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Forum Post: Vote with your feet people!!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 7:02 a.m. EST by Fitnessdan (0)
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Freedom is a great thing isn't it? The freedom to associate, protest, live where you want....

American corporations have freedom too, the freedom to relocate outside of the country or in a rural area more where it's difficult to cause a disruption. Be careful what you wish for protesters!!!!

This world is made of makers and takers, the makers don't owe you anything and if government places more emphasis on your "right" to create a disruption over someone's right to earn a living, then it makes sense to relocate and earn a living elsewhere.

Same thing goes for the protesters, if you don't like America, you should flee to Mexico. They have warmer weather, nicer beaches and you won't get cold during your protests.

Point is that your protests are a waste of time and change nothing as people and corporations can migrate elsewhere creating a smaller tax base and even fewer makers per taker. What happens when all the makers flee? Haven't thought that far ahead have you....????

So I would urge you to vote with your feet. If your unhappy with your situation or living condition move elsewhere. You could always get a job. Now that some states are enforcing immigration laws you could pick our vegetables or work in a Tyson plant.


Top 50% - the makers supporting the rest of America



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[-] 1 points by Peretyatkov (241) from город Пенза, Пензенская область 13 years ago

Good post. But the fact is that democracy is based primarily on competition. Including, and of ideas. This is as it should be, ideally. What is today? The easiest way - to give example. Suppose someone, finds a solution that can save millions of lives. If he has no money - his and no one will listen. Be heared, this is also our right.