Forum Post: Voice YOUR opinion
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:30 p.m. EST by eddieloy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Greetings fellow PATRIOTS. Thank you for your efforts... WE'RE long over-due. WE THE PEOPLE are finally demonstrating that we've long-had the means at our disposal to RETURN OUR nation to its RIGHTFUL place as the LEADER of the free world. Our founding fathers set out to establish a DEMOCRACY, and used the best means they had at their disposal in the horse-drawn era of their times. The OCCUPY MOVEMENT has already used PERCENTILE BASED opinion POLLS to measure its popularity among the American PEOPLE--- WE'RE only a TINY STEP away from ACHIEVING the GOALS of our ancestors. EVERY OCCUPY GROUP NEED only set up and secure a DAILY POLLING site whereby those who agree--- or DISAGREE--- with the (ten? fifty?) "items of daily business" , can voice their opinions, as well as submit their own ideas for consideration. The daily VOTE would be comprised of the top suggestions..... WE can have a running tally,(shown in percentiles), displayed at any meetings with our SOON-TO-BE-REPLACED, so-called political REPRESENTATIVES. If the networks can do it with dance and talent competitions--- I'm sure it can be managed by those of US who'd work to manage it. OPINION-POLLS are powerful TOOLS, WE THE PEOPLE need only use them to demand our "elected" officials IMPLEMENT the WILL of the PEOPLE, rather than use word play, gridlock, or plain-old IMPUNITY to ignore our demands. THE POWERS-THAT-BE are swiftly trying to bring about a VIOLENT END to this MOVEMENT... it's their ONLY HOPE of beating it and maintaining their grip over WE THE PEOPLE. They have no LOGIC to base any arguments on. TERROR and FORCE have long-been the LAST-RESORT of most political "officials" when they see their LUCRATIVE, HIGHLY-PROFITABLE positions of POWER and GREED threatened--- WE CAN NOT WIN BY VIOLENCE! NEITHER can "THEY"! The only outcome of a violent confrontation is to make things worse for ALL! We simply must make sure OUR OPINION is VOICED and PUBLISHED. The main-stream media "polls" will simply have to display the truth once their false and manipulated versions are revealed as such by other media,(or risk boycott). With modern communications and media, and the internet, WE THE PEOPLE can, (and MUST!, in short-order), TAKE OUR destiny back from those who have long-since usurped our right to SELF-GOVERN as it was painstakingly and heroically established by our forefathers. Help US establish a REAL and recognized VOTING-SYSTEM, where TRUE AMERICANS can REGISTER to hold fair and HONEST votes on the ISSUES and LAWS we can NO LONGER ENTRUST to the SELL-OUTS and GREEDY FEW who now manipulate them to our detriment. Sincerely, Ralph E. Loy