Forum Post: Wall Street Journal declared Graeber to be the acedemic to shape ows
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 11:49 p.m. EST by JoTerrence
from Palmdale, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
David Graeber, a longtime anarchist, joined the protests in the very beginning on a whim and quickly set it on a new course to make government less corrupt. If there is an endgame to the protests, he says it's to "delegitimize" the current political system to make way for the kind of radical change that would create a more open and fair democracy unshackled by the interests of big money.
This course to make government less corrupt was accomplished 200 years ago by Scandinavian countries. 99ers over there in 1809 developed the New Guard system from our Declaration of Independence. After refining and testing for 150 years 25 OECD nations adopted this system along with two of our states. In brief we the people commission Jason Bourne to investigate corruption for our future security as a duty given us by our founding Patrons. Jason pounces on police abuse. Reverses corporate personhood, delegitimizes the current political system, brings our prison rate to world norms and unshackles interests of big money with no detractors. Jason is seen and embraced as a father figure in the 39 nations who adopted this system. What are your thoughts of this global phenomena? Do we play their rigged game going in with our queen game piece? Should we commission this plenipotentiary to protect us as we occupy?