Forum Post: VOTE YES/NO. Should we ask Alan Grayson to be the spokesman of the occupy protests?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 5:13 p.m. EST by vibronix
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Should we ask Alan Grayson to be the spokesman for the occupy protests? Please vote and let us know the reason behind your vote. Thanks
Or Bob Reich....Krugman.....No. The politicians are out of their depth....keep them that way.
If he volunteered? I guess the video answer your question
I have a lot of Alan Grayson on my web sites, I just added the new video to . I like what he said on Bill Maher's show. I know he knows what is going on in Washington, probably more than most the people at, i.e. see: "Supreme Court gives America to the Corporations, Rep. Alan Grayson". And I don't think he would co-op the movement.
Finely someone that knows something about the man!
Don't give me too much credit. I just read Alan Gayson's bio on Wikipedia and he does have some colorful history, and he does have money to throw around... $32 million worth. But again the 1%ers are billionaires, with big bonuses, who got their money at the expense of other people and the nation.
This movement will of course be outspent by special interests. Money isn't our weapon its theirs. What we have is a majority. What we have are voters. Anyone that can help get the message out in a situation where they can buy all the media they want should be given a megahorn.
Your preaching to the quire
here you have more info
Well he has volunteered, seems to be a very articulate and a person very well connected to the issue and cause. OWS definitely needs a savvy mass media person to be our spoke person.
I vote no. If there is to be a leader, he/she needs to be someone who comes from within your movement.
Replying to my own vote of no, I got leader and spokesperson mixed up. Sorry about that. Even so, I do believe that someone from within should be the spokesperson. You should use elected officials as a means to and end. They work for you and your job is to tell them how to vote in issues affecting you. I'm sure you can find someone within your ranks who has the ability to speak for the movement.
He is already the spokesperson, if you want it or not
WHY cant i post new messages? UNBLOCK my account, let me talk. You supose to be for freedom of expression or???
That would be 30 to 40 year old's. They're the ones that lost homes due to lay-off's, and stop spending money because they fear America's future.
one more reply to my posts. The spokesperson should be someone of the new generation, the generation which is most affected by the erosion of the middle class.
We are all affected equally. The only concern should be ability to articulate and carry a message, and the message itself.
That goes without saying, the ability to articulate and carry a message is job one, but the fact is, the younger you are, the more energy and passion you can bring to your message...
So already we are splitting ourselves into factions. And this one based on age? Come on. Inclusion. Nobody is better than anybody else. That's kind of point of all this, yes?
That is ageism, and not true. Plenty of examples of older people presenting information just fine.
Electing a spokesperson may not at this time be a good idea. There is no target for the right wing to attack, other than a TON of people. This is actually working to our advantage.
I agree with you there. At first I thought that a movement like this would flounder without someone to have as a "face" for the movement. But actually I think its turns out to be a benefit since it allows more people to join in and give their voice to such a movement.
Agree 100% But, it couldn't hurt to have him fighting along side the movement...
I just saw a video of Alan Grayson and he does speak with heart about the movement.... We need to get OccupyDC'ers to head over to his office on the hill for a chat.
WHY cant i post new messages? UNBLOCK my account, let me talk. You supose to be for freedom of expression or???
Grayson grills Bernanke:
Grayson explains in 30 seconds what you could not explain in one month
Grayson grills the Bankers:
Grayson grills AIG CEO:
Grayson grills Bernanke: Grayson explains in 30 seconds what you could not explain in one month Grayson grills the Bankers: Grayson grills AIG CEO:
Grayson grills Bernanke:
Grayson explains in 30 seconds what you could not explain in one month
Grayson grills the Bankers:
Grayson grills AIG CEO:
Im not in the movement, could i speak about your movement? can i try to explain what this is all about even if im not in your movement or is that only possible for people that sleeps on the street? why?
ALAN GRAYSON biggest pain in the ass for washington and corporations
WHY IS IT NOT POSSIBLE TO POST ANY NEW MESSAGES HERE???? what the hell is this for freedom of expression? It is only possible to give reply but not to open a new message. This sucks! speacially for a group that defends fredom of expression.
WHY IS IT NOT POSSIBLE TO POST ANY NEW MESSAGES HERE???? what the hell is this for freedom of expression? It is only possible to give reply but not to open a new message. This sucks! speacially for a group that defends fredom of expression.
click forum then look to the right for the word "post"
It does not work... i cant post a sinlge new post anymore
OPEN THIS UP FOR PEOPLE TO POST THEIR MESSAGES FREELY. Someone blocked this thing and now you only able to reply to messages already posted. Great freedom of expression...
The man, did join the movement even before anyone on the movement was dreaming of it. just go and check what he is being saying all the way and he puts it better then all of the group together
anybody can say they are in the movement, but if they agree with Obama - Mr Wall St bailout himself
but if they agree with obama... what then? i think you dont know what you talking about. that is clear...
then they are kidding us or themselves
you still making nonsense
you dont understand that is not obama that you should be fighting, it is fox news. You failed to understand who is the monster. WAKE UP the monster is foxnews. the mouth of the best should be shut down. when you understand that you come back to talk to me again good luck
Exactly ! He is awesome !
Why are people so blind and do not see what you already saw?
I think it is because the entire media is owned by 6 corporations. Most of us do not realize that we are living in the MATRIX. Many of the protestors probably don't realize how different things are from what they seem to be.We must try to educate each other. Word of mouth is powerful.
Yes agree word of mouth is powerful. But if i need someone to explain to the all world what is going on, who will speak? I only have one mic... Who will explain the all world what you stand for? I am offering a window to one person, who will you send me??
WHO WILL YOU SEND ME to represent your movement? I have one mic and the all world is waiting for answers... WHO can do the job??
more links
The man Alan Grayson defends you and your revolt and he explains in 30 seconds what you could not do in 1 month.
DAMN! It is not about a leader is about a spokesperson, cant you read?????? Within your movement? you mean that i could not be your leader - I MEAN SPOKESPERSON because i never put my foot in new york or made part in your protests?
I'm always admire someone who can true a wheel
but a spokes person would be a leader
Yes like the spokesperson of obama? his he the leader now? Look! want it or not, you need a spokesperson to deal with media, police, etc etc. WHO WILL YOU SEND ON MY SHOW TO EXPLAIN YOUR POINT OF VIEW?
let's not make this about names
Alright! no names. what is your suggestion for this situation? Who will you send around to explain your believes, your cause, your revolt, your frustration? How will you transport the voice of the movement to other places, to every home?
WHY IS IT NOT POSSIBLE TO POST ANY NEW MESSAGES HERE???? what the hell is this for freedom of expression? It is only possible to give reply but not to open a new message. This sucks! speacially for a group that defends fredom of expression.
Grayson would be a great spokesman. I think Chomsky, Nader, or Cornell West would be a great leader/spokesman. You can't debate any of these men on the facts.
No, Grayson is a hack. Rep Webster didn't run away with the congressional race because of his endearing ideas, but it was as much as Grayson's awful and dispicable trash ads that hung himself. He thinks people still like that type of campaigning, that speaks for his character. Real piece work.
No. He should not.
I vote for Russell Simmons, a business man that's not scared to buck the system, a true voice of a generation, that "get's it"
Alan Grayson is one of the most vehemently partisan Democrats this country has ever produced.
If you want him to be your spokesman, than the OWS becomes nothing but a vehemently partisan Democrat Party movement.
No, Alan Grayson is a wealth politician that buys is way into office. No personal money thank you
All are leaders.
No voice, no opinion is more important than another's.
Power corrupts when put in the hands of few. I will not surrender or bow down to anyone.
OK. 383 comments so far, another important issue, but who's keeping the score? And who's translating the score into action?
This is just an amorphous mass of opinions. If OWS is about democracy and the voice of We, the People, there's somehting wrong with this forum.
Secure online voting tools are widely available, implementing them is easy. Then all these postings really would amount so something instead of being lost in one endless line of posting and comments. I think this is important.
Who's counting the votes? Where can we see polls? This is ridiculous.
All demands of OWS al futile unless a secure and easy to access voting system is implemented, and use this as a decisive instrument for taking further action. That is democracy.
There's not even a working voting system on this forum. What's all this talk about democracy, when we can't even vote for our own issues using a forum? I think this is URGENT.
By appointing a spokesperson you are assigning them a leadership role. These corporations will do everything in their power to stop this cause. Currently they are downplaying this movement. This will continue... and they will infiltrate and try to destroy this from the inside. They will threaten every leadership role and they will fight using all their means to maintain control.
If you must choose someone - choose someone with the highest integrity possible, someone who can not be bought and is dedicated to devoted their life and their family to this cause because it will be a very dangerous path for them to walk.
