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Forum Post: US Success: Afghan Children die of cold in camps

Posted 12 years ago on May 11, 2012, 10:02 a.m. EST by bklynsboy (834)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

After 11 years and trillions of dollars that enrich the 1%, we still can't get it right. These refugee camps are around the capital of Kabul. Over 28 children younger than 5 died from exposure. But the US is diligent in paying off Karzai, propping up his government with billions of US taxpayer dollars a year and keeping his drug kingpin brother safe.




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[-] 2 points by jgriff (6) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Protect the heroin trade and keep pressure on Iran and Russia. The nation is led by war criminals.

[-] 1 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Karzai's brother, drug kingpin. We prop them up.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Sad sad sad.

This is why I refuse to support any pro-war candidate.

[-] 1 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

The MIC owns both parties and the pres. Endless war for profit.

[-] 1 points by Slabbers (10) 12 years ago

Why don't the Afghans them selves help those poor children?

[-] 1 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

I think you hit upon the key to differences in cultures and civilizations that guarantee we will never succeed in nation building in the region.

[-] 1 points by TheTrollSlayer (347) from Kingsport, TN 12 years ago

28 children younger than 5 died from exposure IN ONE MONTH. Here is more ways they've lost the hearts and minds of the people. What bozo's have been in charge.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

good post

[-] 0 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

It shows the absolute hopelessness and ignoring facts from the top down on why this will never succeed and blow back in our faces. Yet Panetta and the rest continue this tragedy, all to MIC lobbyists and war profits.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 12 years ago

I read about this. It's as bad as the human loss in Sudan and many other parts of the world.

But don't be forgetting the hundreds of thousands of Americans living rough in the streets, scrounging for food.

Charity starts at home.

If a country can afford to send thousands of troops to other countries fighting for "the flag" rather than for "freedom", why is there no public outcry about all the people "back home" that have no roof over their heads?

Or is this the twisted way that the 1% guarantees there will be enough cannon fodder signing up to go to war for them?

[-] 0 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Absolutely! Take care of our own first. Wash. State can't afford whooping cough treatments. Calif is cutting services because it has multi billion debts. Cities are shutting street lights bec. they can't afford the electric bill. We have a higher mortality rate and shorter life span than half the world. America crumbles as we build more jets, carriers, bombs and subs. endless war for profits for the 1%.

[-] 0 points by SteveKJR (-497) 12 years ago

Have you forgotten about the people in this country who have died because of "violence". Which is more important to put an effort towards stopping?

[-] 2 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Absolutely just as valid. My point is US interventions kill civilians and take money away from aid to Americans. US crumbles while MIC gets rich from endless wars.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago


[-] 2 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

I think change can occur if enough congressmen hear from their voters.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Yes, and they are going to hear.

[-] 1 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

But the lame stream media ignores or buries truth.

[-] 0 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Most Americans won't bat an eye over this, they care about having Starbucks and access to hot coffee on every corner. The lamestream media won't even inform the public of these things. My local news channel reports the latest American Idol results, the daily weather, and whatever event they can find to sensationalize for ratings.

[-] 0 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Except when Hilary wants to do regime change or a war and visits places like Libya , Syria and Yemen where gets it into the press.

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

The goal of lame stream media is to romanticize foreign policy and reaffirm that Americans are still the bright little moral darlings of the world..bringing hope and democracy...blah..blah

[-] 3 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Yes, and sell the policies that enrich the 1%.

[-] 0 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

Couldn't agree with that more. They sold their souls

[-] 1 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Bottom line is it's all for profit.

[-] 0 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

At first I didn't want to accept your first sentence. But yeah, you're right. As long as it's happening to 'Muslims' on the other side of the world, most people really aren't going to care. But in the U.S. as soon as a brother gets killed for walking down the street and eating some skittles, that's all we seem to care about for the next three months.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

That's cold-blooded, man. Don't demean the victim because the media is using the incident as a smoke screen to keep our focus off larger issues. Not only is it common practice in an election year, it's pretty much standard operating procedure for the MSM.

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

You're right. I guess it's offensive to state the truth without being politically correct.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

I wasn't thinking p.c. as much as respect for the grieving family. I've never been a fan of so-called 'political correctness,' which at its best is euphemistic and at its worst, double-speak.

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

Understood. I would go back and edit, but it's unethical to edit something once someone has already commented.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

What sucks the most about it, and most of these comments reflect this, is how selective the media is, based on which way they want to sway public opinion, not only in what they report but in how they report it. Using an up-to-date photo of Zimmerman and an old photo of Trayvon is a prime example. They'll exploit tragedies especially, since they get most people's immediate attention.

[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

There is nothing unethical about editing what you said, in fact it is the opposite. Please edit what you wrote above. Don't leave that there.

[-] 0 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

There is no need to use offensive and demeaning labels.

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

Nope. I guess not. I'll try harder to make sure everyone is happy and agrees with me next time I post something.

[-] -1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

You should try harder to be decent - not because it has anything to do with placating people - but because it says a lot about your character.

[-] -1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Thank you for post.

[-] -1 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Where's Hillary on this disaster? She's cries for Libya, Syria, yemen, but is silent. where's the UN? Where's the public outrage?

[-] 0 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

All so strange. NATO and our military is there, and could furnish more humanitarian aid. Going to write elected officials. Let's start by keeping this thread bumped to top of page for visibility.

[-] 1 points by bklynsboy (834) 12 years ago

Another tragedy is the burn pits US soldiers use to get rid of waste. Open air buning spewing carcinogens and nervous system destroyers breathed by all including natives and Americans. Many extremely sick, and in US military hospitals. This poison also goes in the food and ground water. Hi infant death rates there.

[-] 0 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Thank you for this info. US is doing a lot of damage.