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Forum Post: Use "like" against them

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 4:05 p.m. EST by rew (2) from Vancouver, BC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Does anyone else find it ironic when huge corporations beg us to "like" them on facebook? If they really wanted us to like them, they'd behave in a more likeable manner.

Clearly it has an impact that they benefit from or they wouldn't get so worked up over it. They don't really care if we like them, they are simply exploiting these sites for free advertising and increased revenue. In fact, I recently read that the simple click of a like, or up/down button on sites like "StumbleUpon.com" is killing traffic on the websites of smaller businesses.

This made me think, why not use it against them, and take back the terms "like" and "friend" at the same time. Seek out corporations on sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and StumbleUpon and dislike, unfriend, arrow down your heart out, and tell your friends to do the same. It may seem like a meaninglessly small thing, but not in numbers. It's a real and effective way of not only showing your displeasure but also hitting them where it hurts. Their urgency for your positive reaction on these sites proves that it has an effect.



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[-] 1 points by Mwrip (3) from New Haven, CT 13 years ago

The whole point of likes is to be a system of direct referral, which is the most effective type of advertising - whether it's a megacorp trying to sell something, a tiny company (or one guy) promoting a creative project, or yes, a movement. It's a tool, plain and simple. Tools are not good or evil, but they can be used for either. It's up to the individual user to decide which things are actually worthy of an announcement that you "like" them..

My main caution would be to keep it within reason. A single like or tweet, putting it in your forum sig (on other sites), and things like that are a great way to promote the movement so people click out of curiosity and learn about it. Doing it excessively however, is spam, and isn't accomplishing anything except getting people to ignore it along with the rest of the spammy groups.

[-] 1 points by rew (2) from Vancouver, BC 13 years ago

I understand your point Mwrip, but I think it's acceptable to "spam" in this case. The reason spam has become the bane it is is because it's effective, and the corporations would use it liberally against us if they could. The entire point of my suggestion is to use these proven tactics against them. They can discredit the protests through the media with lies and misdirection. They are not worried about the negative association or reflection upon them. Likewise, I am not if the cause is just.

[-] 1 points by Cafree (80) 13 years ago

I'll pass along your idea but, I don't use FB, too much spying going on there.

[-] 1 points by rew (2) from Vancouver, BC 13 years ago

Thx Cafree! Like "pay it foreward" passing it on is the power and the point.

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 13 years ago

This is a good tactic for those at home to use,.

[-] 1 points by o0snipabolt0o (6) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Im in