With the net I think leaders/spokspersons are a liability, at least at the present time. The whole phenomonon of leadership is strange and unpredictable, and perhaps with the net, unnecessary.
The movement should remail leaderless. That is it's stregnth! Remember MLK, remember JFK, remember Ghandi? They all had one thing in common. What was that, I wonder?
IS NOT ABOUT A LEADER Cant you people read???? or you dont know the difference between a leader and a spokesperson?
Look how he explains what is going on and then tell me if you know someone that does it better.
again i say
Yes, yes it is about a leader - you get that????
what a stupid head...
What you don't get is that the difference between a sposman and a leader is very subtle, and quite malliable. People are instinctively drawn towards a leader. tThus create a spokesman and you have likely chosen a leader whether you want to or not
Bill Black has prosecuted corrupt bankers during the s&l scandal, maybe we should research him
I would say 'Yes'. He would add to this movements credibility and put it more into focus.
Seeking leaders instead of allies is part of the problem. A leader tells you what to do, what to think, Allies think independently and work toward a common goal. So I might ask you, Why in the world is a leader needed? I am perfectly capable of thinking for myself, and I hope that everyone does too.
spokesperson is not a leader. guess you know the difference?
Grayson is awesome and was gerrymandered out of Congress just like OWS will be gerrymandered out of effectiveness if it allows ANYONE to be its sole speaker. Stay with the brilliant marketing logic of the OWS originators.
Keep It Simple: We demand peaceful assembly in public space to protest the growing wealth gap.
Covers everyone, even bankers. Scores of banking analysts and associates, and corporate law associates, are losing their jobs as the 1% gets greedier. Give it time. Keep the umbrella and message open for all. The 99% needs the 99%.
Stay clear of politics and isms. The Right will demonize and the Left will try to piggyback with a thousand agendas.
Dear Occupiers, let the Force be with you.
Grayson is already the spokesman
Yes. He is one of the people who should be considered. He has the balls to stand up to injustice that I wish out president had.
Yes. He is one of the people who should be considered. He has the balls to stand up to injustice that I wish out president had.
He can be one of many speakers for the movement. And he is already doing it. There shouldn't be just one spokesperson. You should ask for his support though and invite him to join and speak.
If Guy Fawkes's zombie corpse rises from the grave, then the OWS movement may have a potential leader.
Until then, no
Besides that, Bernie Sanders is a better spokesman for what the movement is really all about......but it doesnt matter...No
No. Sorry but Alan wants back into politics. There are already people speaking. You dont need a spokesman. Michael Moore is talking about it whether you draft him as a spokesman or not. Keep this organic please.
NO i think that we need to stay non-partisan. the last thing we need is the movement getting hijacked by a political party
No. Grayson most likely lost his seat because he engaged in the same tactics some republicans use to tear down his opponent in the election. He could sit back and learn something from what OWS is trying to do and is welcome to participate.
I'm not sure Alan Grayson is the best option. He is a very polarizing figure who leans very hard to the left with his ideology. He also appears to enjoy engaging in ad hominem attacks against anybody who opposes his view point. This movement is bigger than he is - he represents only a small portion of what this movement should be representing. you bring him in under any official capacity, and you lose the moderate supporters.
Yes and no! He knows enough about politics to move this forward but is a strong enough person to fight for what's right and not cave. Only I wouldn't make him the spokesperson but a liaison.
Hey guys, I'm an Occupy Wall Street artist and I would like to invite you to my Occupy Wall Street art show called SPANK THE BULL: AN OCCUPY WALL STREET MANIFESTO, which is in the form of an Interactive Theatre.
You can view my art show by going to...
By the way, do you know why the Tea Party won't join us, because they are the 1%.
I totally LOVE Alan Grayson. However, this is not a left or right protest. It is a 99% v. 1% protest which includes Republicans. We simply cannot have a politician from either party be a spokesman for OWS if we wish to retain our credibility. Someone from OWS should be the spokesman. Just my opinion.
We do not need a many times does this have to be stated before people start to understand....this is grass roots.
It is about making a course correction in the laws of our country that allow corporations to do just about whatever they want. Democracy is a fine system and does not need to be replaced but every now and then a correction is necessary. We don't need a leader to do this, we the 99% do this with our vote, protests, emails to politicians etc. Will it work? Hell it is working as I type this....look at the anxiety it has created already.
Paul Krugman does an excellent job of explaining the movement. ... .html?_r=1
here for you why we need a spokesperson - NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT A LEADER. you know the difference? I quote a post from coolnyc coolnyc (Stone Ridge, NY) 1 points 1 hour ago Yes. In a situation where 1% can buy all the media time they want, we need someone who is articulate and can hold their own in a debate. We need someone that can carry the message in the face of on onslaught of misinformation that is already out there and going to get worse. We need someone to bring focus to this movement before they successfully discredit it in the eyes of our yet uninvolved 99% countrymen.
Nope...we do not need anyone to speak for us. We have a focus and that is to get laws changed that benefit only the corporations. I don't need or want anyone speaking for me. I will do that with voting and email and protesting. This message has been carried around the world think the White House, Congress and Corporations are not listening....?? No one can discredit the is on our side....
Actually, this makes sense as to not have a leader but all chant the same demands as one large pissed off group of protesters
" I was previously resistant to this leaderless demandless approach. But now I realize the following (and please tell me if I'm wrong): You and those that agree with you do want great messages getting to Americans. You just don't want to "bless" the speaker or author as "official" because then the oligarchs and their minions can go into their practiced battle mode to destroy credibility of the speaker or author. So, you might actually agree with certain demands, articles and speakers and you might secretly hope they spread like wildfire."
Yes. In a situation where 1% can buy all the media time they want, we need someone who is articulate and can hold their own in a debate. We need someone that can carry the message in the face of on onslaught of misinformation that is already out there and going to get worse. We need someone to bring focus to this movement before they successfully discredit it in the eyes of our yet uninvolved 99% countrymen.
BEST REPLAY I SAW AROUND... Yes you the only one i saw pointing the facts as they should be understood. GREAT POST
[quote] stephen adler [/quote] Even so, I do believe that someone from within should be the spokesperson. You should use elected officials as a means to and end. They work for you and your job is to tell them how to vote in issues affecting you. I'm sure you can find someone within your ranks who has the ability to speak for the movement.
foxnews is doing their job unchallenged...they are painting you as morons. so you dont have someone to shut them up?
We need someone passionate, someone who can point put the real reason for protest, and to stop the corruption and kill the media. The media is really dismissing this because they look like youre mad at success, and not the corruption that rules the goverment.
It looks like a big drum circle, get fucking mad and let them know why were are mad.
Someone posted a reply saying that he did not agree to have grayson as spokesperson because he is too radical...
hahaha this is really a joke :-) the radicals saying the man is too radical
Grayson grills Bernanke:
Grayson explains in 30 seconds what you could not explain in one month
Grayson grills the Bankers:
Grayson grills AIG CEO:
We don't need a leader. The 99% have eachother.
Leader? Who the hell is talking about a leader?
So sorry, my mistake. Spokesperson.
Grayson? While I like the little bit I see, I like Jeffrey Sachs better.
I prefer the way it is now. For now anyway. No spokesperson.
you know foxnews is selling their story about you? and you feel happy with that? when you wake up, they already brainwashed half america that you a group of hippies without a goal. go and combat that then... ? yes is crazy but is the way it goes.
No Ralph Nader would be better, but I like it the way it is now
Grayson grills Bernanke:
Grayson explains in 30 seconds what you could not explain in one month
Grayson grills the Bankers:
Grayson grills AIG CEO:
So you will send nobody to explain what you doing? How will my mother know about your thing if you dont put someone to explain it on tv? you gonna let foxnews do the job of explaining what you doing?
Point of Process: Vibronix is dominating this conversation, so please, step up and step back and let others have their say.
I let other have their say. I just want to know how you goind to explain to the world what you doing or want. You cant let foxnews doing it for you.
I have a mic and a audience waiting for someone to explain. WHO will you send to tell the world about you?
if the man is do damn articulate where are his quotes ?
Grayson grills Bernanke:
Grayson explains in 30 seconds what you could not explain in one month
Grayson grills the Bankers:
Grayson grills AIG CEO:
those are articles and videos
At the risk of sounding somewhat conservative, what you don't want is to be perceived as the mirror image of the tea party (which is what some media outlets are unfortunately trying to portray you as). While you want a spokesperson who is eloquent and strongly committed to your movement, I don't know that you want someone who is perceived as controversial, argumentative, and contentious. That will not work to attract the 100s of millions of people that are ready to embrace this movement. I'm frankly not sure where Grayson fits in there.
No, absolutely not.
The very power of OWS and the movement is NO LEADER and NO SPOKESPERSON.
If that changes, the movement is finished - plain and simple.
