Forum Post: Various Options Available to Us
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 10:04 a.m. EST by Dost
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I suggest the following: 1) Build a National Progressive Movement focusing on Financial corruption, Economic Injustice, and Political Dysfunction and spell it out clearly and in detail (some people on here have done so with regard to Wall Street abuses, e.g.). 2) Use that platform to attract membership and build a base of 1000 chapters or so across the country. The Chapters would attract members through direct actions (protests, demonstrations, etc.) and educate people. 3) Education would be done through dissemination of a information in a pamphlet and other sources including a website dedicated to it along with an analysis and history of the concentration of wealth and plutocratic control of Govt. 4) Fundraising to accomplish these goals; 5) Ever massive demonstrations and protests with this focus; 6) An organization that can then consider various options--Forming a Political Party, focusing on a Constitutional Amendment and such a campaign, or getting involved in electoral politics to influence candidates ore run our own. 7) A congress representing this Progressive Political Party which would occur within a year or two.
The only other option is violent rebellion and revolution which I oppose (it would be crushed and the movement discredited). If people opt for a Massive Non-Violent Movement to continue without organization and leaders as so many seem to be suggesting, then its success depends on the support of masses of people, sustaining it, and being ever creative and promoting non-cooperation, boycotts, strikes, and occupying Washington D.C., perhaps. These are the only options, I believe.
Others here, are talking about creating our own economic institutions and a parallel economy of sorts. Fine. But then do it. Don't just talk about it and sit around on your ass, bitching and moaning. Set an example and demonstrate to others that creating our own banking system is viable and can work. I do believe it is doable but those with the experience, knowledge and time, should get it going.