Forum Post: Voters Snoozing Through Duopoly Game
Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 1, 2014, 9:31 p.m. EST by turbocharger
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Another election of mostly pathetic choices, the media paying zero attention to anyone outside of the big money, and the people still so terrified of the opposite party winning they are willing to endorse the most horrific criminals currently on the globe.
Great job Murca!
As it stands right now, the people are 99% incapable of managing a democracy, a republic, really much of anything at this point.
Gotta go, Bad Girls Club is on!
If the people literally cannot manage to vote in people whom are not attached to the machine, they can't even bring themselves to make a declaration of Ive Had Enough and not endorse the war and pillaging....
Forget about organizing something new, that shit is so far off at this point its not even worth considering. We can't even get people to vote for someone whose on a new platform. An hour of someone's time, once every two years, and they just follow habit like blind lemmings, follow old habits no matter what, no matter what those people did the last two years.
Organizing something new? HA! HAHAHA!! Ya Right!! You can't even get people to do a god damn petition drive to get new people on the freakin ballots. Can't even get em to go door to door for one fuckin weekend a year.
Forget about the people running anything in this country. Just forget about it. These things dont happen over night, and we are so fuckin trained like idiots in this country, its probably not going to happen in my lifetime.
People have no clue what running a free country takes. They'd rather hand the duties off to the elites, and then check out mentally for about 4 years. And then come alive and pick some other - or the same- scumbag all over again like a beaten dog.
So we get what we get. We get a big pile of shit, because that is what we deserve. Shit, A huge stinkin pile of it.
You got half the population that figures its pointless because of the corruption, and you got the other half that just keeps siding with the corruption election after election after election. Neither group will to do jack shit about anything.
Great system eh?
Either beat them at their own game, or simply start a new one. But holy fuck, at least show a shred of self respect and stop endorsing criminal behavior, totally screwing over your kids and grandkids.
yep the entire ele3ction processes is far more trouble than it needs to be
I know occupiers, actual organizers, who are still voting for Dems, and I know some of the libertarians from Occupy that are actually voting Republican.
Its not easy changing an entire way of thinking, it really isn't. The job the media does on the people is masterful.
Thing to remember: People usually dont look much further back than two years, unless its in regards to their job.
Well, the people that run the media, they are really good at it. They know exactly how we will react to things even before we do. Honestly, its not that hard. Look at the Ebola thing or ISIS.
A few fake videos, a couple sick people, and blast that shit all over the place. 24/7, via all channels, everywhere. Relentlessly. Drill it into the fuckin people's heads.
And here we are. Nigeria has eradicated Ebola, but we are freaking out. And look at that, we are bombing Iraq all over, a fuck ton, and hey,,,,,, fuckin bombing Syria too! Wow, I thought those poor people were the ones we were saving from Republicans last election?
Nice job Murca. You fucked us all again.
Nigeria can eradicate Ebola. How does that help the U.S. fragmented medical care meet the challenge? Nigeria has cheap manpower, the money, and the will. The U.S. has so far demonstrated very little of all three.
It may be because this ebola story has been the perfect type of October surprise. Why stop a good thing, right?
You had it wrong - it was a December 2013 surprise. Nobody can stop the spread of Ebola for the next few months and I mean absolutely nobody, not God, not Allah.
Nobody allowing them access to a thermometer?
They have thermometers alright but they do not impose self quarantines. There is insufficient infrastructure to support self quarantines. People will just spread out and infect more people because the required quarantine period is so long.
And - SO - the needed good ( best ) example - from our medical professionals.
I see no collusion between our sickened medical professionals and our political class. The conflict about quarantines was necessary.
Complacency kills and the U.S. has discovered to its chagrin that it was complacent. Our President did just what the navel-staring U.S. populace had wanted: let Assad fester in Syria crossing redlines again and again, pull fast out of Iraq letting Shia sectorianism reign, and ignore African disease letting Ebola spin out of control. There is no one to blame but blame ourselves. Snooze on.