Forum Post: WallStreet: Good? Bad? or Indifferent?
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 28, 2013, 12:17 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It seems we've gotten away from a certain core tenet.
It's WallStreet malfeasance that brought us here, and yet so few threads are created to define what that malfeasance means to each of us.
Care to vent some anger?
I was listening to Alternative Radio podcast today about surveillance and secrecy.
So many good points and even though it was a repeat from a few months ago, I was very glad to hear it again.
One point in it, among a ton of good info, is how corporate and government have merged with the opportunity to observe everything we do.
Ahh, I almost want to listen to it again and list all the rage-inspiring truths. Maybe later.
Ed Bernays.
They've been buying and trading information about us for many, many decades.
It's nothing new, they've just gotten better at it.
The Worlds cell phones run technology licensed from the military.
The guy on the show, Glenn Greenwald, goes into great detail. So much enlightenment. I think it's about 50 minutes, and he doesn't dwell long on each topic.
Look for "the century of self" on youtube.
It's the Bernays story.
I'll try to fit it in, it's pretty long. I may have seen it before on some time ago.
That is about 2/3 of the way down.
I liked The Primacy of Consciousness too. Arg, I gotta get away from that site! Enough on there to keep you entertained for weeks.
Student loans are the next big bubble that will that will extract from the 99% but slowly at first and then again when a huge bail out will lead to even more socialism for bankers and even more ruinous austerity for the 99%. See - Get some knowledge; get angry; get with people and vent &
Never Ever Give Up Resisting The Venal Banking Corporations! Occupy Wall Street! Occupy Solidarity!
Yes, but in this pattern of bullshit, can we ever return to the things WallStreet does?
Take look through this thread an notice who did rail against Wallstreet.
This is OWS! We ALL rail against Wall Street; this why we are here and rightly so :) Here's a great idea and piece from the early days of OWS - and see - We Must Never Give Up On The Kids! Occupy The Future! Solidarity!
Actually, looking about this thread, not all of us.
Many have become consumed by a soap opera.
I prefer issues.
The fight for transparency and fairness is a soap opera?
How ironic. The guy with all the points thinks its meaningless.
Power trip much?
Still off topic, insulting and fact free.
How about following the money in N. Carolina?
Since you've dragged this off topic too.
Transparency. Horizontal. Justice for All. Having a say. People being held accountable across a level system.
Those are major issues. At every level of power.
Wall St gets a free pass because they have friends in special places. I dont vibe with that.
So, form a gang and attack people like VQ? Jiffy? Epa?
Yes, that's what you do.
Plus you avoid so much information.
Will you follow the money now?
You just keep avoiding it.
are you waiting for the final post in the line, so You can give a final insult???
Anecdotal evidence points to a posse of the banned, who are likely guided, or led by the forums original nemesis. Is that who you are referring to?
It's a soap opera, silly.
Go buy some ice cubes.
You're part of the 1%. Your goal is to control what other people can or cannot say. I disagree with many ideas from others here, but they are just ideas, What you do is action against others. You censor like a big brother. That is more dangerous than any idea. You are a traitor of Occupy. You don't believe in equality, transparency, and forming communities. You only want to have power over others, and you achieve this with attacks, profanity, deflection, and censoring and banning. You abuse your moderation powers. You are part of the1%.
So you just make stuff up??
Good idea.
How's the soap opera coming along?
Hope you liked the ice cubes.......:)
They're special made just for WallStreet supporters like yourself.
Nope. All true, and you know it. You just banned me. The truth is you're scared of real open discussion. That's why you abuse your power. You want to control, just like the 1%.
That's what all the trolls have said since this went out on the net.
Bitch and cry, bitch and cry. They won't let me disrupt whatever I want.
Do have anything to say on topic?
I doubt it. You didn't come here for that.
But you'll bitch when you get banned again...........:)
The forum doesn't have a nemesis. It has been co-opted by the Twinkle Team.
The soap opera of the banned is the nemesis.
It's morally and ideologically bankrupt.
Now, do have an actual issue you would like to discuss?
Yes, I do. Censorship is a major issue. MAJOR. I had a thread on it, but you censored it. If everyone doesn't have a voice, then all discussions on this forum are crippled from the start. What are you afraid of? I never swear, use profanity, logical fallacies, etc... I debate with arguments. This is something you cannot do. This is why you rely on deflection, petty attacks, ad hominem, censoring, etc... You are afraid to debate the issue of censorship one on one like a real man because you know your arguments for it aren't strong enough. You would lose face in front of the other forum members.