No, I like Grayson - but selecting him will closely tie you to the Democratic Party - the strenth of this movement is that it is about issues, not political parties. Let both Political parties respond to us, not the other way around. I notice that the Republican talking heads can't stop talking about it, this truly frightens them.
Grayson is awesome and he knows what pisses people off. I have seen a lot of his interviews and he does ask the tough questions. How about asking him to come down and speak before you decide.
You want a spokes person, get the CEO for Star Bucks. He agrees that companies should be doing more for their employees, jobs, benefits and more.
Yes, Yes, Yes. He would be the perfect idiot to lead this herd of cats!
No, Alan is the person who helped allow the banks to conduct criminal activity that lead to the National's largest bank failures.
I was using
to keep up with the most recent talk along the threads
but now the text has become riddled with the word in this thread
so the word "seconds" is not only found in the time signatures of this thread
anyway the point being
the longer threads become impossible to track
perhaps if all new posts are highlighted since the viewers last visit
Alright! Grayson is not the man. WHO WILL YOU send to explain it to the world? Who shall stand infront of the mic and camera and voice it? NOBODY? i cant give the mic and camera to 1000 people. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND
No. Grayson is a Democratic Party partisan. Although he has a knack for attention grabbing statements I don't see how he could claim effectiveness since he didn't get reelected.
Alright! Grayson is not the man. WHO WILL YOU send to explain it to the world? Who shall stand infront of the mic and camera and voice it? NOBODY? i cant give the mic and camera to 1000 people. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND
And we need a single spokesman why exactly?
Looks like we have a whole park full of hundreds of spokes people.
Grayson is great, but he's too heavily associated in the public mind with the daily kos left.
Sanders, Krugman, Van Jones
from all the names mentioned Grayson is the only one that offered to speak for you... not good enough. Alright! so i still dont have someone to tll the world what is going on.
Grayson grills Bernanke: Grayson grills the Bankers: Grayson grills AIG CEO:
Oh YES YES YES. This is the perfect guy to compliment such an idiotic movement. Good suggestion. Al Gore, Jane Fonda, would be good to.
I respect him a lot, but the moment we endorse a politician as spokesman, we identify ourselves as belonging to his party.
I vote NO, but suggest we ask him for guidance... perhaps as a member of a panel.
Alan Grayson is awesome but no, i don't think any politician should be the spokesman of the OWS movement. Would love if he supported it though ... And I'm sure he does.
WHO will you send to my mic to represent the movement. I only have one mic but a big audience. WHO will talk for you?
I don't know lol.
I wish i could give you a better answer then that but i don't know is the best i can come up with. I'm a huge fan of Alan Grayson but he is a political figure. He has a very Liberal and Progressive point of view and not every one shares his views.
So who will explain to the world what you doing and what you want? If nobody can do the job, Foxnews will do it for you... you think that is a better option to have foxnews talking about you? or you think they gonna wait till you have it all organised before painting you the way they want?
hey man, i just said i don't know. I'm not being delusional. If i don't know i don't go spouting off about it and making shit up.
alright :-) so just leave it like it is and dont try to fix it?
the mic and cameras are ready and the audience is waiting... i thought people wanted to be heard and that the message is going around?
oh well! ket fox do it, they must know what you talking about. They know you a group of drug addicts and that is what they are sending out.
In no time when you have the message ready, they have already poisoned the minds of half of america
I didn't say that ...
All i said is i don't know who should be the spokes person. If i were to ask you how much liquid salt to mix with rock salt and how much is needed per acre to properly De-Ice a parking lot, you probably wouldn't know. If you tried to answer, you probably would be wrong. lol
I don't have all the answers, i wish i did but i don't. Sorry. =)
As for being a drug addict, i use to be... But this particular former drug addict owns multiple pieces of construction equipment that is worth more then you will make in your entire life time. How about them apples ?
you dont get the point, even with all your construction equipment you cant build more brain.
I dont care if you a drug addict or a rich fucker. is foxnews that is controlling what the people hear about you. they are the ones that paint you as a drug addict not me you moron with lots of construction equipment...
Fox news is controlling what the most ignorant people in America are hearing about the Protesters. For the rest of us we don't use MSM to get information. We have learned long ago it's nothing but propaganda.
grab ten volunteers at random. This is about all of us, taking a sampling would be the most honest way to do it.
Really? so you want me to grap people at random? you think i have nothing else to do? you think that is the best way to explain to the world what you want? so i should bring one person by one to the studio? are you fucking crazy or are you from other planet?
I'm thinking that if you have a large audience like you claim you do... then you are likely a shock jock that would try to harm the movement more than help it.
More likely, you are just trolling.
I suggest you read up on things like Anonymous. OWS is pretty much leaderless at this point while each member is a leader in their own right. It's about citizens coming together for a common cause. We realize that our government is failing the majority and been corrupted by 1% and are seeking to correct that. We are still learning/evolving. There are many paths to success and we're all trying different ways to get there.
So to resume, you rather keep people stupid... great! you will not give me someone to talk in my show? one more win for FOXNEWS. that is your enemy not me.
oh! so anonymous is leaderless? really? and they have no spokespeople? really? WOW! i learn something new today :-)
grab ten random people from here and they'd be acting as leaders and spokespeople. Whoever speaks up speaks and acts for themselves. ;)
There are a lot of diverse opinions/goals/objectives here. The ones that 99% of people agree on? Yeah, those are our true goals & objectives.
make up your mind. i give you a opportunity to send someone to speak. I have a mic and a camera and a huge audience. WHO WILL YOU SEND ME? make up your fucking mind or you dont understand english?
I'll get you started. I'll be one of your spokespeople. You gonna fly me to your studio?
Alright, who are you? can i see some material? give me a link. I dont put every moron on the mic and i think this is much too important to let just someone destroy the occasion to speak to the world. WHO ARE YOU?
Imrational on YouTube
your spokesman is ron paul, he has been since before this movement was formed, he's out there right now fighting for you
ron paul does not speak for me... sorry but i think you dont know what this is all about. ron paul does not even believe that we should take care of a sick person. GROW UP
If you're going to pick a representative, why not Russ Feingold? He's out of work, less combative, and has actually done stuff.
why would you want a less combative person?
Well, I assume you're trying to attract the 99%, not alienate them. Believe it or not, the average person is turned off by Alan Grayson the same way they're turned off by Michele Bachmann. He's mostly famous for a rant about health care, which is great for mobilizing leftists but not for attracting moderates. Feingold, on the other hand has a long record behind him, most notably McCain-Feingold. Getting him associated with OWS will really solidify a "get money out of politics" message that a lot of people will go for.
nope? why no? because othres say no? or you have an oppinion of yourself?
I have a mic ready for a interview. who will you send me? nobody?
you want nobody to speak for you to the all world?
attend the general assemblies and make your proposals there
IM NOT in position to be at general assemblies. So i cannot participate?????? what the hell are you talking about, we are in this century and there is internet. why the fuck is this forum for, to talk nonsense?
you're expecting us to cast a vote on behalf of the occupants. chill out.
yes a vote... dont you have one? how are you suppose to reach consensus if nobody votes? im an occupant, not in the place it self, in my mind. are you?
absolutely! I'll go to a general assembly tomorrow and inform the rest about our vote and let them know my position on the subject.
Fantastic! I just need a spokes person for my mic. I would like you to send someone that represents your points of view. 1 hour show just for one person to send your word around the world. I cant have 1000 people speaking to one mic...
btw, may I suggest the live stream? they answer questions when there are people there maybe they can help you out a lot more.
ALAN GRAYSON biggest pain in the ass for washington and corporations
I'm not interested in a new party here, with a specific spokesperson. I'm interested in a movement, much like a type of "ACLU" that stands against government corruption.
Who are you willing to let explain to the microphone, your views? You let everybody speak at the same time to the mic? you let someone speak to one tv and someone else to other tv? You think that makes sence and really represent your point? Really? WOW! this is amasing. so when are you sending all of your spokes persons to my tv show to reach as much people as possible and spread your believes and solutions?
you like getting attention don't you?
No Is not for the attention that im doing this. If you think that then you miss the point. Its true that im one crazy man. you can try to avoid me but you cant ignore me. but i know what im talking about and i have my feet well on the ground.
What this is all about is for you to get real.
I want you to reach my mother that only gets the news via TV.
Who will you send to my tv show to represent all of the protests?
Why? A spokesperson who re-iterates the groups main goal - which is it stands against political corruption is sufficient.
why? Because you need to convince and tell many people about whats happening. You need to inspire the world about what you doing and what you want. How will you reach my mother? she does not come to your internets and gets the info true internet. How you crush cnn's and foxes and win your own argument? mouth to mouth? really. who do you send to give interviews or you all reply at the same time to one microphone?
