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Forum Post: Wall Street's Weasel Clock

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 9:21 p.m. EST by SwimingAtMcClears1950 (0) from Portola, CA
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Hey -

Somebody out there is smart enough to create a "Wall Street Weasel Clock." We've seen the clock that continuously keeps track of world population and the national debt, but how about this...???

Can someone (promptly, please) come up with a similar "clock" that tracks the amount of financial trading tax NOT being collected. Attention needs to be brought on the concept of a transactional tax on Wall Street trades. Show the country how much income can be transferred to the national treasury on these sorts of automated, high volume trades. I've heard a figure of only .03% per trade. Peanuts!

But those peanuts will add up - help our government see just how substantial, yet painlessly those nuts will add up.

Design that danged clock, and post it now.



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