Forum Post: Victory at Occupy San Francisco “UNITED WE STAND! DIVIDED WE FALL!” The Cops Retreated and We Took Back the Park
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 12:34 a.m. EST by fucorporatemedia
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just got back from Occupy San Francisco. The camp was evicted at 3:00AM this morning. but we gathered in the park at 6:00 to hold our general assembly… no tents, no camp… just people assembled to freely speak. There was about 100 of us there.
The cops, about 70 of them, were lined up at the west end of the park . As they maneuvered into invasion formation, the GA facilitators called a pause is the agenda so we could discuss emergency measures during which we decided that whoever wanted to hold the park would maintain their ground and the rest of us would retreat to the parameter (it is a very small park) and remain for vocal and moral support. The cops invaded 10-15 minutes into the meeting and Occupy SF took their positions as planned.
Between 30-50 people stayed in the park; the rest of supported them from the sidewalks with chants and songs and speeches. The cops then made a huge tactical error. All 70 cops decided to position themselves solely around the park defenders and left all of us on the outside free surround them. Which we did. We surrounded the cops who were penning in our brothers and sisters and linked arms thus penning them in, as well.
It was a stand off. Our forces were thin, though. About 75 of us confronting about 70 of them. Fortunately, supporters started coming in and within a half hour we increased from one person deep to three people deep.
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"Get on your knees and pray for the cops"
Whoa, that would be an effective move if everyone suddenly dropped to their knees to pray the cops will be filled with compassion and common sense. That would be very visually cool...and the media would almost be forced to cover it...
trapping the cops seems to be a bad idea. Buy you have free choice. If i was a trapped cop I would be quite a bit more willing to shoot to protect myself. Don't ramp up violence, ramp up love. Get on your knees and pray for the cops. What will they do then? News flash Big violent cop busts head of man praying in public park.