Forum Post: US wealth inequity statistics causes on-air reporter meltdown
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 23, 2012, 7:21 a.m. EST by Underdog
from Clermont, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Below link to my second animation video, with Wikipedia statistics and some comedy thrown in. Rated PG-13.
hehehehe ;)
Glad you liked it. I'm having fun with these at the moment. Never did anything like this in my life. I'm no animator at all, and have no desire to get into it. But the xtranormal site makes it so easy, even a total hack like me can do it.
Total time invested, about 8 hours. Total money invested, ten dollars and NO dollars for my first video called "Conversation with Bill Billionaire", also posted elsewhere on these forums.
Give it a shot Brad. Let your creative juices flow and who knows what you might produce!
That is so great, Underdog. Thanks! It isn't easy to keep our sense of humor when going over such heinous facts on "wikeepedia." Excellent.
Thanks so very much! This video and my previous one "Conversation with Bill Billionaire" are the only animated videos I have ever made in my life. Actually, the xtranormal site makes it so easy, you don't even have to be an animator at all (which I am not). Basically all you do is just type your script in, make some tweeks on facial expressions and gestures, and your done.
Go out and give it a try. Maybe you'll come up with a real gem that will go viral...:-)
I didn't realize you made it, Underdog. Bravo!
Loved it.More please.
For the moment, I find creating these little vids pretty fun. If I can think of a good script, I'll probably try another one soon.
Thanks for your support. I'm totally new at this, with no animation experience at all. The xtranormal site makes it really simple. Go give it a try and see what you can come up with. All you have to do is type a script in for the two characters and put in some facial and gesture tweeks, and that's it.
Beats watching TV any day!
How right you are Underdog,TV blinds our third eye.
well done... good points made.... is this the new form of creative painting, perhaps?
Thanks, I appreciate it. Go out to the xtranormal site and play around with it and you'll produce something like this (or probably better) too. Very easy to use. No animation exp. or talent required (I have none). If you can type, you can do this too. I was amazed at what a person can do with so little effort.
Funny! Good find.
Thanks. I appreciate it. It was only my second attempt at using the xtranomal animation software. It's very easy to use. If you can type, you can create one of these yourself. I have had no prior animation experience in my life. This took about 8 hours from start to finish.
So maybe you can put something together and get your view out there too!