aren't getting what they want. It's time for the movement to step out of its infancy and mature and find a leader who can come forth and speak for the masses!! the Leaders of the OWS need to come up with solutions and get strong enough so someone will actually listen. Middle America is not listening to us right now and without a face for them to see they will never stand behind us. leaderless revolts don't work look at history...... Don't let this be a waste of time and a blip in history. Everyone band together and learn that it's time to enter a new stronger existence with set goals so changes will be made!!



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[-] 5 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

If you look at history anti-slavery, womens rights, labor movement, and civil rights, did NOT start with leaders, they were leaderless to start.

Leadership came from those who best articulated and/or organized those movements. These things come in time. Leaders cannot be foisted upon OWS, they must come from within.

And that's the point, we need to start organizing more. Each one of us. We need to explain to friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, members of our communities, and the odd passer-by, that the system has been corrupted, that those in power are concentrating that power in fewer and fewer hands. That corps and gov't has only become evil because evil people control them.

The groups mentioned above already know this, we know this, it's the itching at the back of the brain. But what they don't know is that this can be changed, that there is hope.

Those in power know this, but bank on complacency and propaganda. They rely on people not wanting to be embarrassed, not wanting to seem silly. Then they prey upon peoples fears and suspicions.

This is how we counter it. counter fear with hope. Counter apathy with action. Counter disorganization, with organizing. We can do this, our forefathers faced down far worse.

But we need to start voting OUT those in power, if we are going to break the powerful few.

[-] 2 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

How many of you fellow OWSers think you can convince just one person that you know that the system is broken in the next month? If you want to effect change then do so. By convincing just ONE person we know we could double this movement in a month.

So how many? 2? 3? Everyone already knows that we are in a mountain of trouble, and that it was brought about by those in power. So, let's vote them out this spring in the primaries.

If you believe in the next 6 months that our actions are critical, does anyone here think they could convince maybe 10 people to vote out the incumbants that profited from the corruption? I can, how about you?

Because if we all can, and do, then this movement grows by an order of magnitude, and real change will begin. We need to start.


[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

The Libyan rebels that the Obama administration and NATO supported are actually Al Qaeda. Did that convince you? Just like Saddam, Gaddafi was trying to start a new system in the sale of oil. With Saddam, he was going to accept Euros and Yuan instead of the world standard of the US dollar, with Gaddafi he was going to switch to his new currency the gold denar instead of the world standard of the US dollar. Hmmmmm.... then all of the sudden we have to attack them?


[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

There is a plan to vote out the republicrats if it comes to that:


[-] 3 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

OWS..."Occupy"....will eventually transform into a political organization having a different name...at that point a leader will emerge.

[-] 2 points by selasin (10) 13 years ago

The leaders will emerge as the movement goes on, it will most likely be a subtle transition where we'll just wake up one day and realize who everyone has fallen behind through natural action and reaction.

[-] 2 points by Amanita76 (88) from New Haven, CT 13 years ago

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

John Quincy Adams

[-] 2 points by tonybaldwin (235) from New Haven, CT 13 years ago

The People ARE the leader.

[-] 1 points by 1776alloveragain (67) 13 years ago

I will be your leader. Only problem - I have $40,000 in debts that I need to make payments on each month from college loans and whatnot. I have a degree in civil engineering but haven't been able to find work in that field. If you can figure out a way to help me get rid of this debt, I will devote everything to this movement and do my best to lead it. And believe me - I have some AMAZING ideas to implement with the right resources and manpower.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Run for congress. You can make 174 grand a year for LIFE

[-] 1 points by 1776alloveragain (67) 13 years ago

Congress is part of the problem. My views are based on the greater good for society, which is the opposite of the views of those who get into office. To get in, you need to collect donations and be a puppet for weapons, drugs, oil, and financial companies. It's a catch 22. If I told people my plans for fixing the country and ending poverty, the big businesses would do everything in their power to make me disappear. That still won't stop me. But I don't think running for Congress as a Democrat/Republican is the answer. I will however lead this movement because I believe in it 100%. If that's what the people wanted.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Don't run as a republicrat. See you in Philadelphia? https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

Suffolk Resolves 1774 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffolk_Resolves

"In one of his less famous rides, Paul Revere delivered a copy of the Resolves to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where it was endorsed on September 17 as a show of colonial solidarity. In response, John Adams commented in his diary: "This was one of the happiest days of my life. In Congress we had generous, noble sentiments, and manly eloquence. This day convinced me that America will support the Massachusetts or perish with her"

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

If we can change campaign financing then that can't happen.

Want to know how to get rid of corruption in congress? Fire all members who voted in favor of the patriot act. It gets rid of 357 of them.

[-] 1 points by occupymission (8) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Started with 1 Leader -- She didnt get up out of her seat - yeaa ya had 1000 screamers at the time too

1 woman Started it

[-] 1 points by occupymission (8) from New York, NY 13 years ago

This is why the OWS Move is Dying out, No Leaders, These dumb ass kids will see soon enough - Hey not 1 Live streamer this eve can u believe it lol Dam World Was Built on a Leader Not 1000 Just Check - Is anything being Done lol Every damm politician is ignoring this , ya have to laugh SERIOUS

[-] 1 points by occupymission (8) from New York, NY 13 years ago

lol Too Late.....

[-] 1 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

We are not a leaderless movement. We are a leaderful movement. Look in a mirror. We are all leaders.

[-] 1 points by aaronwayneodonahue (48) 13 years ago

Everyone is afraid of a leader because, like the tea party movement, previous politicians with previous agendas can and will steal the momentum for their own goals. Occupy Wall Street presents an opportunity for the politicians to try to appease the people, rather than the politicians simply stealing the lime light

[-] 1 points by NYJR8 (2) 13 years ago

The tea party backed down and let the dirty politicians steal their momentum for their own goals. If the movement comes out and states they are not in support you don't allow the politicians steal the lime light. The great movements from the past all had faces even if it's not one. History is the key to change......

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by entrepreneur (69) 13 years ago

How about you be our leader. You will know what will happen to you in few days.. you will get targetted and even arrested/killed by 1%. Leaderless movement is the only way to success whether you believe it or not. Everyone in OWS is leader, just go to GA meetings in any city where occupy movement exists and you have your opportunity to speak.

This is movement for 99%, at this stage we just need to raise awareness so that everyone is 99% understand that protesters are protesting for them. This peaceful way will automatically achieve desired results.

[-] 1 points by NYJR8 (2) 13 years ago

First off killed is way to strong of a word and you are trying to use scare tactics just like the 1%. second without any central ideas no one will ever listen because no one knows what we want fixed. MLK and SBL didn't just sit there and wait for government to change something that is benefiting themselves. They talked to the masses and inspired change. The one thing you are right about is everyone deserves a voice but the way you are going about it is wrong and with everyone speaking to the media it is making the protest look foolish to the rest of America....... Just an honest opinion for two months this has been going on and nothing has changed other then increased awareness which is slowly fading without a face.

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

2 months is a very short time. This is the beginning of a very, very long fight. The elite are not going to roll over after 2 short months.

[-] 1 points by entrepreneur (69) 13 years ago

@NYJR8 Listen to the latest speech by Noble Peace prize winner Arundhati Roy. Link to speech: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29766.htm She said that our anger itself is enough to bring 1% to justice. Please make her your occupy leader. She has also provided few explicit demands in addition to all the demands #OWS has made. I sincerly request you to read and listen to this.