Forum Post: VOICES: Privatizing America for their majesty, Kings Charles and David Koch
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 28, 2012, 12:26 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Like the billionaire Koch brothers who've been its most prominent benefactors, ALEC wants taxpayer dollars (yes, they like taxpayer dollars) steered from public schools toward charter schools, school vouchers, and other measures that ultimately lead to privatization. An ideal ALEC school would preach the glories of unregulated capitalism and the evils of government and particularly labor unions.
ALEC's tentacles reach far. An estimated 43 percent of Ohio legislators are members. Anti-union measures in Ohio and Wisconsin have ALEC's fingerprints all over them. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who recently signed a "right-to-work" measure into law, wrote the foreword to ALEC's "Report Card on American Education," a manifesto that places union-busting over test scores in its school evaluations.
Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, and Oklahoma are among the states that have passed specially crafted ALEC legislation on education issues.
Here in Mississippi, a perfect breeding ground for ALEC/Koch ideology given its tortured history regarding public education, a movement is already well underway to starve the beast of government to make way for a privatized world.
ALEC members in the Mississippi Legislature include the following state representatives: Bill Denny, Mark Formby, Bobby Howell, Sam Mims V, Randall Patterson, Jessica Upshaw and Tom Weathersby. All are Republican except Patterson.
State senators who are ALEC members include: Nancy Adams Collins, Joey Fillingane, Dean Kirby, Will Longwitz, and Melanie Sojourner. All are Republicans.
Hence, Occupy Wall Street.
They have polluted the land.Stolen the people's natural resources.Corrupted our political systems.Enriched themselves at the peoples expense.And worst of all sponser Scott Walker, all crimes against working people.And now that the American people are waking up to there misdeeds what will become of them?
What will become of them?
They will be replaced by others just like them no doubt.
Hopefully the others will realize that this is NOT how to do it.
We'll get 'em. Never underestimate the American People.
Thank you Friday, this is really good reporting.
(much better than MSNBC I wish they would "get in the game")
I got to look up the AZ ALEC members so I can post them. Thanks for the idea.
Can you cite specific examples of ALEC legislation that we might consider detrimental? I mean, because, it would appear to me that if our intent is to limit corruption and reduce spending, that "conservative" legislation is the only way to go; how else would we label such legislation?
Also... the public education system, as a political institution, with its current stranglehold on those who must contribute through "taxes" under force of law, is, and will continue to be, a dismal failure. Privatization, and supportive legislation, is our only hope.
We should not be paying taxes for public education but fees as "tuition" for the education of our children. Those who have the dollars go to school; those who do not work to rectify that situation.
Full stop!
The fact that ALEC is writing legislation at all should have you up in arms. Why doesn't it?
Uhh, because I'm not happy with the current legislation that is being written?
Wrong answer!! Thanks for playing. We can discuss issues when you are serious.
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What about George Soros? Is he bad too?
Yes !! he is
PeePantsZen No Profile Information
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Joined Feb. 27, 2012
Bargain hooker, bring your own penicillin and 3 quarters.
Crack dealer, kids make great mules!
Strung out retard.
My hands are dirty but that's never stopped me from snitching on my corrupt partners, or anyone else.
Punch me square in my whore face if you ever see me.
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Joined Oct. 31, 2011
Is that all you got, Koch whore?
So much for pretenders.
Bet your foot is just itchin to kick it's (?) balls up around it's ears. I know mine are.
Oh, no, he's the type of cat that will wind up in prison. Po' and alone.
I won't cry.
Nor should you. We are all responsible for our own Karma. Some just do not seem to get the result of theirs as swiftly as they should.
He is nothing more than a useless easily replaceable tool. I'm pretty sure that while he can't see that bottom it's going to hurt something awful.
No doubt.
Better idea, give everyone a government job. Government needs to be much larger, that's what you want, right?
I mean all of you want lives you are unable to provide for yourselves so by all means, more government is the answer for you helpless infants.
You just went all binary, didn't you?
Too bad your neither of the ten different types of people (the ones who understand it and ones who don't) who comprehend binary.
neither of the ten different types of people
Do it again! Do it again!
Again with the Koch brothers? you have fallen for the propaganda and like a lot of liberals you are a koch addict because its just so simple to do.
people do not fall but rise up against people who do evil Boy Wonder
Evil, another liberal word used frequently. It is amazing that people say conservatives are less intelligent than liberals, when all liberals here have such a restricted vocabulary Maybe you can tell me in your own words why the Kochs are evil?
