Forum Post: Vision; Mission Statement; Values
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 1:24 p.m. EST by wormholes
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
These are needed in order to move forward. Period. Vision Statements need to be around 25 words. Mission Statements need to be similarly focused, with a little more description of focus. Very similar to Vision, but not exactly. Values need to be clear, but not too many. It may be best to start with Values, as these can come from the GAs and move up and down. However it is not absolutely necessary to wait to start on the V and MS, although a little harder without core values. If the Occupy movement really wants to accomplish evolutionary improvement, take the time and discipline to work on these core organizational aspects. Once determined - and it may take a few weeks, to say the least - Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Values should be EVERYWHERE and reviewed daily by ALL GAs. All newcomers will know from the get-go what is expected. IF - and that's a big IF - the Occupy movement can get these three components established, it will take on more potency.