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Forum Post: Wall Street, NOT Washington

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:22 p.m. EST by Dea (42) from Bellbrook, OH
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Michelle Bachmann says the protesters are wrong and should be camping out on the White House lawn not Wall Street. Using her inverse relationship with what is factually correct, this is a pretty good indicator that Wall Street is the boss of Washington. There will be no government reform worth diddly squat until Wall Street is reigned in and stops owning Washington. Citizen United just codified what has been happening for years.

And, for the "get a job" people, just let me point out that the last tax holiday resulted in layoffs. (http://www.moneynews.com/Economy/Tax-Holiday-Layoffs/2011/10/04/id/413177) When the rich and corporations were being taxed at a MUCH higher rate, America was stronger. It could afford to pay for better infrastructure, and that made people want to have factories and other business here. Also, when taxes were higher, the government ran a lot more R&D programs that resulted in creating new industries and new products. There are a few problems with privately funded research:

1) There is a bias, whether overt or subliminal, that leads to the results the company wants, not necessarily what is real. 2) R&D is often limited to what the company believes will be profitable in the short term. It tends to overlook what is truly new and revolutionary or may take more years to develop. 3) Private R&D doesn't have to publish or report any negative results. That means that other companies can and will go up the same blind alley. Not only does negatively affect productivity across an entire industry, it can be dangerous, as in the case with drug testing. Currently, if a drug results in negative side effects (up to and including death), the drug company doesn't have to report it if they decide not to market the drug. That means another company can independently come up with the same sort of idea, run the test on more humans, and there will be even more bad side effects or deaths. If the research is publicly funded, it is published. 4) Companies cut R&D in tough times, so when new ideas for new things that create new jobs are needed most, companies tend to do the very thing that would stop this from happening.



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[-] 2 points by chigrl (94) 13 years ago

But raising taxes on the rich or prohibiting corporations from donating to political campaigns would require congress to pass a law. Wouldn't it make more sense to protest in DC where the laws actually get made?

[-] 1 points by Dea (42) from Bellbrook, OH 13 years ago

chigrl, for any law to have teeth, Wall Street would have to be behind it. They are the driving force.

[-] 1 points by boredperson (225) 13 years ago

She's right.... Crony capitalism is a result of government corruption, not corporate corruption. The government LET the corporations/banks in. They didn't just take over. If a big corporation decides to give $1 million dollars to the government in exchange for a favor...who's fault is that? Well, the government's of course.