When did I become " a liberal" Boy Wonder.To rob, To Corrupt.To hoard. To prevert ,To destroy are evil deeds.Any other questions MR. vast vocabulary? Now get off your Knees and go do somthing besides make a jack ASS of yourself.
can you tell me in your own words why the Koch's are evil? please provide vetted evidence. I bet that you don't think that Iranians leaders or the Palestinian terrorist are evil ,do you? I bet you love the black panthers who were at a polling place with batons and military dress?
Can you tell us in your own words why it would be necessary for two brothers of great wealth to create an astroturf group? Or how about why it is that they would be so focused on destroying the lives of all of the people that do not have that great wealth?
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. They don't have to deal with the repercussions of their actions. Do they? No, they can afford to buffer themselves. They want an entire group of people indoctrinated to god you are elite because you deserve it and you are poor because that is your place in society.
i don't think that the Koch's brothers started the Occupy astroturf group. that would be Soros, the Unions, and now Ben and Jerry who will pay the occupiers to protest.
The Koch brothers started the Tea Party!!!
Thanks for playing!
May you and all of your identities have a great day!!!
you are so funny, really they started the Tea Party. how did the start it? what exactly did they do. look Virginia, you have no idea how brain washed you are. it's sad, i'm sure that you are a smart person. compare that to ben and jerry and the Unions outright paying for occupy wall street.
You have been provided information!!!! I suggest you read up.
May you and all of your identities have a great day!!!
i asked for vetted information. you have nothing, nada, zippo. Interesting that you don't argue about Occupy being financed by rich people, unions, and corporations. Not a problem there. a Double standard that doesn't work well for the original occupy.
If this isn't enough, there's more . come on that's the democrat campaign committee site. that's even below your normal stupidity.
Newyorker, just complaining about what the Koch's support. nothing evil or illegal. If occupy wants to shut down all opposing views and have an authoritarian government tell us what to read and listen to then the Occupy movement is a danger to free speech.
And Socialist Shooz, or whatever your real name is, , have you looked into who supports Occupy and other left wing movements? they are rich Unions, billionaires, millionaires, Foundations.... talk about a double standard.
You were expecting an expose from FLAKESnews, newsmax, or maybe Heritage?
How about behavior bordering on treason?
your hatred of the Koch borders on insanity. Calm down and quit sending me these biased articles.
The occupy movement started to clean up wall street. and you now focus on what your Union bosses are telling you to focus on, some rich guys in the oil business.
griperblade, unbelievable left wing rag
nytimes writen by Frank Rich who now left the NY Times. was an op-ed columnist, left wing by any standard.
I don't hate them, I hate what they do.
death and taxes writen by Andrew Belonsky left wing activist.
usnews writen by Peter Fenn is a Democratic political strategist.
You have been provided information. It isn't that I can't argue with you. You are a complete and total waste of time. Everyone can see it. :D
So, you and your multiple identities have a great day!! You do know what day it is, doncha?
Carlitini99 1; GirlFriday 0 Better luck next time.
Wrong. You look like shit.........again.
But, you have a great day!! You and all of your identities. You know what day it is? It's going to be a great day!!!
Carlitini 2 Girlfriday 0. And it is a great day for America, not so good for america haters.
Koch got your tongue?
Off your knees, Koch sucker!
Koch is pronounced like 'Coke' . Do you homework, copy/paste queen.
I know how it is pronounced, sweetie. :D Now, your mommy wants her computer back.
if you know how to pronounce it, your attempt at a vulgar joke makes no sense. But, let me ask you, in your own words why are the Koch brothers evil?
It makes sense and it's appropriate.
They have purchased legislation, politicians, professors and scientists and may have bought two of our Supreme Court Judges. They have destroyed our democracy. They are involved in destroying the social safety net that has been created for those people that need it. They have engaged in propaganda and are attempting to indoctrinate our children. They are engaged in stealing from the public coffers.
Don't ask me again, Koch whore.
Do you have any vetted evidence of any of your charges against the Koch's ?? Let me help you out... No you don't, it is just propaganda. You would have fit in just fine in Nazi Germany. You are a tool of the left, trying to repeat a lie until it becomes a truth.
You were given ways of finding out that information about the Kock's and you chose NOT to.
Why can you have so many capital letters in your post?
Please support the Koch Brothers by purchasing their products. Thanks and have a good one
What is your thoughts on George Soros?
Don't conflate the two.
George Soros seeks to destroy the United States and its' Constitution. The Kochs are pro United States and Constitution. Don't conflate the two.
Clearly, someone dropped you on your head.
Only someone who has been dropped on their head would reply to me in that manner... Go see a doctor.
You've never had to deal with the consequences of having a neighbor who wouldn't buy health insurance? It hurts, I'll tell you that much. I feel sorry for people like you who live sheltered lives and aren't exposed to the suffering in the world.
