Forum Post: Vertical farming is the answer!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 5:10 a.m. EST by WeCanSaveUs
from Pensacola, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Environmental uncertainties and an exponentially growing world wide population in combination with extremely depleted and damaged natural environments and resources lead me to believe that the answer to fix the global economy is vertical farming. We cannot keep destroying the only habitat that supports human life -EARTH Vertical farming uses sustainable technology to grow plants indoors where the production of fruits and vegetables are be perfected. LED light in combination with hydroponics allow plants to produce food in a fraction of the time it takes to grow in the traditional field method and has zero harm on the environment. There are no needs for pesticides, insecticides, herbicides. No CO2 emissions from growing procedures or transportation from harvest to sale. Worry free growing year round. With vertical farming food is able to be grown without relation to the climate; which is changing. This past year there have been many crop shortages from flood, drought, tornados, oil spills...this planet is the only one we have and i doubt there's a way for every person to be sent to mars. Throughout time food shortages have collapsed every great civilization, it's 2011... Why have we not perfected it yet.......??????EVERY HUMAN SHOULD BE ABLE TO BE FED. With vertical farming this is possible. At the cost of nothing. (excluding initial start up fees)
These amazing buildings could be made with a new line of ultra efficient Eco friendlier bulldozers, cranes, cement spinners, and diggers that could be used not only for skyscraper farms but for Americas infrastructure repairs. If enough sustainable technology is used and enough parts are able to be made from recycled materials these building would eventually cost next to nothing to build. If these vertical farms could be built with very basic recycled materials and a few green technologies it would be completely sustainable, meaning it would make pure profit; the produce and medication needed for human survival. (as many modern medicine are chemical replicas from plant bases) A need that will always be needed. A demand that will always be demanded. The recycled materials include concrete for infrastructure, metal for hydroponics support and walkways, recycled plastic for the windows and piping for the hydroponics system. It would be designed to use only the exact amount of water necessary and the nutrients needed for the plants. The nutrients will be sterilized and recycled from human and animal waste. All the piping would be able to be assembled and reassembled to accommodate for various plant species. No forest destruction for land need or card board box producti, no co2 emissions from transport. So this project not only guarantees the food supply demand and save the environment, it will create tons of jobs.
I agree