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Forum Post: Vote On My Proposal - $150k Income Cap, Free College Tuition, And More

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:19 p.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS (115)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


I propose that we establish a $150,000 income cap. All income above this will be taxed at 95%. Everything under will be taxed at normal rates.

What will this allow us to do you ask? Well, we would be able to offer the following services to The People™ using the new tax funds.

1) Free College Tuition - College is a basic human right.

2) Guaranteed Basic Housing - All people, regardless of employment, will be able to sign up for free housing. There will have to be a limit, such as if you make over $40,000/year you will not be eligible. The government will use funds to pay for rental properties (there will have to be a limit such as $1,500 per month)

3) Guaranteed Income - All people, regardless of employment will receive an annual income of $20,000, to cover basic living necessities such as internet, food, water, cell phone, etc.). If you earn over $30,000 you will be exempt.

Please feel free to add other services we could provide by taxing the rich.



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[-] 4 points by TruePatriots (274) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

1 yes 2 ok 3 no

[-] 1 points by D33JAYRICO (2) 13 years ago

This is Just ignorance. Im poor and still think those who earned there money the correct way deserve it. Im a broke college student whos working 2 jobs to pay for school but im not complaining and you know why because my grandmother came to the us working in factories and managed to buy 10 houses in the early 20's she busted her ass not knowing a word of english. I believe those who have truly earned it deserve what they get and those who are looking for a hand out with out working for it or risking should be taught to work. I shake my head at fools like you who think things just come to you in life. Even in nature a lion doesnt eat by another animal offering itself it has to hunt and if doesnt catch anything starve. Thats the way life is now stop feeling sorry for yourself and come up with another idea. Im tired of Ows getting filled with ignorant minds i see few replies about those that understand what the movement even stands for. I understand the college tuition and even the basic housing and even will go as far to say all of your ideas are good but to create an income cap is ridiculous. There are plenty of other ways we can save money to create these things and if we could work on our own country and helping ourselves flourish as a whole we wont have a problem. I live in ny take the train every day , I live in brooklyn not the best neighborhood but its my home and I see uneducated individuals all through out this "great city" who have no idea about life or the real world and are using up the tax dollars living in project buildings with no light or gas bill and live comfortable because they can survive on bare minimum and it disgust me i feel as if education is key and its cool to say hey free college tuition but how can we jump to supporting college when our lower graded educational institutions are not even at a good standard.. just some food for thought

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

For question 1: Why have college at all? Why not allow men and women to try out different skills for future careers, using computer simulation? Let people see what they are good at, work on what they are not good at and allow them to start work, when, as and if: 1) they master the correct combination of skills, sought by an employer 2) are the first one, with the right skill combination, through the door 3) They can start on Monday?

A poor person is better off training on an $85 computer, than getting into $58, 000 in debt. A rich person is better off too, training on an $85 computer.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

I am trying to pitch a plan to a former Fortune 500 CEO and you must know how he would react to ideas from a guy named ArrestALLCEOS! LOL Are you wiling to give a free pass to the former CEOs? =)

[-] 1 points by Fedup10 (228) 13 years ago

I am out of here!

[-] 1 points by davethedave (9) 13 years ago


Yes, dear.

"I propose that we establish a $150,000 income cap. All income above this will be taxed at 95%. Everything under will be taxed at normal rates."

In which case nobody will create wealth over $150,00 so you will have less income from taxes.

"What will this allow us to do you ask? Well, we would be able to offer the following services to The People™ using the new tax funds."

What new tax funds? You now have less tax funds as there in incentive to create wealth over $150,000.

"1) Free College Tuition - College is a basic human right."

How are we going to pay for this since we now have much lower tax revenues and no entrepreneurs creating wealth. Why would anybody start a new company, risking everything, losing money in the first couple of years, probably failing, if, even if they are lucky enough to be successful, the government will decide that they are going to take 95% of their income?

And if college is a basic human right then surely that applies to all the people of the world? Since Americans as a whole are in the richest 20% of the world surely all Americans should pay the 95% tax in order to pay for college for the 80% of the world who are not lucky enough to live in the developed world?

And so on. Your argument is entirely nonsensical.

[-] 1 points by 1stamendment4all (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You are an idiot. Seriously, your ignorant post hurts my eyes.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Start the war against Injustice by starting our own banks to double the income of the Bottom 90% of Workers, for many more people will come to your side when you are proactive (for “new” Business & Government solutions), instead of reactive (against “old” Business & Government solutions), which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive “new” strategy that implements all our various socioeconomic demands at the same time, regardless of party, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 1% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves, and thus doubling our income from Bank Profits which are 40% of all Corporate Profits; that is, using a Focused Direct Democracy organized according to our current Occupations & Generations. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategically Weighted Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




because we need 100,000 “support clicks” at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

Most importantly, remember, as cited in the first link, that as Bank Owner-Voters in your 1 of 48 "new" Business Investment Groups (or "new" Congressional Committees) you become the "new" Congress, and related “new” Businesses, replacing the "old" Congress, and related “old” Businesses, according to your current Occupations & Generations, called a Focused Direct Democracy.

Therefore, any Candidate (or Leader) therein, regardless of party, is a straw man, a puppet, a political opportunist; what's important is the STRATEGY – the sequence of steps – that the people organize themselves under in Military Internet Formation of their Individual Purchasing Power & Group Investment Power. In this, sequence is key, and if the correct mathematical sequence is followed then it results in doubling the income of the Bottom 90% of Workers from today's Bank Profits, which are 40% of all Corporate Profits.