What were the consequences of having a neighbor who would not pay for health insurance?
Well, like, if you make poor decisions and don't take care of yourself (DON'T JUDGE, HATER), then all of a sudden your insurance premiums go up because the people who did not buy insurance rarely get sick and pay out of pocket when they do. So, all the people with good health who don't buy insurance, aren't including themselves in the insurance pool and are essentially costing me money through higher premiums. It's just not fair. And don't tell me to start taking care of myself and stop eating trash if I want to be included in the pool, it's a personal decision.
sorry, I see now.
Well yeah, but government needs to step in where consensual and contractual acts turn into nightmares for third parties, so called negative externalities. Like if you don't buy health insurance, that hurts other people. Or if you don't want to pay for your neighbor's prostate exam, that hurts him. Or if you don't want to give all of your money to random strangers, that hurts them and society both. Don't get me started on people who want to be able to pay going rate for labor without a price floor imposed on the transaction.
How does my not buying health insurance hurt you?
I can tell you how forcing me to pay for health insurance for others hurt both you and I.
Or, we could get the government back in our lives. Either one.
government has been working its way more and more into our lives for the past 100 years. It would be far better for government to be pushed out of our lives and for individuals to be free to live their lives without government interference.
You say "destroy the constitution" like it's a bad thing.
The Constitution has been being slowly destroyed by progressives for a hundred years. Yes, it has been a bad thing to destroy the greatest document to secure the freedom of individuals the world has ever known. Restore the Constitution and get government out of our lives.
George Soros is a very nice person, who's activities you probably wouldn't understand because they are too important and complicated for your little mind. Go back wherever you came from, troll. I have my own problems with Soros, but we don't need people like you coming on this site and bashing the modern day heroes of the 21st century.
The Koch brothers are very nice people, who's activities you probably wouldn't understand because they are too important and complicated for your little mind. Go back wherever you came from, troll. I have my own problems with progressive idiots like you, and we don't need people like you coming on this site and bashing the modern day heroes of the 21st century.
I thought the same thing for your post.
i asked for vetted evidence. none of what was given to me was. You misspelled the name it has an 'h' at the end and is pronounced like 'Coke'. If you can't even spell the name of someone you hate so much how can one believe anything that you say? Your use of vulgarity tells me that you are upset. Are you upset about being on a losing team?
Yes, it was. You chose not to make use of it. That was intentional. Your request was a transparent lie.
You are a troll and belong back under the bridge to hell you were spawned in. You deserve no civility. You have earned only contempt.
You are a piece of shit scumbag who should die choking on your lies and hypocrisy and dissembling rotted immorality. You are a cesspool.
Go fuck yourself.
how sad, another occupier brought to a babbling, vulgarity laced, defeat by a dumb conservative like me.
The original Occupy movement was founded by anarchists, and was anti unfettered Capitalism from day one. It has, from its conception, been an avowedly left wing movement.
It is still those things. It has never been anti Semitic, although, like the rest of the world, it has been highly critical of many Israeli policies (though it attracts some individual loonies). It has never been anti-American, but has always, from the day of its inception, sought to replace the current system of representative democracy with direct democracy.
I support many of its goals, apart from the last one. I support its foundational idea that income inequality is a moral wrong. I support its anti-corruption thrust. I support its anti-war stance. I support its very American insistence on 1st Amendment rights and its fulfillment of Thomas Jefferson's desire for a revolution for every generation. I support its stance against foreclosures, its support for unions, its hatred of corporations, its attack on the corruption of democracy by the wealthy elite, its identifying the class warfare waged against the people by that elite, and share in its condemnation of a system designed to create concentrated wealth and widespread poverty.
You are not simply offering "another view" or "questioning" the "more radical" people here. You are attacking OWS itself, its core foundational leftism, and defending the very people and system OWS was FOUNDED to oppose. And since you are now admittedly against most of what Occupy exists for, why are you still here? You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe you will change the majority of its practices and stances, or change the minds of its membership enough to make it adjust those positions. You are here to try to sow division in the hopes that enough of your kind will somehow demoralize the membership. You are here to do nothing other than attack, and have done nothing other than that, totally belying your benign self description. You are either grandiose enough to believe you will succeed, narcissistic enough to believe that coming to a support site of a movement in order to attack that movement will be effective, or just as likely, you are simply "getting off" psychologically.
And you wonder why you are met with derision and contempt. You are a troll, and nothing more.
you obviously feel threatened as you wrote so much in your defense. What does Israel (the only democracy in the middle east) have to do with the U.S.'s financial crisis and wall street? nothing. that's why people don't like occupy anymore , it just became another loony left movement , hate israel, anti-business, anti-military, anti-christian, pro muslim, pro third world anything...
