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Forum Post: virused ..may quit..

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 2:13 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

i have been attacked by some pretty good hacker, through a firewall, its so bad that even task manager freezes. i can't open any documents right now, and thats after using system restore to even get online. I don't know how long this will last but i just wanted to let everyone know that the enemy knows what i am doing is hurting them it would be nice if my allies would clue in that what i am doing is important and begin really focusing on it with me. Esp considering that i may not be able to continue for a few days thanks to them playing dirty like this.

i again implore you all to get a wiki and 1001 sub forums up, and start open source direct democracy and science centered problem solving process. merely protesting will not achieve anything, we need a paradigm shift- protesting is really running away from the work.

An Article 5 convention is the first prong of the real answer but that will only get us shafted worse if we do not have a very strong informational revolution including a third party and including the wiki and etc. They could just suspend even having elections or even pretending to be a democracy, if we just have a convention. I hear people say "it would get the conversation started" it would get a shit storm started, and the conversation should be started first and be well under way or all that will happen is a giant argument, and then the oligarchs will use the convention to shaft us worse.

signing off potentially till i get tech help...

please follow the trail of crumbs i have left because i have spent 20 years working on all of this, and i know what it will take and whats important. thank you.



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[-] 1 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

no, that is just Windows. But I like Windows anyway.