Forum Post: Useless College Education
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 3:37 a.m. EST by NortonSound
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They fear upward mobility, the smell of sweat equity. And it is now common to hear them say; -- Why do they pursue that useless college education? Let's list the majors students graduate that we hate. Let's hate the English Major, the Business Associate the guy who takes math, Psychology will just have to go quietly, Let's put a big obstruction right in their path. Let's sell America that stupidity is the key. Then no one will sound any smarter than, me. Oh make higher education, just another place where losers gather, where they turn on the right wing radio and suck up all the made-up blather, let ignorance reign and the learning impaired lead us, that way we can get rich without ever having to strain. Give the third-degree to those who spend years in study, tear down their aspirations, We don't really give a hoot about this overregulated nation.
An education is never useless, unless we see it solely as a means to economic mobility. An education would automatically be a means to upward mobility if this society was a meritocracy. It is not. Education has a much higher value than simply financial gain. It teaches us, hopefully, what is of value and what is not of value in the human expierence. I would postulate that material gain is not the highest value of the human expierence. If you persue an education for upward mobility alone than you have no business persuing an education, (this is an aside of course to the systematic repression of learning actively persued by the corporate oligarchy). An educated citizenry is not in their interests.
First let me tell you, I believe you are an idiot. Secondly consider this: is it possible that at some point we Americans will be so poor and ignorant that the rest of the world will start to send their manufacturing jobs to us? Love that long term thinking Wall Street, thank you.
More more! Yes,that was sarcasm, but there is a movement on to discredit the college educated, now, and the poorly educated feel that it is their time to take over, but they forgot where they left the keys to the car, so not to worry.
I think he was being sarcastic.
I was being serious about GK being an idiot.
I was being sardonic about the possible future of our society. But I posed a question and didn't make a statement. What do you think about the future?
Thank you!
Isn't that what's already being done. Americans cherish Paris Hilton, not the likes of Mark Ryden. I think you're late for the party.