Off topic Much???
Topic = Forum Post: WallStreet: Good? Bad? or Indifferent?
Excuse me, but what has any of this incessant whining have to do with anything at all?
My statement on the soap opera stands as true.
If you have nothing to say about it. then I must assume you know nothing about it, or you are in complete agreement with their gangland tactics.
Which is it?
"incessant whining" "My statement on the soap opera stands as true."
Excuse me sir shooz but this sounds no different than the right wingers who tell all of us to stop whining.
Transparency. Accountability. Fairness. Justice.
"Transparency. Accountability. Fairness. Justice.":
How about a little of that from you?
Fuck how do you manage to fail so much in so short of a time?
Then why are you so far off topic?
BTW. Folks use to come on the forum bitch like babies, because they got tossed from the chatroom.
All of the incessant bitching about censorship is no different.
Not one iota.
Now, if you don't know what the soap opera of the banned has done here?
I suggest you drop this line of reasoning.
Gangland? Then I suggest you do to them what Raylan Givens does to those punk gangsters from Detroit.
How about if we just kick the shit out of you?
Who's Raylan?
and what does he have to do with the soap opera of the banned?
Wall Street is to "bad"
Wall Street - naturally - seeks to control our democracy to satisfy their greed
For the last 40 years, the 99% have let them do that
just three of our sins:
we did not demand Medicare for all
we did not demand ending the filibuster
we did agree to negotiate budget cuts , in stead of higher tax rates for the 1% & corps
I completely agree. We've completely lost sight of our goal. Aiming at a thousand different targets, but failing to take aim at the ones that matter most.
Better than nothing, but I was hoping for some insight from you on WallStreet.
Perhaps even an extended rant about what they do.
I've made hundreds of comments and dozens of posts. If you haven't read them before, will you now?
Sorry, I've never noticed you railing against WallStreet.
Perhaps I missed your rant?
The thousands of irrelevant posts hid them from view.
Well then, you should quit generating and hiding behind them.
C'mon let it out. A short rant against WallStreet.
Only if those comments involve spewing the bitter angry stuff shooz lives for. If they don't, and he does bother to read them, he's not going to post anything positive or encouraging about them.
Because you're a hate monger who feeds on anger.
I am?
Do you have a link to prove that?
It would seem that it's YOU who hates 98% of all climate experts. You hate them so much you yell at me for linking to their studies.
Bam - there it is
Silly trolls have been having a field day today.
I guess they didn't care for what I posted earlier.
Nah - wait a minute - of course they didn't.
I gave up on them and went off and baked some tasty cookies.......:)
Come back and there's a new batch of silly replies.
It's what they do.
Consistent they are...........
Unfortunately for them, so am I.............Plus I can make kick ass cookies, so I got 'em beat very which 'a' way.
Kick ass cookies? - herbal/medicinal??????
Dark chocolate brickle.............What kind of medicine is in your cookies?
I sometimes share them with children. They're just cookies, yet they still kick ass..................:)
Proof? It's right here in this thread. You just stated above that you were hoping for an extended rant on WallStreet and your OP encourages people to "vent some anger". If that's not enough, just do a search and read your own posts. You use hateful words, and accusations, and propaganda to paint everyone who offers up FACTS to support their disagreements with you as evil, selfish, greedy, or stupid.
For example, your post above. "It would seem that you hate 98% of all climate experts" based solely a propagandized accusation that I "yell at you for linking to their studies".
First-what method do you use to determine that I have ever "yelled" at you? Based on my actual posts here, no honest person would claim that I actually do "yell at you for linking to the studies of climate experts".
Second, when you actually do link to real studies (usually you just link to a non-experts opinion or interpretation of a study) I actually read those studies and point out to you that the study doesn't actually say what you or the non-expert are claiming that they say. Do you grasp the difference?
Why would I be angry about any study done by an actual climate scientists? I have stated over and over again to you that I WANT to see them. I enjoy reading them. I want ALL the evidence in order to make the most accurate determinations for myself. I don't hate facts and evidence. I seek them out and embrace them.
What DOES get under my skin is when you, or some other "activist" pretends that what a scientific report says is a FACT, when it's not, or that one says something that it doesn't say. Or when someone pretends that "consensus" makes something a scientific fact/law when it doesn't. Every time you fall for propaganda over fact, you reveal yourself to be gullible and desperate. And when you pass it along as if everyone who reads your posts is just as gullible and desperate as you are, I find it incredibly insulting.
Thanks for your vent.