Create this poll on SHMAPR
NO! We don't need a spokes person, we are all spokes-people, we are all leaders. Does Alan Grayson sleep here? Did he do a sanitation shift?
To all the pragmatists: would you have asked the Zapatistas to find a "spokesman" for them from the Mexican government?
You are all leaders but you need to be getting ready for a communications war. Actually you are already losing that war. 1% owns the media. If they don't own it they can buy it. They have think tanks working overtime figuring out how to discredit your amazing work. You need someone that can play on that turf. Its just another front of this struggle and doesn't take away from your accomplishments. A spokesman is a necessary tool and weapon in the battle for the minds of the as yet uncommitted 99%ers.
You are all spokes persons and you are all leaders? Fine :-) never saw so many leaders together. Do you really believe in that? that you can voice well all my frustrations, demands, plans, reasons? Really? then yoiu should come on my show. Are you ready to stand 1 hour interview and explain all the world what this is all about?
Do you mean you should not have a black president because he is black? or should i not help palestine because im jew? should you accept money from the rich for your cause just because they are rich? maybe you will and already working with some rich money but you not ready to let him talk in your favor? you stupid
No way - he all behind Obama who is all behind Wall St. Educate yourself about Obama's connections to Wall St. This guy is just an Obama Proxy - Wall St tool while pretending to be for the taxpayer - what are you thinking?
what i think is that you dont know what you talking about. if you knew what you talking about you would never say what you just said. you just another brainwashed lefty that cant open his mind... The world is not only about your point of view. It is about my point of view too and i can guaranty you that im much more left and radical then you ever could dream to be
not real clear what you are trying to say other than you don't agree.... can u make a concise and clear statement or ask a straightforward question?
check u tomorro
what i try to say and did say is that you dont understand what you doing.
the wall st tool is fox news. they are the mouth of the beast. WAKE UP
your problem is not obama, you are blind...
google "obama's wall st connections" Most of his administration is ex Wall St or has Wall St connections. The information is there for you - hundreds of articles from a wide array of sources. Or stay ignorant....
Yeah there needs to be a "leader" of some sorts to get everybody on one message.
We should ask Alan Grayson to address OWS !
ASK HIM! probably you all cant even agree on asking the man to address OWS! Even when he is the man that expresses better all of your points of view.
No way. This is supposed to be a democratic movement. If you let this person become a spokesperson, that defeats the entire purpose and it will become another tea party.
who will you send to answer questions? i only have one mic and i offer it to a spokesperson. I can let 1000 people speak into one mic, it does not work. WHO WILL YOU LET REPRESENT YOUR POINTS?
Alan Grayson for President
I would vote for him !
Oh my god, NO! Why is that even considered? Who put this up? Alarming.
Alarming? Who will you let speak at my microphone? I need someone to answer some questions about the all movement. i only have one microphone, who will you send? You understand that you cant send 1000 people, do you? or you dont want that people know what you doing? you do? then i offer a show on tv. WHO WILL YOU SEND ME?
fuck no. we dont need a spokesman
and with the power of the people behind him he can push through some real reform.
I vote yes, he doesn't appear to have any bones in his closet, no large donations by bankster or corporations, and truly seems to understand what occupywallstreet is all about, His actions and words have shown he has the same concerns as OWS That is eliminating corrupt government and regulating greed.
finely someone that knows the man and talks sense. Tell the occupiers to stop being childish and do some real arguments why they are against the man...
Thank you Mr. Grayson. Keep talking in support. We appreciated it, but no.
WHO will you give my mic to explain the movement? i only have one mic, who will you send to my show?
Here is your spokesperson:
i still like this one more
I love the guy, but "the" spokesman? I don't think so.
Why not? and who could do the job?
Vote: Yes.
As far as politicians go, Alan is your best shot for credibility. It would be foolish not to give him a shot at least being a spokesperson.
He knows the issues, solidly:
Grayson grills Bernanke:
Grayson grills the Bankers:
Grayson grills AIG CEO:
Grayson is your best shot. Don't be foolish and vote no.
Great post. I still have to see a good argument against the proposition for alan to be a spokesperson. The no arguments make nonsense so far. Im open and like to see an alternative if there is one. Please show it to us
I like the idea of having Alan be one of several key spokespeople. He is articulate, passionate about these issues, and he has access to the media
yes, he would add yet another ring to this circus
There should be more than 1 person, and it would be good if they're not all white men. Other than that, he seems alright.
NO democrats unless they leave the democratic party.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! No elected officials
ABSOLUTELY NOT! No elected officials
No, he is too radical. We need an executive committee to meet and then organize and election of delegates by the People to speak for the people, not one person.
TOO RADICAL?? Really? hahahaha that is the best argument do you ear that people? YOU the radicals are calling this man too radical
this is hilarious
why cant i post new messages?
I say no! But certainly he should be invited to talk to OWS
so invite the man and see what he has to say and then react on it. Not just exclude possibilities without a valid reason...
Yes, we need a spokesperson and central figure. He knows politics, he favors many of the issues we have raised. He would be a good choice.
TELL THAT TO THE OTHERS. Explain who this man is to the people at the movement. I think at least we should invite the man to speak to the demonstrators
No. DON'T LET THE DEMOCRATS TAKE OVER or you will be seen as a Democratic Tea Party.
Look! what you doing is politics. In USA there is not many choice and most are from one or other party. Just because i am a jew i should not be excluded from helping the cause of Palestine or am i missing something here??????
Are you serious? How can you even ask this question?
IM VERY SERIOUS. whats wrong with my question?
I need my mother to understand what is going on. The people in the small village need to know whats going on and why you doing it. HOW WILL YOU SEND YOUR VOICE AROUND?
There seems to be a problem with Internet Explorer. Firefox is working though.
OP, I understand you said and meant SPOKESMAN, not leader. Not sure why anyone missed the difference. I voted no because Grayson is too associated with one party and it would put a partisan face on a non partisan movement. There's much I like about Grayson (his aligning with Ron Paul on the Fed; his excellent efforts to expose foreclosure fraud) and there are things I don't like (his support of the health care bill). Overall, he's a good man with good intentions, but there will be people who are alienated by a Democrat. Better to have an (or more than one) unknown, non partisan, with no baggage.
No, no Communists. It will look bad, look what happened in Atlanta with the Marxists not letting the Black leaders speak.
We will be branded, and rightfully so, as bigots.
No, we don't need any leaders, we need to abolish money and set up a technocracy. With abundance (modern machinery) we don't need to barter & hoard.
WHO IS SPEAKING ABOUT LEADERS???? man you all crazy, what a sad day to discover that you cant even read
Okay, we don't need a spoksperson to explain: we need to abolish money and set up a technocracy. With abundance (modern machinery) we don't need to barter & hoard.
Alright! and how will you explain your plan and ideas to the world?
HEY WHY IS MY POST GETTING DELETED?? The man defends you and your revolt and he explains in 30 seconds what you could not do in 1 month.
Who is talking about a leader? Read the topic againg perhaps you did miss the word SPOKESMAN.
The man defends you and your revolt and he explains in 30 seconds what you could not do in 1 month.
One person who has served as a movement spokesperson is Tyler Combelic. He has appeared on Hardball and been interviewed by the New York Times. He's very non-partisan, low key, modest, and articulate - perfect. We're not looking for people who can be entertaining on Bill Maher or some such, just people to responsibly answer media questions.
No. We are all spokespeople. If anything we could have alternating spokespeople who are picked at random. There should be no name or face of the movement. Because if that person falls the movement does.
If we need to make anouncements for the movement, in a GA we can randomly pick someone each time that randomly recounts what we all agreed on. They will not give their name, they will not be photographed or recorded.
The face of this movement is all of us.
All of you? So who will you send to my show to speak for you? who will the other media contact when they need some answers? Will the answers of the one spokesperson be the same as of other spokesperson? HOW WILL YOU control that? It does not work.... You making a mess out of it and you know it.
The answer is simple. No one. We are not here for your amusement. We are not here for your ratings. You will get statements when we release them. If you have questions, then join the GA. That is it. The anonymous spokespeople will represent the GA that they were just apart of. The media team will be in charge of helping create the announcement.
I bet it is you that block me from posting new messages... is this your freedom?
What do you mean? You are posting messages now??? Why would I block you, I don't even know you.
I cant post any new messages... is blocked. Is this the way it works in your revolution? i thought i could say what i wanted? It looks like is just the same of what we already have... WHY ARE MY MESSAGES BLOCKED??
