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Forum Post: Wall Street gets a Bail-Out and Americans get Sold Out

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 9:24 a.m. EST by AmericanRedWhiteBlue (126)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Wall Street gets bailed out to the grand sum of $16 Trillion dollars (GAO figures), and the homeowners get the shaft?

We Americans should have let the financial corporations collapse and bought our OWN Mortgages from them---at auction--- (when the corporations were liquidated due to their risky, predatory-lending based, investing) for pennies on the dollar- That's REAL Capitalism.

The financial institutions very quickly Socialized their losses to save themselves, but if an individual needs help it's "Suck it up! Pick yourself up by your own boot straps."

Break Apart the "Too Big To Fail" Corporations because they are a financial threat to the national interests of the United States. Enact Thomas Jefferson's proposed 11th Amendment. Create Sherman Act part 2!



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[-] 1 points by AmericanRedWhiteBlue (126) 13 years ago

It's NOT too late to Break Apart the "Too Big To Fail" Corporations (because they are a financial threat to the national interests of the United States), enact Thomas Jefferson's proposed 11th Amendment and create Sherman Act part 2!

Are you a QUITTER cheeseus, just because we lost the fight once, or do you wanna’ help fight for the future of the 99% by supporting the above?

We are gaining momentum, folks around the entire planet are protesting...

[-] 1 points by cheeseus (109) 13 years ago

Americans did try to stop the bailouts. The politicians on both sides didn't listen. The media protrayed them as extremists. Kind of late to the party, aren't you?

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

Thank you for saying it. The problem was created by government. Capitalism would have taken care of the right people and let the ones who caused the problems suffer. Instead government rewarded the ones who caused it and allowed the wrong people to suffer.