Forum Post: Wake up OWS, why aren't we 100% focused on the Federal Government?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 10:27 p.m. EST by mediaauditr
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By their very existence, a corporations sole purpose is to turn a profit for their shareholders.To hold corporations accountable is like saying you are angry at water because you don't want water to be wet. Corporations wouldn't exist without greed.
The federal government creates the laws and rules that corporations operate within. A corporation would never knowingly break a law, it's too expensive. So corporations exploit loop holes they create by paying off politicians using special interest groups.
Within the past decade, both republicans and democrats have removed critical laws that created the financial mess we are in. An example is the Glass-Steagall act, which had kept investment banks and commercial banks separate. The government made a big mistake by removing Glass-Steagall, and the Frank-Dodd financial bill that recently passed did not address this critical issue. Why aren't we focused on that? Why Corporations? Focusing on corporations is a waste of time. It will not correct the problem.
Want a cause? How about TERM LIMITS for Congress? If the politicians weren't taking special interest money every day for their campaigns, maybe they would do what's right for the country for a change.
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!“
Note at the latest, this was said in 1812. Good post mediaauditr!
“The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the Revolution.”
Solely going after wall street for bribing politicians in exchange for favors is like going after criminals for bribing the local sheriff in exchange for favors. If you truly want to end the problem, you need a new sheriff, not new criminals.
I hear there's a New Sheriff in town... and he fully intends to "clean up" the place.
I believe his name is.. WE THE PEOPLE.
What you are saying actually makes sense. Our Congress should be held accountable. They're the one's who accepted the money, there the ones who write the laws that favor the very few, not the many. If they were acting in the interest of ALL Americans, then this "movement" wouldn't even exist. Why not petition Congress? Occupy Congress with letters, phone calls, emails? That takes work. Apparently building a commune is much more a priority.
Federal Government is a puppet. OWS is making a new system to replace FG.
"We may never be able to prove, through logic, that direct democracy, freedom and a society based on principles of human solidarity are possible. We can only demonstrate it through action. In parks and squares across America, people have begun to witness it as they have started to participate. Americans grow up being taught that freedom and democracy are our ultimate values, and that our love of freedom and democracy is what defines us as a people—even as, in subtle but constant ways, we’re taught that genuine freedom and democracy can never truly exist."
Ditto. Federal Gov't is beholden to the $$$. the $$ and top 1% is the head of the snake. Research the Federal Reserve Act to see this foreshadowing began way back in 1913. Corporations power is to be feared far more than any standing army. I believe Jefferson said that. Gov't acts by the people consensus and so greater the movement more effective it is toward government leaders by second nature. Banks is the target $$$ the "too big too fail" that owns our government. The great coup of our generation.
The government can come for your money with guns and laws. Corporations can only tempt your money from you. You CAN say no to corporations. You CANNOT say no to the government.
Because the vast majority doesn't seem to understand the problem. I bet the politicians from both parties and their bureaucratic friends are laughing at OWS while watching their plasma TV in their yachts.
It's all back room deals. Both sides are laughing at all of us, OWS, Tea Party, whoever. It's all a show, keeping us interested, and thinking they give a sh!t. They are ALL getting rich off this collapse.