Forum Post: Wall Street Fracks Us Everyday Criminalize Fracking
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:13 p.m. EST by sandhill
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Wall Street sells the paper(stocks) to encourage the rape of NY by Gas Industry Fracking, a method of un-natural gas extraction that poisons an average of 5 Million gallons of water every time they frack a well. They, the corporate board of directors of companies like Chesapeake and Mobil plan to drill 70-100,000 of these wells in NY and even more in PA. It's time to stop this outrageous, insane practice before it stops us.
The regulatory system EPA and State DECs DEPs etc.)has been penetrated, as so much of our culture has been, by corporate lobbyists and attorneys. The corporate minions along with the State promote"legal" corporate interests(those the 1%ers invest in) Fracking is one of them. CEOs and Corporate Boards hire PR firms to push their technologies. Most know that PR firms are not concerned about the truth; they're concerned about retaining a corporate client that wants a particular outcome. The EPA and the state agencies are permitting agencies, not prohibiting agencies, so they almost always approve what corporations are pursuing.
As to the jobs, jobs, jobs mantra of some as a way of justifying fracking. Look at the kind of jobs that are going to be available and for what they will be available. The jobs going to locals are transitory(and lower paying) since the more specialized jobs generally go to the imported labor from TX OK and other states. The jobs are for the continuation of fossil fuels which are non-sustainable and highly contribute to global warming. Check our Robert Howarth's and Tony Ingraffea's work on this issue. Their work has been peer reviewed unlike any of the PR versions of the truth you see on TV.
But I just saw a commercial on TV that said "fracking" was safe... and that the process of "fracking" occurred thousands of feet below any natural aquifers below ground. I think it was the CEO of Exxon-Mobil talking on the commercial. Can a CEO of a major corporation be THAT wrong? or THAT deceitful?
I con not agree with you more.
Have you ever heard of Jeremy Rifkin?
If not you might want to google him.
He has several books out on ending fossil fuel economies.
If you have read his stuff I would like to know what you think of his work.