Forum Post: Wake up and look, there is help on the horizont for global righteousness and peace!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 2:19 p.m. EST by mt1926
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Jesus said you cannot obey both God and riches.
The love of money is a root of all evil.
God has commanded not to take interest on debt. He has commanded to release debt every seven years. He has commanded to redistribute basic wealth (land) every 50 years.
But the governments by and large do not obey Him. Monarchies, communists and also democracies. Repend in case you have also refused to accept Him as Lord and as King of Kings. Jesus is the true hope of the world. The prophecy is that He will teach the nations peace and they will turn their swords into plowshares. Then no nation will raise up and wage war against another nation.
How long will the world refuse to follow Him. Humans are corrupt and no matter what form of govenrment they will create they will ruin it, exploit it and forget about the cause of the poor.
Communism has failed. Capitalism has failed. Socialism has failed. Monarchies have failed.
How long do you want to be ignorant. Learn from Christ and the world will learn peace and righteousness. Christ is the true advovacate of the poor.
Wake up! Stand up for the true King of Kings of the world. Jesus Christ!
What is wrong with his life, his teaching? Hasn't He said, blessed are the poor and woe to you rich. Hasn't He said to sell whatever you have and give it to the poor? Has He lived in mansions or has He shared the simple life of Main Street. He is the true hope. You are struggling for a message.
The message is there. It is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. This kingdom is a political one as well. But humans have rejected it. But it is coming. The prophecy is clear. The Harlot Babylon is fallen, and the Kings will mourn, the traders will mourn because no one will buy their stuff anymore, because God has taken revenge against the Harlot which has corrupted the governments.
OccupyWall street wake up and see the true Helper for all those who are oppressed. Jesus Christ
Men are bad and will make any system bad. If people repent and accept the Gospel God will give His spirit and with this new spirit the world will function. Jesus Christ will teach the peoples peace and righteouness. Isaiah has prophecied of this. John has prophecied of this . Turn to God and beg for righteousness and then there will be true change.