Forum Post: Using Online Tools for Wave of Action, May Day & Movement Conensus
Posted 10 years ago on April 13, 2014, 9:51 p.m. EST by WaveOfAction
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Like #OccupyWallSt birthed the #Occupy tactic, call to action & community the Wave Of Action bears similar fruit
The World Wide Wave of Transformation introduced a new dynamic tactic that mixes grassroots campaign mobilization with a little flavor taken from the old world and it’s love of large scale, regular community celebrations with the #WaveOfAction Day Of Action on April 4th.
The Wave of Action which hit on April 4th brought together new & old community members was 3 months in the making.
We're working on creating a Wave for May Day: #MayDayWave.
In the past with Occupy events it's kinda been a mess coordinating.. So..
We're trying Loomio for the effort.
Anyone have thoughts on the platform?
How to respect privacy, yet confirm that those lending their voice are actual people & in what context to take their participation..
Here's the current discussion on how to handle the day's assembly.
We'd love your voices in the mix there too!
Enjoying the dialog so far! We've agreed #MayDayWave would be an easy hashtag to get goin in the short time before May 1st so far via Loomio.. Hope to hear more of you there!
I checked it out, I guess I'm not sure of what lumio has to offer besides the pie chart?
Anyways, a few things on "how to handle the days assembly" off the top of my head:
Bathrooms- This is an issue that gets addressed sometimes, but when it doesnt, its a problem. Finding stores that will allow it can get you around the port-a-potti rental if needed. We are going through that headache with MAM right now.
March route- Always helps to have a team actually walk the route before hand.
Stength in numbers- try not to plan for a fracturing of the group into too many separate activities. People see the huge crowd and realize a few things from it.
"Anyone have thoughts on the platform?
How to respect privacy, yet confirm that those lending their voice are actual people & in what context to take their participation.."
Thats a very tough obstacle to overcome with online organizing. There is no way to confirm anyone on there, and if there is a vote, who knows who is doing what.