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Forum Post: voting part 2

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 12:46 p.m. EST by yosteve (64) from Newbury, OH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Please read this thread i started http://occupywallst.org/forum/question-are-we-all-registered-to-vote/

I think we all should have some sort of short term goal in regards to the elections whether it be we come up with someone to run in either party and try to vote them in. (i'm talking a non-political person like a business person or what)

we all know that the ticket leaders on both sides will be just paid puppets. but if we use the system to get someone in that we want that would be best

lastly, I don't understand the, 'let's not vote' rhetoric in the previous thread. I think if we stand united, we can get more what we want since at this very moment we're going to have to work 'through' the system to be heard.
i know we have a long term goal of taking apart the system, but we need short term goals with voting.

I suggest we register everyone and stand behind voting. we could upset congress by ousting each and every one on the ballot (as we see fit). this would put a new bad person in place but that person would be next to oust and eventually, they would have no other choice but to be puppets for us and not for others otherwise they too will be ousted.

The whole point is even though voting is flawed, we still need to use it to our advantage.

It only take a few thousand dollars to register to run for an elected official. If we had someone in mind that wasn't political, we could use OWS to freely advertise and we can all back that person and vote for them. Again, i'm talking non-political person, like someone who is in OWS.

Please have all your people up in NYC have a discussion about what we're going to do about elections and voting since we have to deal with the current system no matter how much we don't like the system. The elections will happen with our without us. If we keep ousting people through voting, no body's job will be safe. At best they will serve one term because we keep voting them out.



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