What are you talking about!? You are talking to me know. And it is probably just a server issue! Three times out of five I can't even log into this site. there are hundreds of people spamming this site, they are constantly upgrading it. It has glitches. Not to mention I'm sure there are the occasional DDOS
NO ONE? i dont want you to amuse me you stupid fuck. Im here to help you bring your voice around the world. MORON
Well then play unbiased clips of the movement, but it will not conform to the media's standards of presenting a spokesperson. That person will become well known, then they will become famous, then they will either claim to be the leader or the world will think it is our leader. It is simple. It has happened in other similar situations. The internet community has a word for these people which I find inappropriate so I will not repeat it.
So you choose not to bring your voice around the world if you have the opportunity to do so? is that what i understand from your answer? you think is better that people dont understand what you doing and you are willing to loos for FOX News rather then hae someone representing your point of view?
FOX is no joke and they have lots of money to paint you any color they want. You have to be strong to beat this monster. They are all spreading lies about your movement... you know?
I do know. But the people trapped in Fox News' grasp probably aren't watching your show anyway. They watch fox news and only fox news. They may watch the other sources to mock them. We can't fix that by having one person say "I'm so-and-so and we think this" No, that will help fox news take us down. Right now they are showing pety shit. We control the internet! That is our news outlet. We will win if we stay a group and we get more people
This is not about my show man. what the hell are you trying to say? I want you to explain to my mother what is going on. I need you to tell the all world what you want and not let fox do their shit again and again. They will keep on hammering the message that you just a bunch of nuts and weed smokers till half of america believe in what they say. You need a strong voice to represent and voice your shit GET REAL
No, we DON't. It doesn't take a figurehead to make this real. It takes unbiased reporting and journalism and investigations.
look what Alan Grayson was doing before you were doing this protest he knows more about what you doing than yourself
Then he should join the movement, doesn't mean he should be a spokesperson.
He joined the movement before you ever did dream about it...
He joined before I was a small child? Besides the point. Is he at the GAs? Is he on these forums? Or is he on a soap box somewhere? Not attacking the guy, I'm seriously asking.
Great question. Im also not attending any of your meetings. Im not near and dont think i can make it in the coming times. I dont think everybody needs to be attending the meetings to be able to spread the same believes. Before you existed, there were many people believing in what you believe. You did not invent this goals or frustration. You are not the creator of rebellion or protest. People have been angry before and will be angry in the future. Many of the talking points you discusse in your meetings im sure he was at the beginning of opening the eyes of the people for those causes.
I'm not saying I started it. But he could at least talk on these forums. If he isn't part of THIS particular movement, he shouldn't be a spokes person. This is different than most.
The point is: when someone is needed to answer questions to the media, someone has to do it. Right? Already some people made interviews right? That were the spokespersons of the movement, right? SO THERE ARE SPOKESPEOPLE AROUND THERE
NOW we agree that you have people to speak to the media right???
Imagine that im the best spokesperson you ever could imagine and i never did attend your meetings, would you rather have me as a spoke person or someone else that is everyday at the meetings but cant say everything as i can?
Neither. Everyone that is interviewed speaks for themselves. The problem is that Fox acts like they speak for all of us.
So how will you bring your voice around the world? By bike from mouth to mouth? In 30 seconds a tv reaches 100's of millions, how can you win that fight?
The internet. And I'm not saying that tv can't help. But they don't need interviews, they can just go and do some investigative reporting. Some unbiased investigative reporting
Oh please! what about my mother? she does not see internets... Like my mother many other people dont have internet. How will you bring your point to my mother???? Answer that question, give me a good solution. till now nobody did answer this question. Dont tell me that you dont care about telling my mother about your point of view?
I told you over and over. YOU with your talk show. Need to feed your mother the unbiased truth. It is not our job to cater to the media. We are who we are. The media are lazy. They need to learn how to report again.
MAN is not about my mother, you miss the point completly... I GIVE UP YOU DONT GET IT!
Wake up!
It is about the Mothers all around the nation. The people that don't know how to find the information for themselves. I UNDERSTAND your concern. I do. They need to know. But they don't need some guy claiming they represent us feeding them information. They need investigative journalism, where a reporter joins a GA, takes unbiased recordings, and presents the information. Anyone can find out the information they want to report. They just need to look.
And when the Occupy movement is ready to release demands through the media, if they decide to, they can find a group way to do so while keeping the individuals anonymous. I suggest a video tape.
You know more? your replies show that you not open. Something that is almost a crime to say to some left wing hippie mind that you might be. YES YOU NOT OPEN!
Same like a conservative mind on the other side.... if you get my point
How am I not open because I disagree with you? I have thought of the spokesperson subject. This movement unanimously rejected it. End of story. I don't care if he joins in, helps the discussion, and even helps guide the movement with his experience. But he will not be our spokesperson. It isn't because I hate him. He is a stand up guy. It is because we don't want a spokesperson and we don't need one.
WHO will you send to talk on my mic? I only have one microphone and would like you to tell the world about your position. WHO will you recommend to voice the movement? I cant have 1000 people talking to 1 microphone and one camera. WHO ? YOU want to do the job? if not you then who?
I am positive you are missing the point. I don't want to do it. We don't want anyone to do it. Anyone that DOES do it is just trying to get their 15 minutes of fame. You, as part of the media, have a set way of doing things. You think you need to interview a leader or spokesperson to get information out. We as a movement are telling the Media we aren't playing by their rules.
In short: If you want to interview someone, interview someone who was their, like a reporter. OR interview a political science expert, or an economist, or SOMEONE with a degree, and have them analyze the footage you have obtained. There you go, perfect way to present information to your mother. She can see unbiased (hopefully) footage of different aspects of the movement, and hear an expert talk about the effectiveness. Actually, that would help the movement too, because we could see what that expert thinks.
ok! why dont you come and grab the mic for one hour and answer our questions? Can you stand the heat of 1 hour tv? Can you explain to the mothers out there, what you doing and what you want? i dont want a economist or someone with a stupid degree, i dont care about degrees. I want someone to explain to the world what you doing and i want someone that you assign to speak for you(themovement). Are you the man?
Look! im giving a opportunity for people to speak and be heard.
If im from the media or if im a rich person, should not be of your concern or if im mexican or black or a dog.
I am not asking you to play by the rules of someone else. Im asking and giving the possibility for you to voice your shit to millions and not only to a couple of people. WHO will you let voice your thing? You telling me that you just want me to get a economist or who ever with a degree to explain what you doing? Cant you do your own work? Cant you send me someone that represents the all thing? oh please give me a break...
Okay. I understand your point. Feel free to interview me, Idc. The point is there is no "all thing". This movement is the 99% pissed off about the government and corporations fucking up our lives, our country, and our planet. That is it. There is your statement. That is all you will get. BECAUSE that is the only thing we, as a whole, have collectively agreed on.
You could interview any random person and ask them what they think of the movement, where they have to shit. How they eat and bathe. but you can't ask him where this movement is going because he won't know. He will have an idea, or opinion, but he won't know. Because the group doesn't know yet. It is a direct democracy that is slowly hashing out the clear cut definitions and directions of the movement. I'm sorry that isn't convenient, but that is how it is.
ok! why dont you come and grab the mic for one hour and answer our questions? Can you stand the heat of 1 hour tv? Can you explain to the mothers out there, what you doing and what you want? i dont want a economist or someone with a stupid degree, i dont care about degrees. I want someone to explain to the world what you doing and i want someone that you assign to speak for you(themovement). Are you the man?
I've told you, if you go down to OWS, with a mic, and walk up to a random person and ask them something. Remember. They speak for themselves, not the group. If you somehow call the entire group at once and say, "whom of you do I interview?" They will say no one because no one speaks for the group.
So you telling me that you let nobody come to the studio and tell the world about what you doing donw there? you want to keep people stupid in texas? you want to give the room to FOX news to again and again paint the story they want to paint without the real story coming out? WHO the hell you want to reach in arizona when you in a small park in new york? How will you explain my mother what you standing for if you dont move your ass on tv? you want me to move the studio to the park? you think that is the way to solve the problem? you think it really works that way?
you think foxnews is waiting to paint you like a crazy group of hippies?
when you wake up, foxnews as already spoke to millions of people, while you trying to convince a passerby your park.
OWS isn't the only people you can talk to. Their are hundreds of occupy movements across the country. You could find a local one.
Also, since you keep bringing up Fox News: They seem to find it quite easy to paint a picture of this movement without a spokesperson. You just need to paint it differently. I'm not saying you CAN'T interview a person, or even a group of people. But remember, they speak for themselves, not the entire group.
We are a group of different minded individuals that were brought together by a common problem. We are not a group of like minded individuals who gathered at they gun range or a cafe and said what do we all like and dislike? Let's make a movement about that.
We all have individual demands, no one person will ever be able to cover all of those. So interview as many people as you want. Just remember to tell your audience, they do not represent us all. They only represent themselves and their take on the movement.
