Forum Post: violent uprising
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 8:10 p.m. EST by vothmr
from Harrisonburg, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am not a troll or anything but i was curious how many people here actually think that a violent uprising is the right course of action if their goals are not met.
My two cents = the right course of action is educating the public and OWSers about the financial and political steps, which have occurred over the last few decades to securely marry politics and the corporate world. Taking it one step further would be illustrate how these actions led up to the financial meltdown of 2008 and continues to affect the world. If everyone were more educated regarding these topics not only would there be more supporters and sympathizers, but those people would collectively call for the necessary changes.
All of this material is already available.......Unfortunately you can't convince the horse to drink even after you've led it to water.
Of course not! We have some problems yes, but nothing that would make a violent revolution necessary. Unless you're some kind of anarchist or Serbian resistance fighter that is leading this movement.
thank god some people with some sense of reason are on this forum. i don't support the OWS movement or its goals, but i CERTAINLY do not support a violent revolution of any kind. I see people saying that this is the beginning of the revolution that Marx predicted and it worries me if those people have a voice in this movement.
this will never become violent- no one wants to overthrow the government- this government is based on the bill of rights and the declaration of independence- everyone in ows loves what this country founding fathers stood for- we only want this country to return to its former greatness and human freedom. training web page GLAUCON
?? a violent uprising against one million solders with automatic weapons- probably another 500,000 cops- national guard- thousands of tanks and you get the idea- ----i think non violent resistance against oppression would be a better choice -- lol i would rather be pepper sprayed in the face then run over by a tank-
training web page glaucon
I think most realize it would be a pretty good way to end up dead or in prison.
Bad idea.
stop using my name - lol training web page GLAUCON