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Forum Post: usacts.org vote on issues!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 3:04 p.m. EST by joannebock (0) from Leslie, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You can have a voice with US Acts! Please visit our website at www.usacts.org and let's decide what issues to present to the whole United States. US Acts! creates voting on issues of importance for our communities, our counties, our states and our nation. This is the time to put some issues to a vote and have every registered voter presented to our representatives, our media, and our people. Register today! If you can't pay the registration fee, register anyway. We want to put these issues to a vote and get results that last. We are the Red Cross for voters. We are not associated with any organization or group. Just let us know what issues should be voted on, and we will present them to the nation for a vote.
Thank you, JoAnne Bock President US Acts! (and currently so poverty stricken my mom had to pay my phone bill) I care, let's team up together, coalate our interests and take a stand that will have to be listened to!



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