Forum Post: Want to start a bank?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:11 p.m. EST by meep
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'd like to start a bank whose missions is to loan exclusively to employee owned businesses. There really are a lot of privileges that banks get in this country. We should probably continue trying to level the playing field, but why not also use it to our advantage?
We can pass laws and regulations, but it won't change the identity of the big banks. If we really want change, then we need an alternative to the way the big national banks do business, otherwise people will keep using them for convenience.
this is a very good idea... if we are truly going to solve poverty.. we need help from everywhere... there is no single fix all solution we need to incorporate anything and everything that helps... good post meep ;)
There are many institutions which do similar things to what you are referring to. Several months ago I knew of informative website with resources which could be useful to you. Unfortunately I have lost the name of it. Do more research.
Unfortunately throwing money at problems doesn't solve deeper issues.
A technocracy is an interesting idea, though I'm not sure I'd support one founded on centralized power or authority, and I'm not sure how else one would structure such a society.
I also believe in self management and the autonomy of people as do most supporters of a RBE.
A technocracy would simply address technical issues with technical solutions but it's still the people that determine which values are most important.
e.g. Should we devote resources to building a research center or a bridge? Do we want to focus on repairing the ecosystem or would we rather devote more resources to maximizing our sustainability?
The point of creating interdisciplinary teams is to allow people with technical knowledge to address common social issues with technical solutions.
Today, policy makers are great at ensuring opinions are followed but they rarely take into account problems and issues that might come about from making uninformed decisions. The point of the scientific method is to test for problems and issues before implementing. Fix the problem before committing rather than repairing problems after they occur. I wouldn't feel too safe if surgeons operated on me based on opinions rather than evidence.
As for structuring this kind of society, maintaining transparency and removing hierarchies through education is extremely important. Such a society also depends on creating abundance to fulfill the needs of people if it is to work.
As for reducing compulsive hoarding and other socially acceptable addictions, that is going to require a much more collaborative atmosphere.
I think an online bank like ING would be a good place to start.... but honestly I don't have the financial or legal background to start anything like this...