Forum Post: Wall Street is a Gang
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 8:53 a.m. EST by profrgs
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While thousands get arrested on minor charges like "disturbing the peace" (which is what we are supposed to be doing!) it is literally the case that inside the buildings above the protesters there is and has been massive criminality for years. Read my 3-part series "Is Wall Street a Gang?" on my web site:
Thank you Shelden, this is very important information!
How to confront #c12,000+9 #occupy demonstrators
1 Provide ample toilet facilities.
2 Provide ample dumpster trash facilities.
3 Provide ample police patrol for protection and service.
4 Provide adequate on-site emergency personnel.
5 Provide adequate fresh drinking water and distribution to demonstrators.
6 Muster scientific on-ground statistically valid polling resources.
7 Poll #occupy for issues of assembly for media and local government.
8 Keep riot trooper and paranoia gear off stage, out of sight and mind.
9 People first, before government or any rule of law.
10 What do #c12000+9 #occupy demonstrators do? Whatever they want!
11 Thank heaven for concerned citizen assembly. God Bless America.
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