Forum Post: Walker States God help us if we lose!
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 11, 2012, 7:06 p.m. EST by JDub
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Governor Walker is afraid, afraid that if he is recalled, that might signal the start of something new, accountability in office. He is right to be afraid, as all politicians should be. If elected, an individual should be held accountable to the populace, hence the ability to recall at all. I say we recall every politician. Every single one. Lets send them all a message, one that says we are done with business as usual. Its time our elected officials fear the population they represent, because as they have taught us so well, without fear, no one acts responsibly.
I agree that politicians have a poor image in the minds of the public. But if you recall all of them, who in their right mind would want to run for their office knowing that they might suffer the same fate? So you would be left with a Congress with no members. Can't get much done that way.
Who will run? More union stooges that will happily sell out the people to keep the employees happy, that's who. The unions will field a candidate in Wisconsin that'll be exactly that.
Hear, hear! How do we make this happen?
Is there some way I can that that statement in some context?
My guess is he will not be recalled.
As of January 26 2012, Voters approve of Walker’s performance 51 percent to 46 percent disapproval. In another survey, fifty percent believe the state is headed in the right direction, versus 46 percent who do not.
They had a recall election for the state senate in Wisconsin last year. More than $35 million was spent on the recall races and only 2 out of 7 were recalled. Those two were Republicans that were in Democrat districts but came in on Tea Party upset wins first time around.
Accountabiliy? Yes, to the unions and the employees. Should government be for the people or just the employees? Soon, we'll see. Will the employee coup succeed? Do ordinary citizens have a chance? If the union gets it's way, yes and definitey not.
Why shouldn't an employer be accountable to it's employees? That seem pretty fair to me.