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Forum Post: Wall street priorities

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:53 a.m. EST by borschelrh (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We have to get focused on those things which are the main priority to get the budget fixed. My suggestions: 1) stop the wars and downsize the military immediately and stop purchasing all new weapons systems and end the bleeding out of our money for nothing. 2) re-institute Glass-Steegal immediately (will immediately halt risky trading by federally insured banks which they turned all risky brokerages into banks to get around this problem). 3) make all derivatives illegal 4) make all hedge funds illegal 5) stop naked short trading immediately 6) implement time delays and halt high frequency trading which is used to manipulate prices and ends all free trading on the market. 7) make lobbying illegal 8) end all campaign donations of any kind and all candidates draw from a central federal source with identical funding and have equal and free public advertising. 9) implement term limits 10) Create a Constitutional amendment permitting voter referendums so we can bypass Congress if they refuse to create just and legal laws. 11) Amend the Constitution to end the electoral college so that we may finally actually vote on who becomes President.



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