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Forum Post: Use your heads people!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:03 p.m. EST by ChrisArnold (68)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Its sad to see the amount of people comming forth with ignorant statements about the occupy wallstreet people being lazy and not wanting to work. It shows their lack of involvement in their communities. And the lack of thought, there just saying whats on their mind without any real consideration to the very known problems we have as a whole.

You come here to label someone without a job as lazy and not wanting a job, well ask yourself....

how many people are not working? How many jobs are availble? Do you not know what a victim to circumstance is? Are you aware that in a free market system for some to succeed, some have to fail, despite the effort they made.

What do most people want, equality.

America has always acted like it cares, it wants to help hungry people, thats why we deliver food around the world and within our country. So why does america operate in a system that allows someone who tried to fail?

Dosen't it make more since to all live good lives, exploring your passions, increasing education and health, rather than a system that requires a good portion of the population to be poor.

Health is not done out of passion for the most part, its done for money. Its a business, what does a business want, max profit. In business its more profitable to keep selling. So why produce drugs that cure, if you cure the problem, the money stops comming in. Businesses want to survive, everything in america now is about giving peopel the poorest quality shit. They want to make it look good, have flaws to leave room for updates latter, more sales.

All you old inconsiderate people can move aside, the younger generation is much more clear in their thinking, we can't help that you don't get it. Not that all older people are inconsiderate, just notice that most of the youth is on board for big change.

Why do some people need to be richer than others? Notice how its only people who have things that share that view. You want ever hear the guy who gave it his all but can't find work, or good work say he dosen't want equality.

Lots of inconsiderate people think that someone needs to be poor so they can serve them. Why?



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[-] 5 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Even if you have a good job you should protest with us, because real liberty is when it is given to us all.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

yes i know. I'm not there protesting, but i am supporting. If i comes to it i will join the revolution.

[-] 5 points by wweddingMadeintheUSA (135) 13 years ago

Boycott imported goods buy made in the USA

[-] 3 points by ConservaLib (8) 13 years ago

With you 100%. We are Red Republican Communist China's retail outlet...for their cheap, crappy, Walmart junk.

[-] 1 points by idskinner1 (29) 13 years ago

Immediately, unless it costs less.

[-] 1 points by idskinner1 (29) 13 years ago

I like the collective idea. Everyone makes the exact same money and that way it marginalizes the importance of money. Why should a farmer make less than a nuclear physicist. Both contribute and both are hopefully enjoying what they are doing.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

i know personally, i would rather be a particle physicist or theoretical physicist rather than a farmer, science is awsome. They can now change the state of matter that glass is in and turn it into a true solid(not a liquid solid) which is stronger than anyknow metal and bends like metal.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

Yes, somewhat. If there is no money to begin with, even better.

[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Rael (176) 13 years ago

Yes, the last time "most of the youth" were on board the Republicans carried 5 out of 6 of the next presidential elections. Carry on please.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

what is that supose to mean, what point are you trying to make?

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

I don't discount the value of out of work Americans. I describe out of work Americans, repeatedly, as the most highly educated and/ or skilled two generations this country has ever produced. This board undoubtedly contains very talented men and women looking to work. I cannot help it if there are ignorant fools thinking that you are doomed servants, upon the Earth and that you must be humble or else. Still, when men and women talk about revolution, anarchy or ending Capitalism, I do roll my eyes. When people discuss an Arab Spring Revolution, I ponder the military dictatorship taking hod in Egypt. If the community would think constructively, drop the Socialist revolution talk, I think this movement would attract more followers.

That what it is, it is utterly unacceptable to have two generations of Americans just take the abuse and like it are sadly mistaken. I spoke with a former CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, this very day and he is working on initiatives to get high paying careers going. When he gets back from his travels, I am gong to discuss what his plans are and I am going to offer to harmonize my interests with the advancement of his own. I take your concerns seriously and I am going to get involved in a movement to help create high paying jobs, for my own personal advancement. I would join the NYCGA, but there needs to be a reason for it. How do I get rich advancing that NYCGA? I am not a follower, so I am not interested in inspirational speeches from Socialist snake oil salesmen. Just as I must find a way to serve the interests of this former CEO to advance my interests, the NYCGA must offer me something more than drum beating left wing extremists, offering the same old 1960's mumbo jumbo.

What I will do, is write to your Assembly. If they can offer me a suggestion that will make me rich and make this former CEO a ton of money, then I will go to this CEO and I will make a high paying career creation proposal, as a member of your NYCGA. No guarantees that he will accept, but it beats face painting and chanting....

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

you must not be aware of the information availble for people to read at the occupy wallstreet. There are teachers, lawyers and colledge students educating people on american economics. Which by the way, america actuall awarded some guy a nobel prize for an economic plan which is in use and is bassed on 1% of the population controlling the majority of wealth to stimulate the econmy.

