Forum Post: USDA to Give Monsantos New GMO Crops Special Speed Approval
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 24, 2012, 7:57 a.m. EST by BradB
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you thought Monsanto’s lack of testing on their current GMO crops was bad before, prepare to now be blown away by the latest statement by the USDA. Despite links to organ damage and mutated insects, the USDA says that it is changing the rules so that genetically modified seed companies like Monsanto will get ‘speedier regulatory reviews’. With the faster reviews, there will be even less time spent on evaluating the potential dangers. Why? Because Monsanto is losing sales with longer approval terms. ........
For a very interesting insight into 'Monsatan' and its working practices, please do try to make some time to watch the extremely revealing documentary film :
fiat lux ...
good morning, lover
WTF ?!!! All over a tongue in cheek 'Joy Division' track ?!! Steady and sorry 'Arthur ... I'm strictly into 'Martha' & I'm very much spoken for ! I might have linked to a tune at this point but you'll only contrive to get the wrong idea so 'ho-hum' and ad iudicium !
Interesting, hope this shit doesn't go unchallenged.
If monsanto goes through with this then their 'right' to deliver GMO seeds will trample my right to grow 'heirloom' seeds in my garden because of cross pollination.
Once again the rights of the corporation trumps the rights of actual persons.
lets all think of good meanings for GMO i will go first:
Gay Mens Organization- they're into speed i think...
If you thought Monsanto’s lack of HIV testing on his current Gay Male Organization crops was bad before, he's now prepared to blow the entire USDA. Despite links to organ damage and mutilated anal canals, the USDA says that it is changing the rules with some chains, a lubricated baseball bat and a ton of speed. With the faster reviews, there will be even less time spent on evaluating the potential dangers. Why? Because Monsanto is horny as shit