Forum Post: VoteThemOut!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:05 a.m. EST by RickyScott
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm a part of OccupyAmerica, from OccupyMN. We need to vote for our future!! Collectively vote using our occupy protests to push the movement into everyone's homes. Get clear concise info out about candidates, election dates, and other important information. Let people decide, informed. Help people get registered. We can recall in some states, lets get that done too. We have the power, but only if we work together, and only if we use the only tool that puts us on equal footing, our vote!!!!
" What we need is a concise list of achievable and realistic demands for reform that 99% of Americans would support... and then get those reforms enacted. That's it. That's the purpose of OWS."
Perfect! We put forth issues we support that help in democracy and treating 100% of America and not just 1% or even just 99% and those from ANY party that shows a RECORD of voting, ( words dont mean squat), towards these same goals get recognized. The last thing we want to do is become a hi-jacked Tea-orrist party for Rep's or the Dem's.
Elizibeth Warren is a good one to look at, not to sponser or anything so power hungry, but to show that they have the best interests of America and not just to who is bribing them.
if our vote is anonymous,
we are not on equal footing
who counts the ballots ?
Ricky, The problem is, OWS is about 99% of the people. With VERY few exceptions, endorsing candidates would split the movement. There are liberals AND conservatives here.
What we need is a concise list of achievable and realistic demands for reform that 99% of Americans would support... and then get those reforms enacted. That's it. That's the purpose of OWS.
From the sound of it, you're trying to form a political party. That's not going to fly.
If we get strong enough we could even put up our own candidates.
If we get strong enough we could even put up our own candidates.