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Forum Post: "USA" is the best book I have ever read!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 7:20 a.m. EST by MrWombat (124)
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You got people selling -themselves- out for $1 sandals, you got people begging for the opportunity to become a$$-licking slaves working minimum wage in a right to work state, you have a supposedly democratic republic that goes against the people they supposedly work for in plain sight, you got rich bankers and multinationals crying that the displaced are "oppressing them with class warfare!!! And they want to starta trade war with China who is like - TOTALLY INNOCENT AND HONORABLE!!!", you got average people calling Nader, McKinney and Kucinich a "bunch of kooks and tiny people!" while supporting obviously incompetent representatives like Obama, Bush or McCain, you have successfully turned people who would normally be Progressive into a bunch of xenophobic racists and nationalists, other progressives advocating their own demise so they won't be racist, you have people who advocate the values of the Old Testament by its every word who decry Sharia law, you see a revival of the ideas in "The Leviathan" in the supposed "Land of the Free! The Home of the Brave!"...

Yeah I have to say I love this book. I laughed. I cried. I screamed at the characters often. I have this book on my bedside table, on top of the sink in the bathroom and on my coffee table.

Best part - I bought it for $10 at Walmart. Yeah b1tches!!!



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