Forum Post: Volcker Rule
Posted 11 years ago on Dec. 9, 2013, 6:37 p.m. EST by sharmag
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am concerned, very much so, that it will hurt Goldman Sachs. GS was founded in 1869 and has long been a very important player in the economy. The Volcker Rule (in its current form) could limit GS's trading activities and bottom line. This is very hazardous. Think of GS's shareholders, corporate clients, employees, high net worth wealth depositors, and others involved in the firm. And are we really going to let Morgan Stanley beat Goldman Sachs? That's why I really dislike this piece of unnecessary regulation.
Perhaps you should read what it is?
Your point?
To find out what it is about.........
That you don't actually have one.
And here I thought you knew.
Nope. You just don't have one.
I did have one.
You speak in the past tense.
So your dog ate it?
Or perhaps.
You lost it on the way to the forum?
I really dislike trolls. Can we just beat the living shit out of you and call it a day?
Because you're a troll.
Why am I a troll?