Reply to your post below.
I already told you explicitly and at length. As usual, you ignored it, as you do with facts in general. But just to reiterate: I am here on the OWS support site to support OWS. That's what this site is for. It is not a general political discussion board.
You are not here - on the movement's support site - to support the movement. You see nothing wrong with going to a support site and attacking it instead. You are so fucking narcissistic and self important that you can't even see how bizarrely inappropriate that is.
i'm here to support occupy, but its changed to something else like i already told you. i'm, humbly, trying to get it back on track to be focused on the financial industry.
How disgusting, another troll with nothing better to do than spread lies.
You do NOT support this movement. You do NOT go to information you were pointed to in response to YOUR disingenuous request. You have NO curiosity about learning more than you think you know.
Are you being paid, or do you just enjoy the mental masturbation that trolling is?
no i'm not paid, not like occupiers are paid. like i've said before, occupy when it started had a point about the financial industry and its out of control business practices, but then occupy just went nuts with the destruction, anarchy and chaos.
i don't know if it comes across, but when you type Liar!!! it brings up a image that you are about to cry. Maybe try a different word. I'm here to help.
If you don't like OWS, LEAVE.
If it's a "loony left movement" and you hate it, LEAVE.
You make your motivations plain: you are not a supporter of the movement. SO WHY ARE YOU HERE on the SUPPORT SITE?
why are you here?
Reply to post below.
That's not an answer, and you know it.
If you are OPPOSED to the Occupy movement, and given that this is the OWS website.......
You continue to avoid answering the question. I wonder why.
i agreed with the original Occupy movement against the financial industry, but occupy has turned into a anarchist, anti-american, anti-Semitic movement, anti-business movement. i try to offer another view and question some of the more radical folks on this site. Why are you here?
REply to post below. You have drunk the MSM Cool Aid. There has been very little chaos or destruction. Maybe a couple of broken windows, at most, and confined exclusively to Oakland. All Occupy sites are independent of each other and autonomous, yet you are happy to paint the entire movement with a single broad brush. On top of that, the very corruption that has been pointed out, and that you NOW say OWS was correct in making an issue, is something you defend when you refuse to look at evidence of some of its players, notably the Koch Brothers. While they are certainly not alone, they are among the most pernicious actors in the national arena. Your defense of them is bizarre, and I'm being kind in describing it as such.
Regardless, you have admitted to your opposition to OWS in its current form. So WHY ARE YOU HERE on its support site? What kind of psychotic grandiosity are you acting out? Do you really believe that you will stop OWS by trolling here? Are you really that stupid and deluded?
You come here to snipe, obfuscate, and lie. There is no practical reason to do so. It will not accomplish the destruction of OWS. You just get off on it, as in masturbation.
today's issue is the written law is often unnecessarily confusing
why are you here? you are so close minded that you can't even handle an opposing view. You can't even handle an opposing view without falling apart.
Reply to your post below.
Horse shit. Your defense of the Koch brothers alone gives lie to your support of OWS.
"Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%."
Where, in that statement on the TITLE PAGE of this site, does it say that the mission of OWS is as limited as you want, limited only the the financial industry? The Kochs ARE the 1%!!! The corrupt politicians -especially the ones on the right - ARE the 1%. The corporations, ARE the 1%.
Your vision of the purity of this movement is based on your unsupported assumptions alone. It is a left wing movement. It was founded by a small group of left wing anarchists in Thompson Square Park. It was never intended to be a haven for right wingers to effect small scale financial industry reform, but broad systemic change, including adjustments to Capitalism itself. It's rallying cry is not "reform the financial industry" it is "We are the 99%". The central issue is, and always has been, economic inequity and political powerlessness of the masses. That is not a right wing agenda. It is as left wing as it gets. And if you don't support that, you don't support the movement.
carl, ows is NOT about occupy wall street. it's about creating civil and violent disorder before the november elections.
did you know that the Koch's gave only $43,000 to Governor Walker's campaign and never had met him. That's was .5% of Walker's total campaign contributions, but the left (and you) demonized them as Koch W....'s . The Union goons have trained you well. You don't even bother to look at the other side; the influence of money from the left. Yes Virginia the Unions and (left wing) millionaires and billionaires, and loaded left wing foundations do exist and theydonate to political campaigns as well.
Why are you here? Why do you need so many identities?
why are you here? you don't represent the original spirit of the occupy movement.
Why are you here and why do you need so many identities? You represent the right wing fanatics.
You Go Girl!
Smack -em, smack-em good.
Smack-em so hard his whole family asks Him what did you do "this" time?