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Forum Post: Verizon's Senate

Posted 5 years ago on April 11, 2019, 1:47 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If we can not save such a basic foundation of free speech as Net Neutrality then all is lost for our democracy. That we are so used to having our freedoms filtered through the big lobby leaching fields and multinational conglomerates that we will so easily let go of this important fight says a lot about who we are as a nation. Will we so easily let go of one of the most profound information innovations the world has known, so some Verizon CEO or sharholders can have more yachts and more control of our government - or are we going to fight? This is one we can not let slide. We the people own the airways and Verizon just leases them. They belong to us. The RF Spectrum belongs to the people and access to it should not only be free and in the public domain (of course they won't ever let it) but insult to injury how dare they extort us and try to turn it into a shopping mall paved for the highest bidders and he who pays the most in rent. Any Senator who doesn't vote to return the Net Neutrality protections is not fit to serve this country - for they already kneel to their corporate master.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by elf3 (4203) 5 years ago

Millennials are brainwashed into thinking corporations are good for us and boomers are too busy counting up their shares to care. But this decision will affect the fate of freedom for every future generation to come. Restoring Net Neutrality is what PATRIOTISM looks like. We can't allow corporations domination over such a powerful communication tool as the internet. Their voices are already so much louder than all of ours combined that we can't even prevent them from turning our pockets inside out every month. How will we prevent them from lording over our failing democracy and using it as their personal PR platform? The internet would have been Hitler's best weapon. We should FEAR any entity trying to take and weild it for his own special use.

Killing the bill to restore net neutrality is treasonous. Any Senator who does should be tarred and feathered.

[-] 2 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 5 years ago

Democracy has been going down hill in America ever since "The Treaty of Paris of 1783." Allowing the English colonial forces and the Tory traitors who'd stayed loyal to the king to keep their property and positions was the turning point that steered us to this inevitable self destruction.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 5 years ago

Allowing the English colonial forces and the Tory traitors who'd stayed loyal to the king to keep their property and positions was the turning point that steered us to this inevitable self destruction.

& it wasn't an exercise in kindness thru leniency - it was done in the ages old tradition of - I just saved your ass - so if our situations should ever be reversed - I expect that you will also spare My Ass! quid-pro-quo