Maybe you need to learn some things, i think they have it handled.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

We shall see if they are useful. I intend to ask the NYCGA to give me a proposal to create high paying careers, since I have been invited, by a former Fortune 500 CEO, to come up with a side initiative. If I can advance my interests and more importantly the interests of this formenr CEO, maybe he will help. There is no guarantee and he is working on other initiatives. Clearly, I have an interest in serving his initiatives, to advance myself, since I am worrind about me, not about the guys in the NYCGA. I will need sometihing concrete, because I am not wasting five seconds reading through University Professor economics mumbo jumbo. I will get enough of that when I go for my D.B.A. LOL A concrete plan or nothing, This guy will kick me out the door and bill me for the wear and tear on his shoe sole, if I show up with economics abstracts. lol

[-] 1 points by ConservaLib (8) 13 years ago

Hit them where it hurts. Close your bank accounts and open new accounts in your local Credit Unions. Start a run on the banks. We can bring them to their knees along with the Executive and Legislative Branch and command their attention more than any vote will.

"What Uncle Sam giveth, We the People can TAKETH AWAY!"

[-] 1 points by idskinner1 (29) 13 years ago

And...most importantly, quit what jobs you have. It'll shut down the business. Seriously, also stop the spending. We have to collapse the system completely in order to enact the change we want. We need to get the 10 demands solidified.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

heh, i never opened one.

[-] 1 points by Chaotic (35) 13 years ago

Even those of us that work should be protesting! I am self employed and I have gone to Occupy St Louis. I spread the word where I can. I do it because I want money out of politics!

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

i'm doing what i can, i'm spreading the word to those who don't know, and debating with people who don't agree with the movment, as well as informing them if they want real news on whats going on to get there information from RussiaToday, not american media.

[-] 1 points by posh57y (2) 13 years ago

Some people just can't think for themselves. They look at the news and hear what others are saying and run with it.

If people had a job, they wouldn't be out there protesting. If people were comfortable w/ their lives, they wouldn't be out the protesting. If people felt that they were being treated fairly, they would be out there protesting.

My feelings, my statment to those out there that are hard of hearing, hard of feeling and just plain stupid... STFU! and listen to something other than Fox news. Read the papers (all of them) so that you have a well balanced amount of information from everyone; then cast your opinion.

[-] 1 points by posh57y (2) 13 years ago

Some people just can't think for themselves. They look at the news and hear what others are saying and run with it.

If people had a job, they wouldn't be out there protesting. If people were comfortable w/ their lives, they wouldn't be out the protesting. If people felt that they were being treated fairly, they would be out there protesting.

My feelings, my statment to those out there that are hard of hearing, hard of feeling and just plain stupid... STFU! and listen to something other than Fox news. Read the papers (all of them) so that you have a well balanced amount of information from everyone; then cast your opinion.

[-] 1 points by chigrl (94) 13 years ago

"All you old inconsiderate people can move aside, the younger generation is much more clear in their thinking, we can't help that you don't get it."

How can you say you are for equality when you are blatantly discriminating against old people and people who don't share your views?

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

you clearly didn't read any further than that sentence. Directly after that sentence a i said, not all older people. I was simply making the point that in a compairson, more than likely you would find that in a poll, age 35+ vrs age 34-, you would find that there are more supporters in the young crowd than the older one.

And i'm not in power do over rule people who don't share my views. But don't contidict yourself, i want equality, and my views stand for equality. Equality (Everyone of equal wealth, that includes old people)

[-] 1 points by chigrl (94) 13 years ago

Yes, I did read further than that sentence. You are still discriminating against "inconsiderate old people" whether or not there are considerate old people telling them to "move aside" and let the young people take over. Also, I didn't know 35 was old. Also, you should check the spell check on your computer....or think before you post.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

You got the point didn't you....or did you ? I don't discriminate on age, i don't care what your age is....the point i was making that your not understanding is more older people aren't for equality, you really want to debate a cap on age to decide whats alright to label old? How about actually having something intelligent to discuss. Sorry for my poor choice of words, but i do not hate on people for there age, i don't hate at all really, i just don't agree with the all for yourself life style.

Also i'm not actually suggesting old people move aside, but old beliefs which the majority of the older community share.

[-] 1 points by nodedog (16) from Santa Fe, NM 13 years ago

This is just something from the teaparty playbook. It is not very creative or even effective.

[-] 1 points by cythara (11) 13 years ago

You have to get used to ignoramuses like that. Just ignore them They are plants from the Republican and Democratic parties waging psychological war against OWS.

[-] 0 points by schnitz38 (4) 13 years ago

Someone needs to wage war against this movement. OWS was named by a Canadian, anti capitalist, anti semtic magazine owned by George Soros!!!! Do your homework!! You're being used!!

[-] 1 points by cythara (11) 13 years ago

George Soros is Jewish.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

who cares who started it, there are lots of intelligent people out ther who want equality for all, someone else could have started it....but we are taking it.

[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

If my being used as a member of OWS wakes people up to the fact that they are being enslaved by the greed of Wall Street and those who operate our government then that is a use I willing accept on myself.

[-] 1 points by Flsupport (578) 13 years ago

So while advocating "war" you are trying to be the adult in the room?