See my above comment
You mean that you dont want your voice to be heard? WTF are you doing down there? you want your voice to be heard or not??? Give me the man that speaks for the movement? WHO can speak and explain what is going on? Not only to me but to all the media and the world. Someone that knows what he is talking about, someone that... well i guess if you did not see the point, is useless to explain again and again. fuck it
I SEE your point. I'm telling you that man does not exist! When we come to agreements as a movement we will release statements as a movement. We will address the world as a movement, through a movement. When you want to know something, you can either go to a movement and ask the entire GA your question, or wait until the GA releases a statement. I know it is hard to understand, but think of it like this.
You want a man to step up and sum up our decisions, yes? Well why can't we do that in a letter? I know we have to get the word out, but there are other ways to do it than putting a name or face to it.
I hardly see how this makes me closed minded simply because we disagree. Just because I didn't swoon to your idea after you expained it to me doesn't make me closed minded, it just means that I considered your position and decided to go with ours.
No is not because we disagree that i say you not open minded.
See again you show how closed you are in your last reply. you consider my position and decided to go with ours.
See how closed you are?
OURS? who the hell are you? so you think im not part of OURS? who told you that? who the hell told you that im not OURS?
No, I didn't say that. YOU are a human being. You are also quite obviously part of the 99%. You, being human have your own opinions, as do I. This Spokes person thing is your opinion. The general opinion of the group has been not to have a spokesperson, since I sided with the groups opinion. Yes, I probably could have worded it better, but I did not intend to exclude you from the group. I'm sorry.
alright! fantastic reply. Thank you
You are welcome
The man defends you and your revolt and he explains in 30 seconds what you could not do in 1 month.
Not yet. Plus he's not in office now. Ilike him, but we can do better. Anyway, Jesse is more my guy if yo'ure going for outsider status.
Yes, if he's a choice and an economist like Paul Krugman or Robert Reich are not. Elizabeth Warren would be another one...
No. Grayson lost my trust when he ran an ad that twisted his opponents words out of all context. He deserved to lose.
Really? Then you dont know the man... You believe the brainwash that the media did. He did not twist words...
I know what I saw. I saw the entire ad, and I saw his opponent's entire speech. Grayson twisted his words to make it sound like the guy was in favor of the oppression of Muslim women.
It's good to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.
Then you dont know his opponent well... please do some research and you find out why the ad was like it was.
Why don't YOU tell me?
I dont have the time and resources to tell you all about it but im sure google has. you are not telling me that i should go around collecting newspapers or videos about this man? cant you do that?
You're BUSTED, Vibronix. If Grayson wants to lie like a Republican, he should become one.
YOU brainwashed by some stupid media. you never checked who the man is and what his opponent was. WAKE UP! you sound to me like someone that believes anything foxnews say. GROW UP
If you think is part of Fox News, you ARE clueless.
really? did you ever make a research on the opponent? do that and then tell me if the ad was correct or not. you cant base your entire judgement on superficial facts...
you think im just wrighting shit and the ad is all there is? politifact just speaks about the ad not the background. do the research and talk to me later
You know why new messages are being blocked...? no one can place new messages here :-(
If u want a leader but I thought this was a revolution without a leader why would you chose a politician that makes no sense regardless of what he says he is a politician he lies and still gallows his only interest which is money not the people. If you want a leader go to the park find the person that has passion for the cause and has been there from the beginning but this is the people if you allow politics in it will die I vote no and yes I am protesting in solidarity here in Denver for the cause so I believe I have a say
IM NOT TALKING ABOUT A LEADER..... is about a spokesperson we talking about. do i need to explain the difference?
If i allow politics in it? THIS IS ALL POLITICS MAN. So only the people that were there from the beginning can speak about the movement or protest? Do you know that the protest did not start in new york but in spain??????? should i go to madrid to ask those people?
NO! For one, OWS does not decide things by voting, we decide by consensus. Second, there shall be no permanent spokesman. Not one. Ever. If people want to know what we think, they can ask us or look up the things we publish.
Do we? Decide by consensus? I did not know that.
Yup. You can find it on the New York City General Assembly's website. Click on "GA guide." Look at the second page under "how it works." There's also plenty of other direct democracy guides that say the same thing in more detail
REALLY?? So consensus does not require voting? people just propose things and all the people agree :-) WHAT PLANET are you coming from? CONSENSUS is voting you moron
Example: If i come to a meeting and everybody wants something and i say no, there is no consensus if my vote for the proposition is NO. Get the picture?
um yea, really. I actualy protest down at the zuccotti park, so I know what works. This is what happens: Someone proposes something, ask how people feel about it. No formal hand count, just looking for a feel of what people think. Its a discussion. People talk, make new proposals until a conclusion is reached that everyone agrees on. Again, no formal counting. Not even really raising hands or anything. Usually by the end of the discussion it is apparent that everyone is in agreement. Everyone also has a veto. In three weeks, I've only heard of one time when there was a veto at a meeting that would not be convinced. I know that to you this is all crazy and ridiculous, but why don't you go there, join a working group, and see it in person.
Anyway, that's why I said "NO!" The this post is asking for a vote. It is one guy saying "yes or no." That's not how OWS works
Look! probably much longer then you, i saw this type of consensus meetings take place. I dont need to go to new york to see how it works.
So i should rely on a feeling i get from the screen to know what you thinking? you a big joke... this is internet,
Dude, this isn't a book club.
what is this?
an expression of angry and frustration by 99% of the country.
Vibronix, why did you put out a question for vote then argue and insult everybody who didn't vote for yes for Grayson?
The most no votes have no logica! I did not insult everybody just show my feelings about some stupid arguments. You distorting things when you say that i insult everybody that does not vote yes. If you give me a good reason why you vote no, i will not argue with you.
What is this show of which you speak?
Sorry but that was not the answer i was looking for to my question. I was not expecting a question to my question... I NEED to know who will you send to my show to represent the movement, the revolt, the frustration. Who will you send me to explain what this is all about?
Me? Personally? Um, nobody. I'm more of an interested bystander than participant. I'm still trying to figure out what this is all about.
Grayson explains what this is all about in 30 seconds. something nobody could explain in 1 month
...also, it would be pretty weird for the former CEO of a multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 company (Grayson was CEO of IDT) to be the chief spokesperson of 'occupy wall street'.
See if that is weird, does not mean that is not the right thing to do... Just because someone is rich does not mean that he is bad, right? you mean because i am rich i cant fight against the rich? Really? what about germans fighting germans? is that possible? or jews fighting jews? never heard of it? then you need some reading... im jew and i fight the jews
I never said just because someone is rich it means they're bad, but it would be extremely inappropriate for a former CEO of a multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 company to be the spokesperson for 'the 99%'; Grayson is most decidedly NOT in the 99%. But as I've already indicated, there are other reasons why he would not be a good choice for spokesperson. Anyway, as I've already said, the movement already has media reps and spokespersons. We don't need an 'official spokesperson'.
HITLER was not a German and he did what he did. By your way of thinking, only germans should fight for germany? So only the 99% have the right to be part of the movement? You mean you dont accept money from rich people?
Nothing I've said suggests only Germans should fight for Germany, or that only the 99% have a right to be part of the movement ( though it would be singularly bizarre to have a billionaire 1%-er protesting his own grotesquely disproportionate share of the wealth). However, there is a big difference between a 1%-er fighting for the 99% and a 1%-er serving as the official spokesperson of the 99%.
What's with the preoccupation with Germany anyway? You've somehow managed to bring Germany into this discussion in at least two posts now. Hmmm...
As for accepting money from rich people, I've never been offered money from rich people. They don't generally give it away. If you can tell me where these rich people are who are distributing funds, I will check it out and get back to you as to whether I took the money offered or not ;)
Your suggestion is exactly that because he is part of the 1% he should have no right to be part of the movement. Like me being a jew, i should not stand for Palestine. you digg it? should i not be a spokesman for Palestine? WHY NOT? I try to convince anyone i can about the cause of that people. Should i stop doing it because im JEW? WHY?
My preoccupation with germany is no preoccupation. that was just an example to show how ridicule it is to exclude someone from participating in what ever way possible just because he belongs to a group. THERE IS NO GROUPS HERE Is not because im german or jew or rich that i should or not have the right to be or do what ever necessary. you see the point?
So you willing to accept money from the rich but you would think is not good for some rich to speak the same language as you do?
See the point is that you go on your knees for their money but you would not let them speak because they are rich.
If i give you a million, would you let me speak?
I never said he (or 1%-ers in general) shouldn't be a part of the movement - ANYBODY could be a part of the movement. I said he would be a terrible choice for official spokesperson, for several reasons, one of which being that he is the former CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Your obsessing on this.