I hope you feel better now........................:)
Strange that you failed to vent against WallStreet, but hey, at your level a vents a vent.
Vapid no-likey you? So-k - it don't like the world neither.
100s of links were posted for vapro, and vapro pretends there none that said anything that said global warming was caused by man at first. Then vapro changed vapro's mind and wanted to have exact percentage measurements of how much was man's "fault". ...vapro is part chameleon, I guess.
Vapro should under no circumstances expect me to ever take vapro seriously about much of anything ever again.
VAPID/BitseyR/TokyoRose/BerlinBetty is a sell out of humanity. Hates itself I do believe and would like to take the world along on it's suicide.
I don't know about those, but vapro as I know vapro is very petulant.
Well Vapid or some other sock/bot just blew a gasket ..... -9 ..... hahaha
Sigh... More logical fallacies from shooz, the forum bully. If you can't debate like an adult, don't bother. What's up with your constant bullying and trolling?
There was nothing there that wasn't already debated and decided.
Indeed, long before vapro ever got here.
Vapro is incapable of admitting defeat and gets rather petulant.
I tire of repeating myself, so I retire to satire and humor. sometimes I can be more than a little acerbic, I'll admit, but I've been here long enough to grow a rather thick skin.
Vapro and apparently you, have no discernible sense of humor....Amazing that you've not been here for day yet and already you pretend to know a lot, so I expect big anti-WallStreet rants from you in the future.
Have at 'em!!!!
LOL - anti-wallstreet rants - from "it" or Vapid....HEEEHehehehahahaaa
It could happen!!
Maybe. OK, maybe not.
AHHhahaha stop it your killing me ... "It could happen" ... HAHHhahaha HEEEHehehehahahaaa
I think I tired it out already.
Stickin' up for vapro must be some kind of hard work.
Nah - it went silent mode to throw a hissy.
It could be Mr. Chicken. He's a scardy cat.
R'nt they all? shills/trolls/sellouts
This is a great question from OP. If Occupy Wall Street doesn't focus on Wall Street, who will?
And yet the response was pretty weak.
Perhaps I will one day post a thread that asks.
What is Wallstreet?
Wall Street is not, in itself evil.
Many of the "banksters" are greedy thieves for the 1%
Many of "us" have been stupid enough and ignorant for the last 40 years -
to NOT stop them.
Now we are at the tipping point - I see three roads:
HJR29 is my solution - what is yours ?
I support it....................:)
It's step we have to take and take as soon as possible.
Banksters are officially above the law, although you wouldn't know it by the mainstream media. The media doesn't believe it's a big deal or this disturbing fact would be plastered all over their front pages above the fold. The indignity of being prosecuted and put in jail is reserved for plebeians like us. Wall Street executives, however, are a bred apart and, therefore, the rules and the laws do not apply to them.
Yep, and hedge fund managers, and WallStreet CEOs, and members of the MIC, like Haliburton, and on and on and on.
I certainly don't need a conspiracy theory site to tell me that.
They seem to think that have only just discovered it.
It's been going on for decades, all over the World.
the key to "responsible" corporations requires major changes to corporate law. Why are not a dozen BP executives in jail for murder.
The structure of corporations ( the "corporate veil" ) protects executives from almost everything.
To change this, we need to sever wall st from democracy
to do that we need more 99% supporters in congress
If OWS acknowleded this in 2011, and each OWS person got 4 voters & they got 4 voters & they got 4 voters etc This would be a closed issue
see HJR29
We can't tarry on what could, or should have been.
How do we move it forward now?
I've long said, that getting the money OUT will clarify things and end many of the petty arguments we seem almost constantly to be embroiled in.
Rick Nolan 202 225 6211 - tell him OWS people support this bill
Bill HJR 29 Constitutional Amendment XXVIII Introduced in Congress by Rep. Rick Nolan (D-MN) & Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)
Section 1. Artificial Entities Such as Corporations Do Not Have Constitutional Rights
The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons only. Artificial entities established by the laws of any State, the United States, or any foreign state shall have no rights under this Constitution and are subject to regulation by the People, through Federal, State, or local law. The privileges of artificial entities shall be determined by the People, through Federal, State, or local law, and shall not be construed to be inherent or inalienable.
Section 2. Money is Not Free Speech
Federal, State, and local government shall regulate, limit, or prohibit contributions and expenditures, including a candidate's own contributions and expenditures, to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their economic status, have access to the political process, and that no person gains, as a result of their money, substantially more access or ability to influence in any way the election of any candidate for public office or any ballot measure. Federal, State, and local government shall require that any permissible contributions and expenditures be publicly disclosed. The judiciary shall not construe the spending of money to influence elections to be speech under the First Amendment.
