Forum Post: USA has gone from a nation of laws to a nation of men making laws in secret
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 8:02 a.m. EST by Scout
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" Leading American Internet businessmen warn that the draconian copyright bill on the verge of being passed by Congress would let the US government use censorship techniques “similar to those used by China, Malaysia and Iran.”
SOPA & PIPA BILLS Must be fought.You can get info on these either by googling it or you can go to the techdirt website where us techies hang out at.We have known about these Bills for months now and I have tried to warn as many as I can all the time. OWS You must organize a Nationwide March on Washington and do it quickly before we lose a good chunk of our free speech. WAKE UP !!!
This is a hideous betrayal of the promise of America. And Obama is simply the front man for the destruction of America.
Are you kidding? Im subject to more laws than I know what to do with..
We've gone from laws against what's wrong to laws which give the 1% near boundless control.
But wait there's more 'The no derivatives left behind" act of 2005. This law gives derivatives priority in a bankruptcy deal. Remember that AIG bailout you were against because it seemed like a ridiculous giveaway to Goldman sakes? well Goldman was never going to loose any money if AIG went bankrupt ---they and all the counter parties in the CSD's deals had first grab to any of AIG's assets. Then comes the bondholders and last comes you and your annuity or homeowner policy or life policy or bank deposits To put it simply the tiny overseas casino wing of your insurance company or bank can suck up all the assets of that company legally with a bad bet or two. read more here
anyone who has any money in any markets today must have rocks in their head
How do you feel about having your money in a big bank? Oddly enough the stock market must have put some firm rules in after 1929 so stocks are no where near as scary as these deregulated banks. The main scary thing about stocks is the deleveraging that happens when some of these bond or swaps deals go bad. Everybody has to sell their solid assets to meet margin calls so they dump a bunch of stocks, in case you were wondering what happened to your 401k.
The banks have already done this to our real property recording system -- see current issue of Harper's Magazine:
Stop Payment! A Homeowner's Revolt Against the Banks by Christopher Ketcham
"What's happened," said Christopher Peterson, a law professor at the University of Utah who has written extensively about MERS, "is that almost overnight we've switched from democracy in real-property recording to oligarchy in real-property recording." The county clerks who established the ownership of land, who oversaw and kept the records, were democratically elected stewards of those records, said Peterson. Now a corporation [MERS] headquartered outside Washington, D.C., oversaw the records. "There was no court case behind this, no statute from Congress or the state legislatures," Peterson told me. "It was accomplished in a private corporate decision. The banks just did it." Peterson said it was "not a coincidence" that more Americans than at any time since the Great Depression were being forced out of their homes just as records of home ownership and mortgages were transferred wholesale to a privatized database.
and how will that change? Few resist the corruption that comes with power.
While we cherish our founding fathers, lets not forget the blemishes on our history. Jefferson, in a position of authority, impregnated a woman that he "owned". When faced with the truth, we sugar coat it with the saddest reasoning possible. It was rape. Let's not go back there and not question their ethics. To do so would be to ignore inherent and persistent downfalls.
America shifts from one movement to the other. There is no solidarity, only patronage for different gods mimicking a charge. For this we're told to pay homage.
No man nor group is capable or deserving of power. There is corruption in all.
The only real change is change itself. Perpetual revolution.
The king is dead! Long live the king!