And what's the deal with this bit about 'accepting money from the rich'? That's such a bizarre statement. I never said I would or wouldn't 'accept money from the rich' (again, where are these rich people handing out money? Lol!). The point is completely irrelevant.
I go on my knees and beg 'the rich' for money? Where the hell do you get this stuff from? I hope no reporter interviews you at a protest, lol. You're really out there, man!
What you say is that because i am jew, im a terrible choice to defend palestine.... DIFFERENT BUT SAME
So if im a jew i should not represent or defend palestine? WHY NOT? Why cant a rich Defend the poor?
You did ask where are the rich giving money. Meaning you would be the first there to get the money.
I would if i was you and you would be stupid not to run to get the money that some rich is giving out.
See now you painting the story a little differently. Now you dont care about teh money of the rich even if you dont have to beg for it.
Me i beg for money from the rich. Where else should i beg for money, to a poor man? Look im not afraid and ashamed to beg for money from a rich person if is necessary. I even would fuck some rich bitch for money and probably you too. DONT COME AND PLAY THE SAINT. I know you because i know myself. Is that clear?
You're hilarious. Are you serious here or is this some sort of Internet performance art? Are you really this confused, or a comic genius? I honestly can't tell anymore.
Where did I say a Jew is a terrible choice to defend Palestine? I see we've moved from Germany to Palestine now on the vibronix magical mystery tour.
Uh, as far as begging for money, I don't beg for money from anyone. If you do, I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, I guess it would make more sense to beg the rich than the poor. You could beg the middle class too I suppose.
How do you have Internet access if you're a beggar, by the way? Did some rich dude give you an iPad or something? Good score. ;)
You stupid if you cant understand the logica of my arguments and try to paint me as a clown.
no you dont beg for money? really? maybe you did even worst then that. you spend hours and months and years working for the rich. what is worst, you working for the rich or me begging for money or fucking the rich bitches?
you really dont understand a thing of what im talking about... i dont need to beg for money, i have plenty money.
coming back to the jew or german thing. You think a rich should not be able to speak for your cause because he is a rich person. would you accept that me as a jew can speak for palestine? if a jew can defend palestine, why cant a rich defend the poor? because he is rich? is that your way of thinking? if everybody thinks like you, the blacks would still be slaves.
You must be either a troll, mentally ill, intoxicated, a really young child, or just not very bright. You're completely confused and incoherent.
Im not a troll, mentally ill, intoxicated, a really young child or just not very bright. You wrong in all of them... Im not confused or incoherent
that must be all what you feel about yourself.
So tell me, should i stope supporting your cause because i am rich? but then you want my money to support your cause? are you stupid or are you stupid?
i should stop helping palestine because im a jew???????????? IDIOTA
Are you talking about this Allan Grayson I vote yes.
yes thats the man
Alan Grayson? You've got to be kidding me. Grayson is nationally known and is widely regarded as sleazy for making dishonest political ads which involved dishonest editing techniques. He's also a very partisan, ambitious politician who would undoubtedly seek to make it 'his' movement.
I think an official spokesperson is a terrible idea in general; whoever it is would be seen as the 'leader'. But Grayson? You've gotta be kidding.
NO im not kidding! he explains better your ideas then you do. not true? then you ready to come on my show or you let someone else do it? WHO? Who do you send on my show to explain what the protest is all about and what do you want? WHO?
Alan Grayson doesn't speak for me. I can express my ideas perfectly well, thank you. What do you mean by 'come on my show' anyway? Do you have a show? You mean TV shows in general? Any articulate protester is perfectly able to speak to media and many have already. There already are media reps for the movement anyway. We don't need an 'official spokesperson', much less an ambitious, partisan politician like Grayson who has a reputation for saying outrageous things and has high negatives.
I vote yes because hes been thru the system and knows what hes doing. Furthermore, hes very intelligent,well spoken and we do need people like him on our side to counter the ones that are jumping on our bandwagon(pelosi and that barney frank weirdo) He also does not back down for anyone or anything. I believe in Harvey De-....Alan Grayson.
Yes. OWS desperately needs a spokesperson a talking head to communicate with the media. It would, of course, be with the understanding that he doesn't represent everyone, but he could at least get the message out more effectively. I'm sure there are other potential candidates, but Grayson has the 'advantage' of not being widely known nationally so he wouldn't bring a lot of baggage with him. Having one spokesperson in best, OWS is confusing enough at the moment.
I vote no. I would prefer a man who is not part of the established machine; somebody who is already a part of the Wall Street protests. Dennis Kucinich, Alan Grayson, Bernie Sanders, and even Ron Paul showed no interest in this movement until a little over a week ago. We also want to avoid turning into a cheering section for a guy who seeks only to get elected to office...and then will turn his back on us the first chance he gets, necessitating having to start all over again.
That being said, we need somebody older and wiser to speak for us (most of us are under 38,) a grey champion of sorts. Somebody who can make the moral argument for our anger and outrage, someone able to be articulate in debate. We need somebody who can condense why there is such an uproar into real fightin' words.
Figuratively speaking, we've got ourselves a militia. We've got a few captains and lieutenants. Now, for a few generals.
This are your words >> ...we need somebody older and wiser to speak for us (most of us are under 38,) a grey champion of sorts. Somebody who can make the moral argument for our anger and outrage, someone able to be articulate in debate. We need somebody who can condense why there is such an uproar into real fightin' words.
Then if you look at the videos of Alan Grayson, i think you found your man. I dont think this man would turn the back on you. You should see how this man handles the media and the republicans...
I would vote yes. Alan Grayson, along with Marcy Kaptur, Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, and Peter DeFazio are the only ones that seem to know what is going on in Washington... or at least will say it out loud. However, like the other people on this thread, I'm not so sure one spoke person is the way to go, but he would be a good start. He volunteered ??
why no? you have a better option? my god this people on the forum are just insane. I getting very disappointed with you people... i start to believe that things are like they are because you deserve nothing better...
Don't give up so quick. This is not a bad suggestion, but people will put down others' ideas because it's easier than coming up with a solution.
Man it is sad to see this morons talking without knowing what they talking about. They think it is all about anarchy. thanks for your support and to see what i meant to say in the first place
WHAT? This is all about angry people being angry and you telling me that this man is too angry to represent the protest???? what a joke
An Anthem for the Occupy Movement:
Open Eyes Lyrics (tune of auld lang syne)
May the memories not be forgot May we never lose our mind may no one tamper with our thoughts for the sake of open eyes
For open eyes my dear for open eyes we will not drink to blindness dear We`ll drink to open eyes!
The mindless cretins on parade they may fill our lives with fear Should we forgive and look away Well perhaps, but not this year!
For open eyes my dear For open eyes We will not drink to blindness dear We`ll drink to open eyes
Our enemies may come on strong They may try to break our will Should we forgive and look away Just before we spring to kill! (Metaphorically)
For open eyes my dear for open eyes we will not drink to blindness dear We`ll drink to open eyes!
-- Oingo Boingo
I don't think so.
If one were to ask the mainstream media what the goal of Occupy Wall Street was and who the protestors are, most outlets would respond accordingly: they have failed to make specific demands of political, social and economic institutions, they support a wide range of causes and they come from a wide array of socioeconomic backgrounds.
The mainstream media keeps asking the Occupy Wall Street protestors what they want from Wall Street and/or the American government only to be confused when they get different answers from different protesters
@sudoname is not anbout his record on wikipedia. The man is the best you can have to represent your cause... unless you show me a better option?
The option I hope for is a leader to emerge from the OWS movement, who's met many people and can stick to the issues that unite us. But if we need a politician, this guy isn't too bad - seems to be fighting the good fight, the one that doesn't earn him corporate bribes. We're less than 1 month old, and I think it takes time to find a leader.
See, you come here and dismiss this as a joke but you give no solution. What is your solution? Who should be the spokesman? or you also believe there should not be a spokesman? If that is so, how do you transport your ideas, projects, etc. to the rest of us? I dont live in your street and the best chance you have to reach me with your ideas and plans is true the media. could you come to my show?
I think you missed the point. lol
I gave you my solution - there won't be a single spokesperson because there's no single group or perspective to represent and most likely any attempt to impose one will be rejected and result in alienation and fragmentation. Go back at look at the origins of this and its "autonomous" basis. I'm not sure that you get what was intended.
Also, you're not really in any position to make any demands per se because you have nothing to leverage. What's your "...or else?" We'll continue to be pissed off? lol It's not like people aren't already aware of the issues. You're a few years behind various conservative groups who have been complaining about the Wall St. bail-outs and abuses since they happened.
you not sure that i get what was intended? You not sure but i am.
Im not making any demands. where do you see me making demands? I asked if a certain man should be a good spokesperson because i believe he is good and i believe the movement needs one.
