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Forum Post: Voting for the 1% Rs is like voting for rabid dogs

Posted 11 years ago on July 28, 2013, 2:27 a.m. EST by bensdad (8977)
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Tina Dupuy, 7/25/2013 [Archive] Fix Congress: Overturn Vieth v Jubelirer!

OK House Republicans I give up. Since you've been the majority the only thing you've accomplished is naming things after Reagan and voting to repeal Obamacare an unprecedented—let alone unreasonable—38 times. Seriously, you've done nothing.
Even Congresses that set out to do nothing and were dubbed "Do-Nothing," look like overachievers by comparison.

Last Sunday on "Face the Nation," Speaker Boehner said, "We should not be judged by how many new laws we create, we ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal."

Well, you Rs, you haven't repealed any laws either. So even when you throw out the measurements by which we usually judge the merits of Congress and just make up your own—you're still a national disgrace.

Why is Republican controlled Congress so horrible? Why is the Ebola virus held in higher esteem in most polls than the Legislative Branch? One word: Gerrymandering.

Basically, through a solidly and proudly partisan process our representatives have carved out districts with a scalpel to protect Rs incumbency.
So your congressperson doesn't have to work, be effective or listen to constituents - like YOU - they just have to be a congressperson.

In 2011, when the dysfunction of Congress was noted as the primary reason Standard & Poors downgraded the United States' credit rating for the first time in history, gerrymandering was the reason nobody got voted out. The fix is in and Congress gets to cash their government paychecks. and depo sit t heir bribe money

"The concept of equal justice under law requires the State to govern impartially," wrote Justice John Paul Stevens in his dissenting opinion in the 2004 landmark 5-4 decision, Vieth v. Jubelirer.

Norma Jean, Richard Vieth and Susan Furey were plaintiff-appellants in the case. These Pennsylvania Democrats claimed that the Pennsylvania General Assembly (specifically Robert C. Jubelirer, President of the Pennsylvania Senate) had unconstitutionally gerrymandered their districts, violated Article I of the U.S. Constitution (one-person, one-vote) and denied them protection under the Eighteenth Amendment. The case hinged on whether gerrymandering was justiciable (able to be decided by the courts). Five justices said it was not. No one penned a majority opinion.

In the minority, Justice Stevens wrote, "Today's plurality opinion would exempt governing officials from that duty in the context of legislative redistricting and would give license, for the first time, to partisan gerrymanders that are devoid of any rational justification."

Justice Stevens wins for the most prescient statement about our current, self-quagmired Congress.
Stevens also cited the 1964 decision Reynolds v. Sims, which forced state legislative districts to have equal populations: "Legislatures...should be bodies which are collectively responsive to the popular will."

After Reynolds there was a Republican-led fight to pass a constitutional amendment allowing unequal legislative districts. Their amendment failed. But their goal has been realized: Voter disenfranchisement through manipulated districts.

Since Congress doesn't have to adhere to popular will—it's no shock they don't. A majority of Americans want them to work together. A majority of Americans want health insurance regardless of preexisting conditions (as in Obamacare). A majority of Americans want infrastructure spending. A majority of Americans want the government to not nationalize women's bodies. A majority of Americans want a higher minimum wage. A majority of Americans want comprehensive immigration reform. And clean air. And affordable higher education. And regulated banks.

A strong majority of Americans (1.4 million more) voted for Democrats and yet we still have an anarcho-Republican majority in thr House whose sole pastime is to play chicken with the general welfare of the country.

Congress is disincentivized from compromising, working together, or really working period. Congress can cynically put party before country to the detriment of us all as much as they please. And they clearly, under the "leadership" of John Andrew Boehner, have done just that.

Americans are the ones without jobs, pensions and savings. Congress is safe. See? They really don't represent Americans.

Overturn Vieth v. Jubelirer. Kill the Gerrymander. Fix Congress.

Our solution is simple -

  1. vote out the pro-1% bigots, anyone who votes for voting restrictions, the gun nuts and the book worshipers
  2. vote in the ELECTABLE progressive pro-99% candidates who will reverse this garbage.
    3. sever the ownership of our democracy by the greedy 1% crapitalists
    H JR29



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[-] 2 points by ericweiss (575) 11 years ago

just look at the damage that the SCOTUS fab 5 have done to our democracy


[-] -1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Agreed bensdad, "Voting for the 1% Rs is like voting for rabid dogs"

But, 'Voting for the 1% Ds is like voting for wolves in sheep' clothing'

BTW, how's the co-option business going for 'ya these days?...lol

Will one of your little multiple pseudonyms be visiting me soon? WS perhaps..

Do you still refer to your group as the...."OWSWG" in your attempt to bring us into the folds of the dem party?

You're funny....


[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Divide and Conquer depends on an almost even amount on each side, with the occasional swing to make one still feel empowered.

Republicans are clearly out of touch on just about everything, so we will see what the media does to bring them back.

They will do something. These two pathetic group of clowns hasnt been in power over 150+ years because of their great ability to lead.