Forum Post: VOTE on #Occupy Demands
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:38 a.m. EST by precipice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Greetings all, I am setting up a website for us to post ideas for demands and to vote on them. Let's try to reach some sort of consensus. We will be presenting the top-ranked ideas from this list to #OWS and the NYCGA to help make better decisions for our community.
Here is the site. It is very simple and fast to register.
I agree with this totally. We need specific demands and leadership. Hypothetically: what happens if the 1% attempts to negotiate? Who will speak for "everyone's movement"?
SPECIFIC demand # 1
1- Candidates and representative should NOT FUNDRAISE
ie Fundraising will be a CRIME 2- please all you OWSers go to and sign petition. DYLAN Ratigan has started.
Great idea.
well, this site hopes to show demands consensed upon by a large number of the community. this makes it easier for us to know what we, as a whole, want when negotiating.
Your right to vote.
Please go to sign the petition.! Candidates should NOT SOLICIT donations or Accept MONEY . what can be done is to arrange for events and sell tickets to those who want to attend. CORPORATIONS have to remember that all the $$$$$ they give is part of their costs , therefore they are cheating their share holders and also their customers by giving $$$$$$ ie spending on the POLITICIANS. THAT is what was wrong about the SUPREME court decision " CITIZENS UNITED " I want to remind everyone that the MOST POTENT WEAPON ........IS OUR VOTE..... Because on election day it is only the TURN OUT that will matter and ONLY the VOTES that will be counted. IN the midterm elections I bet millions of those in OWS DID NOT TURN OUT to vote.
Please go to sign the petition.! Candidates should NOT SOLICIT donations or Accept MONEY . what can be done is to arrange for events and sell tickets to those who want to attend. CORPORATIONS have to remember that all the $$$$$ they give is part of their costs , therefore they are cheating their share holders and also their customers by giving $$$$$$ ie spending on the POLITICIANS. THAT is what was wrong about the SUPREME court decision " CITIZENS UNITED " I want to remind everyone that the MOST POTENT WEAPON ........IS OUR VOTE..... Because on election day it is only the TURN OUT that will matter and ONLY the VOTES that will be counted. IN the midterm elections I bet millions of those in OWS DID NOT TURN OUT to vote.
Please go to sign the petition.! Candidates should NOT SOLICIT donations or Accept MONEY . what can be done is to arrange for events and sell tickets to those who want to attend. CORPORATIONS have to remember that all the $$$$$ they give is part of their costs , therefore they are cheating their share holders and also their customers by giving $$$$$$ ie spending on the POLITICIANS. THAT is what was wrong about the SUPREME court decision " CITIZENS UNITED " I want to remind everyone that the MOST POTENT WEAPON ........IS OUR VOTE..... Because on election day it is only the TURN OUT that will matter and ONLY the VOTES that will be counted. IN the midterm elections I bet millions of those in OWS DID NOT TURN OUT to vote.
The Economic Revolution Requires a 25$ withdrawal from your BOA checking account on January first, 2012 -- pass this on!
The revolution has begun and will become obvious to all on JAN 1, 2012: If you want to see it, simply either close your Bank of America account, convince others to do this, and together we can collectively crash that bank -- as a demonstration of neo-democratic rule: that is, choosing to use the internet to collectively organize our powers and actions just as corporations and wealthy millionaires do - collectively. Pass this on and remind everyone you know to either close their account before January 2011, or to withdraw as much money as they can afford -- even as much as a 25 $ -- on January first: any removal of funds from that bank will contribute to our struggle against the 1%, against the deregulated greedy corporations, and the multi million and billionaires!
The resistance of the 85% is caused by the 15%; the 99% by the 1%.
~ The American Sociologist
PS Please vote on this action!
I disagree. This movement started because so many people have this gut feeling and I don't want them to feel they have to sign on to a list to be a part of the movement. We don't need an official list of demands. I have no problem with individuals or individual groups putting out their lists - please do so, and let the debate on them begin.
The media thinks we need an official list but I don't think so. If this movement keeps growing, the politicians will come to us begging for support with their plans and each of us can support them if we so choose and like what they are offering.
Let that gut feeling be the only defining aspect of this movement.
yeah, we need consensus
Keep em comin