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Forum Post: Wall Street & Federal Reserve Banks Gamed the System by manipulating interest rates and mortgages and Robbed the PEOPLE -- We demand they return their profits to the PEOPLE immediately!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 10:08 p.m. EST by FedWallFedWell (59)
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Wall Street & Federal Reserve Banks Gamed the System and Robbed the PEOPLE -- We demand they return their profits to the PEOPLE immediately! This is a great country and WE THE PEOPLE give government its legitimacy. Since no one is protecting the people and the Bush Administration Bailed out the Robber Barons...WE THE PEOPLE must demand that Wall Street and Federal Reserve Banking profits and penalties be paid to the PEOPLE.



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[-] 1 points by KidsDeserveBetter (17) 13 years ago

Andrey Pogudin is a wealthy banker at RBS, is my young son's father, and he stopped paying even one penny in child support for his own son to live on, knowing how hard that makes life for his little boy. Good luck separating bankers from their profits! My son's father will be lined up for his big bonus at the start of the year, and my son won't see any of it. It just isn't right, none of it.

[-] 1 points by FedWallFedWell (59) 13 years ago

Fathers who do not pay child support go to jail...also...see if the judge will give you some of his money to sue him for child support (its called leveling the playing field). Your Father's son can not be relieved of this obligation.

[-] 1 points by KidsDeserveBetter (17) 13 years ago

Thanks for your concern. My son's father works for the Royal Bank of Scotland in London, UK. He filed a lawsuit against me in the U.S., where I am living with our son, and, in my absence, with his high-priced lawyers, secured a child support amount of $1K, what he likely pays for his lattes and wine each month! I was unemployed and not able to continue to pay lawyers to deal with him - mentally spent, which was terrible for my son, and financially could not do it, as he and his lawyer knew all too well. Last year, he stopped even making those tiny child support payments to me. This is a man who has too much money and has hired more lawyers than anyone I know personally (for all sorts of reasons). He told me he would take my son to Russia, that I would never see him again. On one occasion he had my son and while working at Deutsche Bank laughed as I begged him to tell me where my son was. Ultimately, the police went to Deutsche Bank and had him reveal my son's wherabouts, but the fear I felt that day is something I will never, ever forget. My little boy and I have been put through such hell and all the money in the world would not be worth engaging in this man's conflict-seeking behavior. It simply is not worth it. I share all of this because he is one banker at a larger bank, but a bank is only the sum of its parts, and if this one banker refuses to support his own flesh and blood, the best kid any dad could wish for, the broader lack of regard for society, the homeless, the unemployed, should come as no surprise. It's a problem of ethics. In my very individual case, my son deserves to be supported by his father, but now my son is happy and secure and I have worked so, so hard to raise him to be a kind person who cares about others. He may not have all of the perks that come with being a banker's kid, but that may well be a very good thing. Andrey can keep his money for his hedonistic lifestyle and I'll get by, just as I have, raising our son on my own, now knowing he is safe and he feels loved. Ultimately, my son will grow up to be a man, and he'll better understand the struggle I faced raising him on my own and will be a more compassionate and thoughtful citizen, the kind that makes for a better society. Some fights are worth fighting and others aren't, and, while it may not be right, after YEARS of dealing with this man's threats to sue me for this and that, all in a sick attempt to control and wield power, I honestly believe my son is better off even if it means this man lives like a king while my son certainly does not. It comes down to a mother asking, after years of torment and seeing her son put through too much sadness, "Do you want to be right or do you want to see your son happy?" It isn't fair and Andrey Pogudin is not alone in his mentality (I have money, can and will do whatever I want!), but we are free of him because he can't use child support as a weapon anymore! $1K a month is a small price to pay for that kind of freedom. And, in the end, he still owes the money and, once my son is a bit older and is able to stand on his own, I can go after him for the money. But the reason I share this, again, is that this is a mentality that is not only bad for one mother and her child (has been hell for us!), but, taken as a whole, is really bad for society. It's all about greed and control and wielding power on a grand scale. I am already so proud of the beautiful heart my son has and I know he'll go on to do good in the world.

[-] 1 points by RonPaulFlixdotcom (73) from Kingsville, TX 13 years ago

The Solution can be found in a man of unwaivering consistency for over 30 years!
