Forum Post: Want to succeed in getting the message along? Make it personal
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 9:10 a.m. EST by zz1968
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I have seen a number of remarks of people not getting what the issues are. From my experience it helps to make things personal.
For example: Q: Why should I pay for education of someone else? A: Imagine you have a brain tumor. Who would you choose as your surgeon? The one with the richest parents or the best surgeon? Paying for the education of someone else guarantees that the most talented people have access to education which may save your life one day. Or the life of your daughter.
Or on the billionaire walk yesterday. There was a statement from the spokesperson of Mr Koch saying that he was at work just like the other 50,000 people he employs. A good return here would be to tell that with the hourly rate Mr Koch earns he could arrive at work at 8:15 just like the other 50.000 people he employs and go home at 8:38 unlike the other 50.000 people he employs and still earn $50,000 a year. (please feel free to adapt the numbers since I really have no idea what this guy makes)
Q: Why would I pay for someone else's health care? A: Since in the subway you share the same air, hold on to the same poles their health care is your health care. And we don't ask you to pay more, actually we ask you to pay less: if we adopt the French model we will raise our life expectancy, lower our costs and have everyone insured.
The point is that big issues are often not easy to comprehend since the personal impact is beyond the horizon. By making something person you bring and issue close. The goal is not to fight by argument but to convince.
You no longer live in a democracy run by the people, of the people and for the people. Is that personal enough for you?
1% buys their representation in government. 99% are left with the scraps.
As for Health Care , if it was run correctly without profit as the main goal, we would not need insurance because cost would not be absurd.
I agree. My point is that that is a bigger, not personal statement. People may say 'What does that mean for ME? I am insured'
In marketing my approach is called AIDA: A: awareness that there is a problem I: it has an impact on you D: desire to change A: action
If you can't make people aware that there is a problem they will show no interest
ZZ..thank you for putting a realistic, easy to understand, NON CONFRONTATIONAL, spin on things. I agree with you that many people don't look past the 5 minutes from now consequences and see the big picture.