That is completely different then making demands, you see that difference? If i get pissed off is because you people make nosense...and you have no good arguments to reject this man as spoksperson.
Im not saying that you are not aware of the issues at stake you fucking moron. the problem is that many people are not aware of what you want... and fox is there to destroy you. GET REAL
Me a few years behind conservative groups? YOU dont know what you talking about...
Yeah, you're the first to break the news that Wall St. and politics are corrupt, unemployment is a problem, and that life in general is unfair. Right on the cutting edge there. I don't know how we made it so long without you to open our eyes. lmao!
Idiot comment!
Maybe. His record on wikipedia doesn't look too bad, will keep this vote in mind.
@Frankie no this is not a joke. You have a better person to represent your interests? WHO is that person?
Sorry, there's no place for A single spokesperson because there is no single perspective to represent. Especially one who would be so divisive. You immediately lose all credibility with the 80% who you really want to reach who aren't at either ends of the spectrum.
Natural voices will emerge for natural causes. No need to force it.
Alright this man is divisive :-) and you think you people are not? you think you will get the corporations on board? give me a break...
"You people"??? lmao!
I don't recall stating any particular affiliation. But FYI I'm about as independent as one could possibly be. I've supported third-party candidates as a matter of principle for probably longer than you've been alive. I grew up in the protest movements that you're, somewhat poorly now, attempting to emulate. I've supported and worked with many groups along the same lines as many of the views represented here.
I gave you my opinion supported by my rationale for that opinion which is based in fact and proven by experience. Because you don't like it, you try to assign some ulterior association when you youself don't even appear to understand the origin of what you're involved with. Take a look at the first page of this site, in partcular, the statement regarding who and what OWS is:
"Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions..."
Now tell me how well thinking that you'd have a single spokesperson, particularly someone as pigeon-holed as an Alan Grayson, fits that description. lol
I already wrote 1000 times that im not talking about a leader. CANT YOU READ???? If he is not the man to be your spokesperson, who will you indicate to voice your frustrations, demands, opinions, goals, plans or what ever you want with this movement?
To start with, maybe handy to know if we agree that there is a need for a spokesperson? YES OR NO If your answer is no, how will you voice your shit to the world? you chant in the streets? you think that can beat a tv that can reach millions of homes? What you planing to do to send your voice around? Let it repeat by 100 people? DO you know how many people the radio or newspaper can reach? YOU LOST THE BATTLE
SO if your answer is yes and there is a need for some one to bring your voice around, who will that be?
I told you no several times and gave you reasons why a single spokesperson doesn't work IMO.
Grayson in particular is a bad choice because of his past associations and general personality. At least 50% (probably more like 75%) or those millions of TVs are turning off (figuratively if not literally) as soon as they see the guy's face.
In any case, it appears that you didn't really want any "no" answers to your question, only agreement, so maybe you should have worded it as a proclamation instead offering it up as a question/for vote. You seem unable to accept that there are different points of view here other than your own. That being the case, you're likely to be very disappointed going forward because, just by its nature, there are many views represented here and there will be many points of disagreement within this "movement."
So now is his face? You judge the man because of his face? You mean you judging me too because of my face? Really? That man told what you standing for in 30 seconds whille you let fox and cnn's and all the fucking media crush you because you have no goal for one month and dont know how to explain your point. HE DID IT 3o seconds and you telling me about his face????????
Is not about the yes and no answer, it is about getting real and see the options.
I want you to tell my mother what you doing. I want you to tell it to her true tv because is the only way you can reach her. WHO WILL YOU SEND TO THE TV STATIONS TO EXPLAIN MY MOTHER WHAT YOU WANT AND WHAT YOU DOING?
Did you smoke a bowl between your last posts? You seem kind of incoherent in this one. Not his "face" literally. Seriously??? lmao
You don't understand that Grayson is an immediately polarizing figure? You're not getting anywhere with only the 10% that Grayson appeals to. You already have them so there's no benefit. That's basically about the equivalent of the Tea Party offering up Dick Cheney up as their spokesperson. lol
And, ONCE AGAIN, I don't agree generally with the need for a single spokesperson.
Look dude, I've given you my opinion and reasons for it. You don't like it or want it. Cool. I'm done.
Frankie - suffice it to say he's quite a few cards shy of a full deck, lol!
what a moron!
I'm just kidding, don't take it so seriously. You are acting a little strange though. You gotta relax, dude.
Im relaxed! You need to get real!
@ADemocraticRepublic you vote no. Please tell me who will speak your ideas and plans?????????
@ADemocraticRepublic Who can i interview in my show? I need someone to come defend your ideas and explain to my public what the protest is all about. WHO do you recommend to speak for you? Yourself?
LOL! C'mon... This is a joke right?
Not uless you want to further resign this to the 1% fringe. There's a reason why he was resoundingly defeated. People are tired of the us versus them crap and he's completely full of it.
True, we need a spokesperson, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
So when i want to interview someone on my show, who will i ask to come? YOU?
NO? and you think you well represented in the media? Remember that you like to see the protest grow? that you like to see it on tv? Im not in new york and many other people are not in new york. How will you send your message to me? without a spokesman?
A spokesman represents the protest by simply explain to the all world that is watching true the media, what all peoples frustrations is about. The spokesman, delivers a clean and direct message to everybody and from everybody. Alan Grayson, speaks better what all this protesters want to say and he believes in what he says. Just check the man on youtube
NO is my vote.
What positions would be presented? I'm still confused about who or what process determines the majority view.
Down with banks. Down with Wall Street. Those are not ideological positions. I've been all over the site and can not find a cohesive view, so how would a spokesperson represent the protest?
Man you missing an opportunity to have the best spokesman for your cause and you let it go? how can you be so blind???????????
...Alright now we getting to the point. ALLELUIA!
This movement desperately needs a public interface.
FUUUUUUUUUUCK why is everybody turning my words of spokesman into LEADER
im not talking about leaders MORONS
Again i see a comment over leaders and the need to be without a leader. Again i need to explain... THIS IS NOT ABOUT HAVING A LEADER OR NOT. Please read my words as i write them. The proposition is for a SPOKESMAN. I, WE and the all movement, needs someone to say to the world waht me and you are thinking. The other day there were some people representing the movement on TV, Countdown. They did well... You mean that we sould not let that people go tell the tv viewers what this is all about????????? WHY NOT
YES, we need all the help we can get as long as he is able to convey the message eloquently.
agreed he was awesome,... no.. we don't need any leaders.
No what you want and need is someone to explain to the all world what you and me and all the rest that is protesting, thinks is wrong or what should be done. Someone that can express your ideas and your mind well. we need someone to tell the story... Are you that person?
The spokesperson for the 99% should change frequently. We don't need personalities or a face to brand an image that we're trying to sell. We need well articulated, knowledgeable, unbiased and committed individuals. I'm all for spokespeople addressing the concerns of the many, but we need to remain leaderless and actively seek to maintain that, both in reality and in perception. (I'm aware of the difference between leaders and spokespeople.)
NO? So how do you want to send your voice around the world? Who will tell the word want you want to do? Who will explain to the world what is wrong and what should change and how? WHO do you have in mind to explain the all world what you have in your mind?
Alan Grayson just offered himself to be the spokesman. do you think you have a better person to explain and defend your point of view? This guy can explain better your ideas then you do.
Vote: NO
Man We are not talking about leaders here, just someone to say what this is all about. YOU CONFUSING LEADERS WITH SPOKESMAN
@endthefednow so nobody should be the spokesman?? you mean that you just let it be like it is? you speak for yourself? what am i suppose to do as a protester? i think this man represents the best of what you protest about and what i protest... I think he can speak better then you or me
@halim then i think you dont know who alan grayson is...make some research on youtube and you will be surprised
I've seen a couple you tube clips of Christina Gonzales I think is her name. I wouldn't mind her speaking on behalf of OWS.
I would prefer Dylan Ratigan. He isn't running for anything that I know of.
No. It has been clear from the beginning that the OWS movement does not want a "leader", especially a politician. I like A Grayson, but I remember him talking about the importance of getting jobs for people that pay $30K a year... Not the kind of leader I would want.
...and another link from last night. Take a good look at how he explains and defends occupy wall street
He subscribes to the very 2-party-corporate system we are against.... IF we were choosing a leader (which we shouldn't) I would elect congressman Bernie Sanders.
Just in case you dont know who Alan Grayson is, have a look on youtube or follow the link
HELL NO. Nobody shouldbe the spokesperson. Especially a politician! We speak for ourselves.
that guy was AWSOME on Bill Maur, im skeptical, but id vote yes off what i heard!
we should have a group of leaders, 1 leader is too dangerous lol
no, he's too angry
WHAT? This is all about angry people being angry and you telling me that this man is too angry to represent the protest???? what a joke