Forum Post: Walking away from violence
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:13 a.m. EST by aLibertarian
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
people hear our words and see us, my warrior phratry and they are scared. We carry weapons and we look scary. But this is not the way. My people have not actually killed anybody for 4 generations but we all walk around armed the the teeth.
And perhaps stranger, we are all raised to fight when the time is right. So we walk around with guns and knives but for about 4 generations, we haven't had to fight with guns and knives. There is a higher level of battle and you kids are doing it right now. This is spirit warfare and you gotta keep your feet on the ground because this thing has already turned physical and i'll tell you how dire this is.
Not a single one of my brothers or me could countenance the violence that has been inflicted upon you, we are either on or off. If we say the LEOs inflict violence upon you like that, we would have no choice, we would have attacked and we would have done so in concert.
That's why we refrain. If even one of us saw the female screaming, it would have only taken one of us. Billy would have attacked and then my brother Drooper and then my cousins and my uncles and then there would be bloody war. The real thing. Not mace and tasers, there would have been body parts on the street and we have already gone through this business.
Great Onandaga already showed us. Onandaga was a great warrior. He showed us the location of the Tree Of Peace. It was a message and I'm supposed to share it with you now. Because there aren't any other indians here. I will tell you how it went and how it was so you can make what will be and I'm putting myself on the line here. But i will continue in my next post which will be "Tree of peace".
"Tree of peace"!!!But i will continue in my next post which will be "Tree of peace".