This responds to hundreds of local & state resolutions and Move To Amend for a “We the People” Amendment - The movement for constitutional reforms that would end “corporate rule”. The Amendment clearly and unequivocally states that: Rights recognized under the Constitution belong to human beings only, and not to government-created artificial legal entities; and that Political campaign spending is not a form of speech protected under the First Amendment. Government belongs to the people & must not be for sale to the corporations and the wealthy and the 1% special interests. The Move To Amend coalition of nearly 260,000 people and hundreds of organizations has helped to pass nearly 500 resolutions in municipalities and local governments across the country calling on the state and federal governments to adopt this amendment. This bill is specifically different from the other proposals that have come forward in response to Citizens United because it also specifically addresses corporate personhhod. In every single community where Americans have had the opportunity to call for a Constitutional amendment to outlaw corporate personhood, they have voted to end “CP”. The Citizens United decision is not the cause, it is a symptom. We must remove big money and special interests from the legal and political process entirely with this amendment.
If you want to understand Citizens United & Corporate Personhood & the Amendment Process Please visit our OWS Amendment site: 70+ videos & 40+ documents on this issue from Sanders, Chomsky, Maher, Hedges, Lessig, Warren, Grayson, Hartmann, Hightower, etc
►►Support this bill◄◄ Write & email your congresspeople house: senate:
Rep Rick Nolan 202 225 6211
Wall Street was originally established by the Dutch Empire, and was later taken over by the English Empire as an outpost in America, and is still a major center of the globalist financial empire today.
During the revolutionary war, Wall Street was used by the British to conduct financial warfare, through speculation, against America. It became the major importer of slaves in the US, and its attraction to the slavery business still manifests today in the setting up of sweatshops in China and elsewhere.
Wall Street bankers sided with the Confederacy during the Civil War, assisting their British masters in their hopes of dividing and conquering America, returning it to the colonial fold.
Closely tied to Wall Street are Boston, the base of the major US opium exporters during the opium wars, which Wall Street still handles money laundering for to this day, and Chicago, the major center of the expansion of the speculative war against America into commodities.
Wall Street always was a treasonous entity. All of this and more at:
Why We Don't Need Wall Street
We're still involved with Opium wars. Afghanistan produced less than 10% of the world supply of opium in 2001. By 2007, it supplied 90% of the world demand, all under the watchful eye of coalition forces.
And even more important, the profits from the sale of opium buy the weapons and bomb making supplies that the Taliban use kill our own soldiers. Priceless!
Indeed so. Opium profits are used to finance war and terrorism world wide.
Please spread this far and wide.
And the drug war could give the US government a handy excuse to not leave Afghanistan anytime in the near future:
I'm wondering if they'll ever leave too.
If I was to guess, I'd say no. I think all the talk is just pandering. We intend to stay in the region for a very long time in one capacity or another. I just ran across another article recently (probably a link) talking about some of the attacks in Afghanistan recently being basically false flag attacks to 'show' people our job isn't done yet and we need to stay.
I had a similar thought when the Koran was burned there. What idiot would do that?
In the 11 years we've been there, we could have fought WWll three times.
In 2001 the Taliban cut opium production by 90%, within a few months we had occupied the country. By 2007 Afghanistan produced 90% of the world opium supply.
It doesn't make sense, especially when you consider that the Taliban uses opium profits to purchase weapons that kill U.S. soldiers.
It really makes you think. But considering our government's involvement with the drug business (CIA) it doesn't surprise me that production has been ramped up. The TBTF banks profiting from drug laundering is one eye-opening aspect. It's a spider web, man. And our soldiers are just pawns anyway. Collateral damage.
The opium business is in the billions of dollars, but relative to the world economy it's a tiny fraction of a percent. If all opium was eradicated today, the economic effect would only be felt in a few countries.
The only reason I can come up with for it's importance is it's being used as a weapon, especially against countries like Iran and Russia where the effects of opium addiction are very severe.
Interesting. I'd never heard the problem was so severe in Russia and Iran. But considering their close proximity to Afghanistan, it does make sense. And seeing as opium was used as a weapon in China in the 19th century, I can see it. It's an effective weapon to use against a population.
This why the new dow high is meaningless to the 99%
Sounds like a WorldWide mafia to me.
Yes indeed.
This is why we MUST correct the unjust wealth inequity and avoid a revolution.
