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Forum Post: Wallstreet not the problem, real problem: Steve Jobs

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:38 a.m. EST by aceanibal (63)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

All wall street is a forum were people trade the ownership of companies. The real problem with this economy is not wall street, the problem is that the economic cal apse of 2008 gave an excuse for companies to fire a bunch of non profitable employees. Yes Business is doing great. The reason why is doing so great is cause they replaced these people with computers, robots, automation, and technology. So yes of course business is going to strive cause technology is 20 times better then human labor. Get a CLUE. So when we live in a world with electric cars, and solar panels to power our lives. We will not need human labor so get a clue and enjoy those unemployment checks!

here's a few examples of whats really going on: Red Box, Online banking, NetFlix, Ebay, amazon, att, GE, ect.

if you do not know how to work on technology: your worthless in your society Use your tuition waiver you get from your unemployment and go to school. if you feel like you are incapable of retraining yourself. Enjoy the handouts from our government.



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[-] 1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

I still want my flying car dammit!

[-] 1 points by Lance161 (46) from San Tan Valley, AZ 13 years ago

I think you bring up an often missed point, that is, technology replacing humans. We MUST recognize that as technology grows, antiquated menial tasks are going to be replaced, with electronics of some kind, full stop. We all must understand this. So what does that mean? it means having jobs that Electronics cannot do yet, can NEVER do, architects, engineers, military, arts, sciences, philosophy, things that humans are needed to do! That would be my solution, our culture must catch up to our technology.

[-] 1 points by aceanibal (63) 13 years ago

I fully agree with you. Don't worry collect all that student loan debt going back to school cause even tho you will owe money. your knowledge is all mighty powerful nobody can take that away from you.