Why? Because there are Natural Social Laws – in mathematical sequence – that are just like Natural Physical Laws, such as the Law of Gravity. You must follow those Natural Social Laws or the result will be Injustice, War, etc.

The FIRST step in Natural Social Law is to CONTROL the Banks as Bank Owner-Voters. If you do not, you will inevitably be UNJUSTLY EXPLOITED by the Top 1% Management System of Business & Government who have a Legitimate Profit Motive, just like you, to do so.

Consequently, you have no choice but to become Candidates (or Leaders) yourselves as Bank Owner-Voters according to your current Occupations & Generations.

So please JOIN the 2nd link, and spread the word to as many as possible, so we can make 100,000 support clicks at AmericansElect.org when called for, at exactly the right time, by an e-mail from that group, in support of the above the bank-focused platform. If so, then you will see and feel how your goals can be accomplished within the above strategy as a “new” Candidate (or Leader) of your current Occupation & Generation.

[-] 1 points by goeib1 (163) 13 years ago

PERFECT illustration of the 1% ers intelligence!!

[-] 1 points by Ohcubss (29) 13 years ago

I thought this was a fight against the money in politics ... . Not anymore?

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago

99% of the American people won't support these.

[-] 1 points by 8472ofborg (100) from Bruce, SD 13 years ago

sigh I agree with the need for an income cap but you need to do a LOT more work on this idea before it is feasible. For starters, how do you handle farmers, artists, and writers who earn based off a percent of sales?

[-] 1 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

Simple. They will earn their regular amount except they will not be allowed to make over $150k, and if they do it will be taxed at 95%

[-] 1 points by SpaghettiMonster (90) 13 years ago

I agree with what you're saying - this planet doesn't belong to any one person. I'll admit to always having issues agreeing with the ideas of limits on income, I thought it would limit the innovation and creativity. But, does it really have to? I'm an aspiring scientist / engineering student - I'm not doing it for the money, it goes far beyond just making money. It's about making a difference and thinking outside of this monetary cage we've built for ourselves.

A statement like "Limits to personal wealth growth is a crime" would have previously had me nodding in agreement. But, if rephrased to "Limits to personal land ownership is a crime", "Limits to personal resource ownership is a crime", these are obviously wrong. Limits are what we must accept, how does unlimited wealth even begin to make rational sense on a limited planet? I really hope we can change for the better, cause the planet can only take so much reckless abuse.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

Well said. Reminds me of an engineer I knew who started his own business. He lived in a country club in a $3 million house, drove a Bentley, and some other nice cars and traveled all over the world. It was sickening.

All you really need is a decent one bedroom apartment and maybe a basic $5,000 car. This income cap would solve that and end the greed.

[-] 2 points by goeib1 (163) 13 years ago

Well I'm sorry, I believe all you REALLY need is a tent and maybe a basic $200 bicycle. A $5000 car? How sickening. The income cap NEEDS to come down to a much more sane level such as $10,000/ yr. Anything over that SHOULD be taxed at 100%, NOT 95%. Why the hell you GIVING those assholes 5% anyway. God Get with it man! Just think of all the money that would flow in from people that will work 7 days a week and overtime so they can give it away! NO MORE GREED... Hooray!!

[-] 1 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

Brilliant, you are a gentleman and a scholar. What was I thinking...a $5,000 car is a bit excessive, I guess the corporate propaganda got to me. I will revise my original proposal above.

[-] 1 points by goeib1 (163) 13 years ago

Cool... was hoping you would see it my way!

[-] 1 points by movenowforever (1) from Greensboro, NC 13 years ago

i totally agree with this. we need to start making demands, the 1% is infringing on our basic human rights. we must demand for free health care, education, jobs for everyone

[-] 0 points by chrischrischris (143) 13 years ago

4) Guaranteed Right to Spot a Troll - All citizens will be educated in spotting and detecting a troll, without being mad bro.

[-] 0 points by Mcc (542) 13 years ago

Is greed really good? 

Doctor discovers cure and prevention of AIDS. Sells discovery for $5,000,000,000,000. Same doctor discovers cure and prevention of heart disease. Sells discovery for another $5,000,000,000,000. Same doctor discovers cure and prevention of Alzheimer. Sells discovery for another $1,000,000,000,000. Breast cancer. Brain cancer. Skin cancer. Bone cancer. Colon cancer. Pancreatic cancer. Cervical cancer. Ovarian cancer. Testicular cancer. Banks cover all related investments by the health care industry. Nobody stops to consider that the lower 99 percent combined could never afford such expensive cures. The richest one percent agree to purchase the bulk of material assets along with millions of unsold homes for ten percent of market value. After a two year spike in revenue, the health care industry tanks. The vast majority have gone bankrupt in a desperate attempt to cover those incredibly expensive cures. The profits made in the first two years were nowhere near enough to cover the $20,000,000,000,000 doctor payoff. The largest debts in world history go unpaid. All major banks fail miserably. Followed by every major industry. Unemployment spikes to 90 percent in all of the G20. The global economy tanks. Chaos breaks out worldwide. Meanwhile, the richest man in the world by far, buys an island and hires a small army to protect his $20,000,000,000,000 fortune. 5000 jobs are created. More as the richest one percent worldwide hire additional security. Unemployment drops to 80 percent across the developed world. Widespread chaos remains. Entire cities burn to the ground. The masses finally converge on the richest one percent in every corner of the world. As the bodies pile up, disease breaks out worldwide. When the dust settles, and the bodies rot away, only a few hundred million remain worldwide. Those few hundred million survivors must find a way to get along and rebuild. Hopefully, with a more reliable and ethical system of economics.       

The answer is hell no. Greed kills..

[-] 1 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

you have a hell of an imagination