How will they 'splain this?
Let's return the crimes that were legalized during the Bush, Clinton and Reagan administrations to "illegal crimes" which we enforce, and see if we can give Jamie Dimon and friends rooms with a view of Bernie Madoff.
And let's revisit our bailout of WS and their aberrant "Too Big to Fail" standing and see how we can recoup our loses and reform this exploitative and dangerous economical power which operates above and beyond our laws and government. This would be a good opportunity to audit, monitor, relegate and regulate WS to better serve our economy, instead of themselves at our expense. Sell off all those fancy digs and move them into more accessible, consumer friendly, strip malls. And we should broaden the focus beyond the iconic power site of WS Manhattan, to include all concentrations of wealth and power operating beyond and/or above our laws and government with the potential to effect our economy to ensure the prioritized well being and Welfare of American Citizens. And Kill Laissez Faire governing of Big $ forever!
In addition we should have televised hearings on the financial scandals from the S&L debacle to Enroning America to the Great WS Hiest, document it in history books and teach it in schools with mandatory priority with the Constitution, democracy, Science and Labor!
So far there's no pro WallStreet comments.
I'm not surprised.
We will never see the "Go Fascism" Cheerleading, but the Cheerleaders are all around us.
Ain't that the truth.
Yes, it (both the same) is!
The real shame is that WallStreet never has to know and feel the "blowback".
We have an information deficit... or is it HEIST?
The public knows enough to hate government, but not usually who or why. Information deficit or heist?
What the public knows or doesn't know controls "blowback," the economy and government.
The right information deficits and/or heists could be very beneficial to people who prosper under the radar of public knowledge.
And in the absence of justice or the apprehension of perpetrators, homeless Veterans and other known desperadoes make easy and oh so expedient scapegoats.
Texas, that bastion of libe(R)tarian freedom. where the Ron Paul's will donate enough money to see to it that these things NEVER happen.
Or at least they will pay for a prison to put you in.
Their Mecca of Right to Work for nothing
Sorry about your Michigan and Detroit government problems.
The Kochs are dumping a lot of money into the teabagge(R)s around here, so it's looking pretty bleak.
They are trying to make an example of Michigan, don't let them.
When I lived in CA it was a bastion of INSANE Raygun supporters and I raised hell and I organized and I badgered the Dem headquarters and all the media. Now it's solidly SANE!!!
Unite and Win!
Holding it up as a model, not at all unlike ALEC model bills
From the dictator hisself.|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s
Of course he won't tell you he did it on the back of the largest tax increase in Michigan history, not that his "good" news is STILL based on auto corporations.
Destroying Democracy, one State at a time, or these days......All at once.
The Cons lost the publicized elections, so they can do any atrocity they can think of now, no one will remember by 2014. Sad but true.
New study, if we get several million non-voters to VOTE, we can overwhelm the gerrymandered districts!!! Hup To! stumblebums!! HUP TO!!!
Not only did they outsource our high paying industrial jobs for higher profits, but they also paid themselves exorbitantly high bonuses with our children's future. TARP will take a generation to pay back, the housing market will take years before it recovers, and the LIBOR scandal and robo foreclosures makes the banks no better than common street thugs.
The only redeeming lesson learned from the Banker's antics is that this fiasco plainly demonstrates what happens when industries are not properly regulated.
And that's just the high profile stuff that happened here in the US and England.
The same thing happened in "investment" houses all over the World, because they bought into it.
Then there's the "private" equity firms and hedge funders.
Wallstreet may have only ever done 1% of good while doing 99% Bad. Look at the money flushed down the toilet since the beginning - then look at whose money that was - lost money = everyones, now look at the money made - who made it = the very few. And now the market does not even deal in reality at all ( well very little ) it is all made-up - fantasy - fiction - created at the push of a few buttons - nothing solid to back it up - all pure speculation - smoke & mirrors - and wallstreet bets against it's own clients - what a deal.
Wall st bad
Robin hood tax rally
They own controlling interest in all the torches, tar, rails and rope.
How about putting them on a broken down (no radio either) cruise ship in the North Atlantic next winter?
It could be billed as a free seminar on finishing up taking over the world.
They would all be on board for that.
They're on a mother---king boat!..............:)
Carnival Cruise to the rescue? aAHhahaha
I hear there's an Italian, former captain looking for that kind of work.
He's not afraid of rocks, shoals, or icebergs.
Perfect for the job.
LOL - probably would not mind a cruise into the center of the arctic circle hey? Just as open water season ends.
