Forum Post: US Urges Americans To Leave Syria "Immediately"
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 9:10 p.m. EST by Scout
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
this is absolutely crazy behaviour by a country that is essentially bankrupt plus it is immoral and illegal to keep participating in the removal of the leaders of other countries. if America attacks Syria it will open up Pandora's box
I don't think we have any intention of attacking Syria, but it would be a good idea to get out because a civil war might errupt. Besides, any time the government starts gunning people down for protesting, it might be a good sign to get the hell out.
and who are you exactly? I think there is absolutely no limit to the crazy behaviour of this administration in collaboration with the Zionist Banksters. they can see the writing is on the wall for Europe and America and the game of extend and pretend is almost up and probably war is the only ' way out '
I am no one, but this is my cause!
I support your cause! But I don't support what USA has done in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya. But to take on Syria will also mean taking on Iran China and Russia and it could only be interpreted as a death wish for USA
If you have time, feel free to comment on my post. The KTC welcomes all the support we can get.
Keep an eye on AFRICOM as well. Libya is only the beginning.
"U.S. Africa Command a Tool to Recolonise Continent"
Independent reporters (not affiliated to the MSM) say that the killing is done by hired mercenaries (like it was the case in Libya). Of course CNN and the rest of the whores won't say that, they'll make us believe that it's Assad doing the killing. In short, Libya 2.0. Anyway here's one example:
this is not Libya 2 by a long way. not if Iran, China and Russia join in against US and Israel . this will be the beginning of the end game. Maybe this is what those in real power want i.e. to cull the worlds population by 60%
you see it's already happening
Forum Post: Russia Retaliates Against US: Puts Radar Station On Combat Alert !
Syria?? Are you Serious??
I have absolutely no idea what your point is?
Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, ...
Agreed, and only 2 comments. It shows you how little people care about these wars. More concerned about f'n money and wealth distribution. What a sad society America has become.
Syria is no joke. Provoking Iran to make a move to protect Syria could result in a serious conflict!
I agree, it is troubling to me that OWS is not addressing our myriad wars and our even more menacing prospects.