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Forum Post: Vital Element: Intercity Delegate System

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8:11 p.m. EST by WorkingClassAntiHero (352) from Manchester, NH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have just returned home from a multi day excursion through the occupations of Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Having now returned home to Manchester, I have found a small one here as well.

I've spent the night in each, spoken before the GAs, assisted in diffusing arguments between activists and street hecklers and have even spoken to the media a little. The movement, even by the accord of its detractors, is growing.

Throughout each city I heard the formation of demands, as well as the delegated tasks voted on by the GAs to ensure systemic solidarity within the camps themselves. Each is within their own right, doing the exact same thing as the other, with no apparent lines of direct communication.

I believe that should any on here be attending occupations, which I will resume doing this next week, that it should be important to raise the issue of electing delegates between city sites.

My travels from Manchester to Boston were $13. Boston to NY was $15. NY to Philly was $15 and Philly to Boston was $25. Not expensive at all, and for a would be organizer, activist, delegate who may be free move around so, easily accomplished.

This will provide the various occupations with communication beyond that of Twitter, so that a regional or national consensus as to what the next steps forward and what the central demand themes should be.



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[-] 1 points by alex5045 (40) 13 years ago

I suggest that we have one goal that unites us and it is that we want to get our government to reflect and represent we the people and not those the ultra wealthy. Lets not get characterized as being far out socialist liberals bent on destroying society as it is today! I am sure there are many points and goals that can be detailed in a manifesto - and I am equally sure that there are many opposing views with respect to these goals. The very word “manifesto” conjures up the aura of violent revolutionaries demands. We cannot give the small elite few who currently “run the country and make all the decisions for us” the opportunity to dismiss us as radicals. Today we cannot hold a real discussion on the merits of any of the points/demands listed in today’s manifesto - because our elected representatives reflect those who will ensure their reelection. Until we change this and get the money out of politics we will never achieve any of the points listed in today’s manifesto! Our first step - our initial goal and what I suggest should be our sole unifying goal must be that we get back control of our government. Once we have representatives and senators who understand that they are responsible to "we the people" and not a few powerful people - then and only then will we have a chance of dealing with the individual items listed in the manifesto. Once this happens we can debate taboo subjects like Forgiveness of Student Loans, Ending Foreclosures, the lack of morals and ethics on Wall Street, term limits, … I am not saying whether I am for any of these or against them - as the Arab Spring sprung from the inextinguishable requirement that “the people” have their voices heard and not only heard but listened to and acted on - we need to have representatives who represent us. This is what we need - we need go no deeper - we must have our governments' back. Once we do then true debate that does not reflect the special interests will take place … Take back what is yours … that which is ours BE YOU American, British, French, Italian, Australian, Chinese, Russian, Libyan, Tunisian, Yemeni, Syrian, WE ALL HAVE A SINGLE COMMON GOAL - IT IS TO GET OUR GOVERNMENT BACK. Alex P

[-] 1 points by WorkingClassAntiHero (352) from Manchester, NH 13 years ago

I'm with you. From what I witnessed, eliminating corporate and institutional private financing of elections and reforming and regulating lobbying activities seems to be the core message already.

However when I would arrive in a new city, they had very little news from others. It would be good to begin networking the various occupations, so that each can better communicate with the others.