Top of the World - Ma - Top of the World.
Like Bilderberg on ice.......With a happy ending.
For the rest of the World.
Currently? Bad does not begin to scratch the surface.
Lets see a little good.
On Taxing Wallstreet :
join with Daily Kos and Democracy for America in telling Congress to tax Wall Street speculation and put Americans back to work. Click here to sign the petition.
Despite conservative screams about the “socialist communist Kenyan Muslim” in the White House, fact is that Wall Street just had its best week… ever. That’s not hyperbole -- the Dow just hit new highs ten days in a row.
Meanwhile, in real America, the sequester threatens hundreds of thousands of jobs in the midst of an anemic recovery, with DC deadlocked thanks to obstructionist Republicans. And of course, conservatives continue to insist that any budget deal include further hardships on the working class and retired.
But Sens. Tom Harkin and Sheldon Whitehouse have a better idea -- a Wall Street speculation tax. The burden on traders would be minimal -- just three pennies on every $100 traded, or 0.03 percent.
Please click here to sign the petition from Daily Kos and Democracy for America telling Congress to tax Wall Street speculation and put Americans back to work.
This absurdly modest tax would raise $352 billion over 10 years, or one-third of what the sequester will cut, creating and saving jobs, and putting the burden where it belongs -- on those who created our economic problems, profited most from taxpayer bailouts, and continue to profit today.
As is usually the case in DC, the roadblock isn’t public opinion -- 81 percent of Americans support a tax on trading. What we need are bold leaders to take on the corporatist lobby, and a grassroots army to have their backs.
Join with Daily Kos, Democracy for America, and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse by signing the petition telling Congress to tax Wall Street speculation.
Keep fighting, Markos Moulitsas Publisher and founder, Daily Kos
The question is......
How much more than the actual tax will WallStreet pay, to avoid paying that tax?
Good one - ten fold?
The worst of it is, we pay for all of it.
Let's replace ALL the market corporations with computer programs and use the profits pay all of our taxes.
POOF! No more extortion.
International game of pong - invest in your favorite player (s) - much better odds.
They can buy a gallon of milk and still have plenty left over to buy my Governor.
In fact.
They did.
Did they buy yours yet?
Probably, that's chump change to the filthy rich . . .
Did you say they already own your States governor, or that they could probably buy him for the price of a gallon milk?
You mean these jack asses that do this ?
Or this?
Jackasses exactly like that.
Sneaking their way around the rules they didn't write, wherever it's profitable.
These folks are such subhuman bastards it's unreal.
I say replace ALL investment and commodities trading with computers.
All profits pay the nations bills.
No more taxes for we the people.
How's that for thinking outside the box?
I'm down with that. However, I would just as soon put these pathetic disgusting filthy excuses for humans on the street with inadequate health care, housing, food or water. Maybe take their shoes off and make 'em walk through some of the worlds best cities with no option of getting out or going back. Maybe they can drink some of that flammable water. I hear it's a gas. Let them, their children, their parents their spouses take showers in it. Drink it. Wash their clothes in it.
Oh, I about we take them to a village in the Middle East and any of their kids, put guns in their hands and have them kill and maim or be killed or maimed. Let's talk about futures.
Charge them for murder for the number of people that have died for their profit.
I know the perfect place.
It's said that if you could consolidate all the vacant land in the city of Detroit, you could fit Paris in it, with room to spare.
I'm sure there are similar areas available in other major cities of the World. Enough for all of them.
Let's see if they can actually be productive.
Or we could just do what you said. It's fine with me.
Oh, can you imagine a debate in congress and having some of those jack asses being forced to drink the faucet water from areas where fracking has been done? Oh, yeah, that would be fun.
All the pink slime, ammonia burgers they can eat too.
Perfect. Hell, yeah and corn syrup as a chaser.
Too bad we can't ship them to Beijing for smog day.
Oh yeah. How about sight seeing in Syria?
Let them walk around Detroit wearing their Armani suits.
A flat tire in their Maybach on the South Side of Chicago.
There's some nice places for them in Rio too.
Ya. Chicago is good.
Perhaps ingesting some of the left overs of their formers.
It's getting better here, but how many, in how many other inner cities are suffering?
At least the gun nutters "chose" to give themselves lead poisoning,.
You have a very active imagination and you are apparently pro-sequestration....You should strive for a bit more clarity.
Uh............if this is all so unimportant, why would you trouble yourself?
You have been assigned to someone else. You will need to ask them.
Uh............if this is all so unimportant, why would you trouble yourself?