Forum Post: Voting system
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 9:40 p.m. EST by kazoo55
from Rijs, FR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The webmaster of this site has added a voting tool to the homepage, as an example to show how to use a forum as a democratic tool.
I think the forum of OWS is fine in so much that it allows everyone to vent his or her opinion, but there's a far bigger potential to use a forum as a truly democratic tool as a basis for taking action, it's as simple as that. There are many urgent issues that need to be addressed democratically and we have the solution at our fingertips. The real size of the OWS movement is far greater than the size of the actual crowd on the streets, people from all over the place want to get involved. There's an outcry for true democracy. Well, TPTB aren't going to give tehm anytime soon, so we'd better do it ourselves.
Chek out this site, and start discussing how to use the internet in it's full democratic potential....
We do need to get to voting on some issues i think. At least some general broad issues or goals or demands or such so we have more a direction instead of a " We are here and we are madder than hell " kind of thing.